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Everything posted by blazes

  1. Prostate playing up???
  2. Just to clarify "only one 30 day extension of a visa exempt entry": You could however (am I correct) go Enter = 45 plus one extension = 30 (total 75 days) Now leave the country Return with 45 days PLUS another 30 day extension (total 75 days) Am I correct or is this 2nd 30 days not allowed?
  3. Mind you, all universities in the West charge differential fees to foreign students, often close to 3 times what domestic students have to pay. While the foreigners actually can attend real-live classes, they are basically paying thousands of dollars for precisely...nothing. (A bit like visiting a Thai national park.)
  4. ???? one way from where to where??? Why not book one-way BKK to SGN (Ho Chi Minh City) for about $50 (cancellable once in Bkk)?? This is all you need to show you're going to be a good boy and get the fk out of there in good time....
  5. Er, Chomper, my good man, who exactly are these other "employees and customers" you are introducing to this topic?
  6. And in the meantime, here are you (surely not an authoritarian?) telling us that the presumably wholesome HR training you mention is indeed the "correct" way to behave!!! Human relations training?? That's a joke, isn't it? The sort of HR "training" thrust upon employees these days (if you work for a woke company) involves admitting that because you are white you are by definition racist. Such mindlessly divisive racist instruction of course leads to the very racist attitudes it was supposed to eradicate. Inhuman relations more like....
  7. Good for a few extra votes in the hippie demographic....(although they might not notice the generous act through the fumes).
  8. The only one worth visiting is Doi Intanon. Gives you a day's break from the heat (without having to hang out in a mall). It's high enough for you to notice the thinness of the oxygen.
  9. As a citizen of one of the top 10 cities in the world, I can assure anyone who's read this far that my city, beset with the problems of homelessness (sorry, of the "unhoused"), and with police underfunding, and with mindless construction of impossibly high condo buildings, is blushing (if cities could blush) at this undeserved ranking.
  10. Might be worth waiting to see markets' reaction to this coming Friday's release of the September non-farm payrolls.
  11. Oooh, scientists? (In medieval times, the priests of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church were the ones who had to be obeyed, often on pain of death for those who disobeyed. Today, scientists have taken over that role, and they too have punishments they can mete out. Instead of facing an inquisition, today's scientists have "peer review" to censure dissenting voices.) Scientists are human and are as fallible as any of us on this thread. As academics, they must all sing from the same hymn sheet (regarding whatever the "consensus" may be on any particular subject at the moment). Any dissenting voice regarding the consensus will soon find his or her research grants from government or corporations drying up. And academic "manhood" is determined ONLY by the number of research grants you receive. Cancellation (career stagnation) awaits those who sing off-key....
  12. In the face of this breathtaking naïveté about the way government policy is constructed, all one can say is perhaps well summed up in this shameful (actually, shameless) claim made before a recent murderous invasion: "Weapons of mass destruction."
  13. What was it like? $crewing a corpse? No KY? Difficult job, no?
  14. You switched subject and gender mid sentence or what? Clearly you did not read attentively and notice that Luuk Chaai had switched from the (alas) POTUS to the "vice" potus. Thus from ...er...male to (apparently) female. Don't know about vice, but anyone who saw her trying to savage Justice Kavanaugh at his confirmation hearing will know that she is definitely vicious.
  15. Well, did you (mind)?????
  16. Rather a simple, old-fashioned, my-country-right-or-wrong view. In all the years since WW2, with all those American invasions into 3rd world countries, did Washington ever think to ask the people of those countries whether they wanted the murderous "help" America delivered from the sky by napalm? No, thought not.
  17. I did (think again) and find the exact same answer through a lifetime of seeing American failure after failure after failure to impose its view of the world upon one 3rd world country after another. It's only just over 12 months since the shameful retreat from Afghanistan after 20 years of showing the Taliban and company the values of the Western way of life. You'd think someone in Washington would, after all these failures, "think again".
  18. Precisely the one thing that will guarantee the war will go on and on. Who benefits from this war supported by the American taxpayer to the tune of (at least) $39 billion? The main beneficiaries clearly (see their stock price increases through this year) are Northrop Grumann Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and other such armament manufacturers. It has been ever thus, via Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and all similar countries who failed in some way to toe the Western political line.
  19. The absence of a nincompoop like Biden from this or any other conference worldwide is a matter for celebration. If he attended the meeting he would probably assume that Prayut was a Christian with a name like that. But fear not, he is sending the brilliant VICE president to do the heavy lifting, the woman who just this week referred to the Republic of NORTH Korea as having been in an alliance with the US since 1953. She uttered these breathtaking words at the DMZ, which, one would think, might have helped her to distinguish between North and South.
  20. I'd have to agree that Sterling plays much better when he is on the right.....
  21. Am I Am I the only one who thinks that the phrase "hit the ground running" is the worst cliché ever imposed on the English language and that it should be banned as a form of hate-speech upon said language? Needless to say, it is most frequently used by losers about to take over some job previously occupied by yet another loser.....
  22. My guess would be that Trump did the cowardly thing and refrained from pardoning because he didn't want to be called (for the umpteenth time) a "Russian asset." Trump tested the wind and saw that pardoning Snowden would not be good for business. (Might even encourage the perpetual liar Adam Schiff to try another impeachment.)
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