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Everything posted by blazes

  1. It gets very cold in Budapest and Prague in winter. That Russian gas will be very welcome in December....
  2. Surely any further delay and totally fraudulent excuses for ignoring the will of the BKK people will be followed by immense demos all over the city. Could those in charge of the "bureaucratic system" risk demos of a million or more angry people?
  3. Yes, and that "respect" is shown at its very best on the roads of Thailand.....
  4. At the end of the day, who (if he's a man and not a birthing person) would spend 85,000 baht on a sodding necklace?
  5. Freeland is Trudeau's stooge, the minister who froze the bank accounts of citizens who financially supported the peaceful truck protesters in Ottawa last January. Unlike the oligarchs, those citizens were not given the possibility of "negotiating" their way out of a frozen bank account. This proposal to negotiate with the rich Russians suggests that the whole sanctions game is not going too well.
  6. Yet another falang who believed, tragically, that marked pedestrian crossings were there for their protection, like back home. RIP
  7. This is a quite extraordinary response. If you don't agree with something, call that something "anti-semitic" (just as the authoritarian [your word] countries around the world are "cancelling" [read, "censoring"] all opinions in opposition to the dominant ideology of the small band of "progressives" with loud voices. But as to Soros: Jewish though he is, his opposition to the state of Israel would in most circumstances be labelled "anti-semitic" ( the same kind of pro-Palestinian terrorist support that leaks into the attitudes of the British Labour Party and which, under Corbyn, resulted in an upsurge in anti-semitisim in that party). So, what goes around comes around and Soros supports anti-semitic movements.
  8. Soros has meddled in a lot of countries' elections (thus helping to subvert democracy - most famously over Brexit) - and has tossed much money in the direction of that famous war criminal, Tony Blair. Perhaps his character has been best summed up by Soros himself: "I have always harboured an exaggerated view of my self-importance. To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of God". Soros, The Alchemy of Finance, p.372.
  9. The vile Trudeau would give his odd socks to have the approval ratings of Joe Biden (and we all know how high the latter are!).
  10. You forget to add that Trump had 10 million more votes than he had in 2016 against Mrs Clinton.
  11. Bankruptcy is not good for business....
  12. Talking of hair, why omit Mr Joseph Biden, who has spent most of his public life sniffing the hair of unwilling (to-be-sniffed) women....
  13. What a terrible piece of journalism (though typical in UK and USA on this subject), happily passing on the questionable science of the IPCC, which itself is a biased UN organization using computer models that make assumptions about the future rendered skewed by the biases of those scientists working for governments and NGOs around the world (but especially in the UK and USA). Note how the media (and scientists) have changed the buzz word in the last decade from "global warming" to "climate change" which seems vaguely threatening, but in fact I would hazard a guess that most people would prefer a warming climate than a cooling one. There has always been climate change throughout the last 800,000 years, and that will always be so. At least ALL scientists can agree on that. But what propaganda pieces like this never discuss is the way CO2 emissions restrict the escape of the earth's natural radiation (and warmth) into the cool depths of space, and so keep the warmth at home. At the same time, it behooves all of us (I hope we agree) to reduce pollution wherever we can, but pollution is a different (and more important) subject than climate change.
  14. Maybe if our general catches Covid while in the US, he can call upon Admiral Levine, the Assistant Secretary of Health, to attend upon him.
  15. What a 100% idiot. Yet another reason for tourists to avoid Thailand. Does this shower not see that "Thailand's standing abroad" has never been lower?
  16. Perhaps it's time for Thailand to invite Vietnam to invade it (LoS), so that Prayut could then do a Zelinsky and beg for new weapons for free and hoover up part of the $39 billion that is presently (this week) being shipped over to Ukraine to support the Ukrainean bureaucracy.... And where does Biden actually get all those billions from, money which would be much better spent on American infrastructure problems, such as dealing with all the illegal immigration at the southern border....?
  17. A property costing $500,000 (anywhere in the world) will cost you 272 ounces of gold as of 4 pm Pacific ST on Tuesday May 10. The gold bugs tell us that when Armageddon finally arrives (assuming we're not already here), we will need loads of gold just to go out and buy a loaf of bread (or bag of rice). Personally I have not met one person who owns even one ounce of gold (except maybe "accidentally" in a watch or necklace).
  18. Well, Phetkassem Road is certainly not "sleepy". If they are going to improve "infrastructure" (as the article says), the best thing for HH would be a Ring Road, a road to take from the city centre the mad stream of endless insane traffic that afflicts the city. To be able to cross this dangerous road in something like peace and tranquility would make HH more "sleepy" AND more vibrant!!
  19. Well, if this week's mass hysteria in the so-called "progressive" media is anything to go by, the next "manufactured" hysteria is already upon us: Elon Musk has dared to challenge the Twittersphere's censorship monopoly. Pravda's children are not amused.
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