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Everything posted by blazes

  1. what an amazing expenditure of emotional energy!!
  2. Speculation (what you are accusing me of!) I will repeat, to satisfy your desire to know how conspiratorial your speculation is, that you should follow all the questions and answers in the inquiry that took place this last week in Ottawa. You can find a précis in places like the Globe and Mail and the National Post. (Btw, this whole thread follows upon, is dependent upon, this parliamentary inquiry.)
  3. You tell me what an unvaccinated Canadian was doing in the USA in the first place. All I know (which you can easily confirm by consulting news outlets at the time) is that one of the main impulses behind the convoy was the huge delays caused by the prevention of unvaccinated Canadian truckers re-entering their own country.
  4. Yes, because those same truckers were not denied entry into the US of A, whereas they were denied entry, if unvaccinated, into Canada. Not only did this insane demand threaten loss of jobs in Canada, many businesses suffered financial loss by the holding-up of trucks at the border. (Just by the way, those truckers were the least likely travellers to cause the spread of the already-in-decline virus. )
  5. Again , ignorance of the situation in Canada. This last week has been taken up with a parliamentary inquiry into why Trudeau found it necessary to proclaim the Emergencies Act. In the course of the week, senior police and security officials have admitted that there was no foreign interference. Also, to correct you further (surely you must be American?), the (Canadian) truckers were being forced to be vaccinated if they wanted access to Canada. They were specifically protesting the denial of their right to work and make a living bringing in provisions to all Canadians. Before demonstrating your ignorance, it would be advisable to do some reading on the subject, especially since this has been leading the news all week in all media in Canada.
  6. clearly, you don't have the faintest idea what you are talking about (and should be ashamed of your ignorance - especially when it is so clearly just that, ignorance). Trudeau was indeed voted out in 2019, and had to try and govern with a minority. Seeing that minority government made it difficult to be a dictator, he called another election in 2021, after scattering dollars from helicopters during the pandemic. Once again, the people rejected him, and he was forced to make "friends" with the NDP, a minor party who have agreed, in return for some social goodies, to support him and keep him in government until 2025. Clear now? As for your "idiots" comment: you have not the faintest idea how a modern capitalist society operates. Without thousands of truckers delivering the goods day after day, year after year, at great risk to their own health, the comfortable life you enjoy in your urban setting would be impossible. Think about it. Sorry if it's confusing....
  7. Yes, but female, unless I am much mistaken (who has therefore lived a much cleaner life than most of the posters here.)
  8. Marry a thin pooying. Problem solved.
  9. The great thing about Death is that you don't have to worry any more about...anything! You don't even have to join threads like this, cos you won't know about them....
  10. or Mr Joseph Biden for that matter....
  11. Don't worry, bach. Wales will tear the English apart next week. Back to Blighty with their tails between their legs. Happy Christmas (or Nadolig Llawen).
  12. Pray do inform me and all the listening masses on AN where I should turn to obtain these "better sources". I tremble in anticipation. Where will he send me? CNN? BBC? Guardian (god forbid?); NYT? (again, god forbid) and so on and on...nowhere to turn? More to the point: where do I turn to find journalists who ask awkward questions, not powder-puff questions that are easily swatted aside?
  13. Pathetic to the nth degree.....
  14. Maga cap???? Shudder. Patriot? <deleted> is a patriot? Not, I hope, someone who advocates for war at every opportunity...
  15. Neither could I (care less about Markle bull$hite) nor am I a Trumpist, but I would assert (just an opinion) that about 98% of what passes for news and comment is just BS, and at worst, plain old lies. I mean, when a politician (of any party, anywhere) starts yapping about X or Y, you'd have to be very dumb not to be able to "read his lips" and see how much he actually says is (not) based upon some Platonic "Truth" that exists, somewhere, out there in the ether..... Lying does not make a politician evil....it's just that there are agendas more important than him or her that must be served. And of course all politicians are "perfect" and "stable" (until they're not).
  16. Thank you, Liz Cheney, for reminding us of that terrible day...
  17. Which is why alternative facts are not real facts. I look forward to some softball interviewer on some future occasion challenging Ms Markle and her "truth", saying "but, Ms Markle, surely you're not saying that your truth is just alternative facts?"
  18. Sorry, Squire, but I'm feeling a bit dumb today, but how about this sentence: "I hate white people who behave like devils". Is that hate speech? if not, why not?
  19. "alternative facts" is what Her Majesty the Queen characterised as "others will have different recollections" and what Megan Markle calls "my truth."
  20. Excellent insight (for once). So, now you see why Musk wanted to take over Twitter and maybe discover precisely how many bots there are in that quagmire.
  21. Never thought I would ever hear anyone on Asean News confessing to "cognitive problems"....
  22. Excellent article. spiked is one of the best sources of independent radical thought available in the English-speaking world.
  23. Not clear, Joe. If you do not have a multi-entry visa (but simply a single-entry visa...different costs between the two types), then you would need a re-entry permit to use your still-valid visa before December 31 (in the example given).
  24. Get a O-A (retirement) visa. For example: apply for this Visa and enter Thailand on Jan 1. Return to Oz on June 30, but get a re-entry permit as leaving the country. Return to Thailand on (say) December 28, original visa still valid for 3 days.. Stamped into country for whole year till Dec 27, 2024. You get two whole years for the price of one. I wait to be corrected.
  25. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/pretty+pass Fairly well-known phrase in the English-speaking world outside California.....
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