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Posts posted by DaamNaam

  1. i prefer skinless dogs but 7-11 ones are alright but the bun goes to the thrash.

    Um... they sell all of them without buns? Or are you talking about one of their pre-packed offerings in the cooling? Those products can vary by region. Either way I don't recommend those, get the regular (CP manufactured) 7-11 offerings; they're mostly called 'something-bite'.

    just to make some things clear . . i don't think hot dogs as sausages, 2 different thing imo. no one put mustard on sausages!

    I do.

    So do I. And on bacon, eggs, tomatoes. Steaks, ribs, etc, etc.

  2. What a dick. he should be telling them to get of their lazy <deleted> and get a job or two like the rest of the world.

    You are a dick He is telling the truth you think it is love.

    We need more honest Thais like him.

    How could you that known that is the reason they marry Farangs.

    Remember he is Thai

    Where did I say it was "love"? I've lived here 15 years and have a large family. He's a dick. How long have you been here? Married?

    If there's one thing I hate. it's referring to people as dicks, or any other name to do with a persons private parts. Would you call him a dick to his face? I think not.

    I would jump at the chance. He's called it as it is, so have I. Just look on the vote box, I'm not alone in my thoughts. Your hate, not mine, you own it.

  3. Really why would any of you be offended? Have you been to the 'poor' part of Thailand? I'm guessing he is talking about people from Isaan. Do any of you know what FARMERS work for? I do. For one day of torturous HANDS ON FARMERS work. They get paid 100-150 Baht. FOR ONE DAY. Plus they typically get fed and boozed up . Don't think for a second if you were are typical Thai person you wouldn't dream of marrying someone that made more than 150 baht PER DAY to take care of you. Sometimes it doesn't feel good to hear the truth. But. You can meet someone who is GOOD. A family that has their own money and she loves you for who you are not what you have. You can keep your ASSets to yourself. If she loves you she will only want you.


    What a breath of fresh air (from the usual windbag-pompus-type comments on here!!!!)!!!!!!!!

    A red shirt would say that, hehe. SB, you can't be serious dude.

    Are you saying there aren't any windbag-pompous-types here?

    Not at all dude, there are plenty of them. But the MP telling his people to go and lay down with a foreigner is easier than studying, i mean c'mon, whether it's true or not, it's pretty lame-o.

  4. Really why would any of you be offended? Have you been to the 'poor' part of Thailand? I'm guessing he is talking about people from Isaan. Do any of you know what FARMERS work for? I do. For one day of torturous HANDS ON FARMERS work. They get paid 100-150 Baht. FOR ONE DAY. Plus they typically get fed and boozed up . Don't think for a second if you were are typical Thai person you wouldn't dream of marrying someone that made more than 150 baht PER DAY to take care of you. Sometimes it doesn't feel good to hear the truth. But. You can meet someone who is GOOD. A family that has their own money and she loves you for who you are not what you have. You can keep your ASSets to yourself. If she loves you she will only want you.


    What a breath of fresh air (from the usual windbag-pompus-type comments on here!!!!)!!!!!!!!

    A red shirt would say that, hehe. SB, you can't be serious dude.

  5. Logic? Solving (yet) another way to increase investment in Thailand? Or is the MP showing the Reds have run out of ideas and given in to the fact there are 1,000 new entrants to the sex industry from buses in the (Red) North East weekly? Either way, his party can't handle him, the DSI will now go into a quandary as to how to deny this without costing him his job, and Yingluck will seek solace from her brother on how to move him to a better post, more pay, for such an intelligent statement and then blame it all on the failures of the Abhisit Government. rolleyes.gif

    Hilarious, thanks for that, i needed a good laugh.

  6. What a dick. he should be telling them to get of their lazy <deleted> and get a job or two like the rest of the world.

    You are a dick He is telling the truth you think it is love.

    We need more honest Thais like him.

    How could you that known that is the reason they marry Farangs.

    Remember he is Thai

    Where did I say it was "love"? I've lived here 15 years and have a large family. He's a dick. How long have you been here? Married?

    The problem is that Harry from Pattya thinks we are all grey haired, balding pot bellied 60 year olds running around with 18 year old bar girls. I like you have a nice size family, the salt of the earth type and I married my wife not because she was Thai, but because we had a normal relationship after meeting professionally, and she is a first class woman and devoted mother and wife. We are both content for life, which is good, as then there are more 18 year olds for Harry to chase after.

    Touche Jim. Maybe harry is actually the Thai minister in question, incognito of course.

    • Like 2
  7. What a dick. he should be telling them to get of their lazy <deleted> and get a job or two like the rest of the world.

    You are a dick He is telling the truth you think it is love.

    We need more honest Thais like him.

    How could you that known that is the reason they marry Farangs.

    Remember he is Thai

    Where did I say it was "love"? I've lived here 15 years and have a large family. He's a dick. How long have you been here? Married?

  8. This paper is infuriating.

    WHY all of a sudden is it such a serious offence to refuse a fare? Who decided to change the law? Where are they going to house all of these new inmates?

    A fine for a minor offence and jail for refusing a fare???? Someone find this paper some journalists

    They used to have "western" Jurno's then replaced them all with folks from India and Bangladesh. (Serous)

    To save even more money, many of the proof readers are out sourced back in India. Hence, this is why so much just doesn't make sense and is shallow. Some times I am not sure which is more news worth the nation or notthenation.

    So true! Many friends in the industry had to move to places like Singapore becoz those in power 'thought' an Indian could do the same job. Hence the drastic drop in quality, and huge rise in errors! TIT

    Careful of judging the Indians so hastily. Some of the most intelligent, switched on workers in the offshore industry are Indian. And lovely chaps they are too.

  9. There are Li-ion battery packs made for medical equipment and laptops, they are smallish and can run for 12 hours or so with a quick 5-6 hour recharge, however they are available in USA but I haven't found anywhere selling them in Thailand.

    How will you get a signal anyway, edge will be dropping in and out non stop, no?

    A few months ago they had a launch display in IT City for this range of portable charger from Enegizer:


    I found pretty usable edge connectivity once I had left Bangkok's 3G area (about and hour out) from BKK to Nong Khai, though I did sleep for the middle six hours, so can't speak for darkest Isaan.

    The energizer chargers are only good for half a lap top charge each time, they will do a full charge on an iPhone. Try a power gorilla, bit more expensive but will do 3-4 full charges on a lap top, 4-5 on an iPad.

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