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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Fair call if you are not familiar with UK gun laws. The laws do work as far as gun crime goes in UK.
  2. Gun control very strict in UK at first it was I could leave gun standing in the corner of the kitchen, later gun safe fixed to an outside solid wall with two 7 lever security locks. Cartridges to be lock up seperatly from gun safe.
  3. Hope things work out many Thais wives have big hearts with trying help. ????
  4. It probably took the EU four years to regulate that. ????
  5. Yeah I understand somewhat and think UK is probably safer than US but still a nightmare place to live if you don't take care. I got a shotgun license in UK because of the Michael Rian incident ????. My house had alarm system, windows locks, doubled glazing, trigger lights and sensor cameras mainly because of bloody pikies always being a threat of break ins. I have never felt I had the need any of that here in Thailand where we live.
  6. Maybe the UK should build a computer system that runs the country.
  7. His changed key fob battery for new so it must be the receiver signal thingy that triggers the door locks in the truck that may be faulty, bad or dirty connection, something has had a nibble etc etc. ????
  8. I guess it's just a way of automating business and not having to hire more staff than necessary just so the owners can get to be millionaires by next year. ????
  9. Where in his speech did he use the word resign. ????
  10. Where do some of you people live and why do you think you need weaponry to defend yourself in Thailand. The next thing will be a electrified all round fence with located machine gun towers and getting some Cambodian guys to man the towers. ????
  11. Well car battery OK and new battery in key, off to shop you go. Could be the thingy that gets the signal from the key fob button that's the problem wherever that is.
  12. I wouldn't use a place like that. What if you haven't got a phone.
  13. I heard that 4 hospital have been built during his time in office.
  14. When I had a Yaris it was the battery in the ignition key. If not a electronic bad connection somewhere a shop that fixes electrical stuff on vehicles could find it not necessarily expensive.
  15. Never bothered at home we have decorative window bars all around ground floor. And H beat me to it I have a Thai wife. ????
  16. Frankly here is what I would do so my wife didn't get blacklisted. Make sure the payments are up to date and keep the bike in your pocession until the friend start paying you back. If your Mrs continues to pay because the friend cannot make sure you inform the finance company and tell them, also make sure she gets a receipt to show she is paying for the bike. That way your wife can have claim on the ownership of the bike when completed. If your wife has to keep paying for one reason or another ask for a full payment settlement that way you either keep the bike or sell while it's not old.
  17. The thread is making a fuss over nothing. Never took any notice of spanners in Thailand. Honda will tell you what fuel can use then it's up to you. Personally I only ride local at 30 - 40k on scoot 110 or Wave 125. Long journeys a motorbike or the truck.
  18. I was hoping for another Oliver Cromwell. ????
  19. Have you asked a Honda dealership. ?
  20. This is a funny thread from the political experts. ???? Pathetic comes to mind.
  21. Great to hear from a scientist. ????
  22. Not a lie depends how you ride mush.
  23. Many big bikes with fuel injectors have ECU fuel adjustments for want of better words the same as cars.
  24. I poodle around on my Scoot & my Wave so find them very different on fuel usage, I find them unstable after years on a proper motorbikes. My Fireblade on the other uses whatever fuel from switching to reserve to reserve again, last fill up 770 baht.

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