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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Concur, you can still find the moment for anything according to mood but always listen to your body. ????
  2. Some might call it a problem I can leave it alone if I have to for say taking medication but I enjoy my couple beers everyday. Also once or twice a week ride my motorbike to meet with English speaking friends to intereact and have a beer with.
  3. Many people in our village get them fixed and serviced ok they are sold in the local Big C and there's quite a few running around in our village. I'm sure you'll be OK eventually.
  4. Jokes aside certainly not my choice is I respect the King in UK and the King in Thailand, I guess I'm what they call a Royalist.
  5. My Thai friend has a chopper type E bike and has put extras on, he borrows tools from me and buys me a Chang. ???? After nearly 3 years his battery needed replacing and something to do with the drive cog whatever needed replacing at not that much cost, so all good now.
  6. Yeah as the war drags on I hear a lot more comments not so much in support. There was stupid uk mp IMO saying Zelenskey should be more thankful, what a plonker.
  7. The only thing I pick up is my wife doesn't like anyone who don't like the Royal family.
  8. I like guitar music and that's very good. When riding my motorbike on some journeys I listen to album's my favourite is Pink Floyd.
  9. Heres another meaning which would lead people into thinking it is. A proxy war occurs when a major power instigates or plays a major role in supporting and directing a party to a conflict but does only a small portion of the actual fighting itself.
  10. Telephone them. https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/th/product-deco/electric-bicycles/family-2
  11. I thought for a sec you were talking Triumph speedtwins which were ugly.
  12. Yeah I wish, I fantasise why is it that Mission impossible can get into the Kemlin but uk special can't get into take out Putin and all his cronies.
  13. I haven't said it's a proxy war there are so many different people commenting on what it is. Frankly I couldn't care less apart from find ways to stop the war and all wars in the world today.
  14. I see now why they called Bath tubs having seen up close.
  15. Well there's the problem with bucket mouth talk what your understanding of what a proxy war is obviously can be very different from what other people think.
  16. Yes I believe supplied by UK. ???? I also hear what Bojo did suppyling anti tank munitions right at the beginning of the Invasion made a big difference to Ukrainians defence.
  17. Yeah whenever son or daughters borrow my scoot it's always re-adjust left wing mirror.
  18. I didn't call it it a special operation I was just stating facts that Putin thinks is it is. Without NATO support, Ukraine wouldn't survive hence the proxy war comments by others.
  19. Yeah my asthma is better now the pollution period has past. I get checked out every 3 months at gov hospital not expensive and they take care very much. Hope you get help and feel better soon old cyber friend.
  20. Well didn't expect you to agree with other people's opinions.
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