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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. What a stupid question as if you have any choice in the matter. Take one day at a time is what my grandma said at 89.
  2. Not the end of the world then to switch right brake to left because of his disability.
  3. https://www.siam-legal.com/thai-lawyers/amp/thai-attorneys-loc-bkk.php?gclid=CjwKCAjwloynBhBbEiwAGY25dLg3ormKux7KVvitEWABVuxUwLRmr5khSaavQguStiY6_0WtUISgHxoCZ6MQAvD_BwE
  4. A guy retired from post office ran in local elections and has a electric golf cart type vehicle he uses as a taxi around our park and village. There was a teacher who retired and drank himself to death. A couple who had a large shop owed by them is now a 7-11 and they just sit around their Guesthouses and Hotel they own to, there billionaires. A retired police does taxis in his truck and electric golf cart. As said lots of the poor here do the odd job and rely on family.
  5. I would suggest not being fully fit for riding, riding at controlled speeds dual braking or combined ABS will be all you need.
  6. I agree with having a seperate room for washing, ironing and a drying area next an outside space to hang out in sun. Bit difficult in a condo. ???? Had front loaders in UK, here in Thailand we have always had a top loader washing machine. Our new 12kg capacity Samsung it's brilliant.
  7. Nah his a guy on here who knows exactly what Thai wives are entitled too in the past and future and has help many a Thai wife over the years married to uk guys. I only guess his name but it's close.????
  8. It costs what it costs that always been a long time problem. The Thai govt can subsidise for the poor to buy.
  9. Your right fr sure by all accounts those days of Thai wives getting uk pensions married UK men are long gone.
  10. I'm 76 and in fighting shape but my arthritis would hurt if I hit anything. ????
  11. No muay Thai I only watch on Sundays the fights with just the bandage hand fighting. These days I have to know my limitations and use my multi gym in my kitchen to exercise. Have blood pressure equipment. Have a oxymeter. Have 3 monthly appointments at our local govt hospital for check ups. Ride my super sports bike. Do Archery on my farmland. Shoot targets on my farmland.
  12. When I had a kitchen like that in uk no space, as pix with cabinets butted together either side with one piece top across the whole section of cabinets.
  13. There's a 5th as well apparently I have said before many times on other threads as well I was told after initial laboratory tests while in emergency and my stay in hospital that I had the worse virus DEN-2. He told my wife that I could still get Dengue again but having seen many other people with DEN-2 and later getting dengue again it wasn't so severe, whether his right or not I really don't want to find out. The strange thing I find is since my stay in hospital and having a complete blood transfusion I don't seem to get bitten by ordinary mosquitoes or my body just doesn't react anymore to bites. I do feel ant bites though.
  14. The marriage that broke up I knew about ended up with the judge ruling what was to be after requests made by a Brit guy. The Thai wife came out of it still better off but the brit was not bothered his requests were seen as reasonable and got want he wanted. There was no agreement or leases made at any time in their marriage.
  15. Not true they exist. What I got wrong is the remaining family can kick you out or arrange another usufruct if the owner of the land dies before he does.
  16. I have put one seat belt in the back of my smartcab and will fit a middle and another if I need to easy enough to do.
  17. He obviously doesn't understand and because your married things could be sorted at any divorce. You can get a 30 year Usufrust from your wife many do it just in case wife dies and remaining family can kick you out without one.
  18. As you probably know TIT a lot of things not carried out in the same way.
  19. Told opposite so whatever I just get on with life as usual.
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