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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. A very reasonable point of view and some of it I have suggested at the beginning of the thread that surrender will save lives on both sides but it is replaced with over-emotional suicidal attendances. I'm a comrade now apparently. ????
  2. Probably Putin wouldn't even think that long about it, do the maths 4000 plus protestors out of something like 140+ million.
  3. There are corridor's open to receive refugees into Russia and Belarus but it's being condemned of course by the west and it will not be reported by western media or known how many Ukrainian's will use them.
  4. 2 Russian trucks at the end of destroyed whoes blown up vehicles.
  5. I thought Ukrainian pilots were going to fly them out of Poland to Ukraine.
  6. Well Ukraine better be given more help before they are bombed and shelled to the ground.
  7. Yes Mig29 and one other that must be available but for some reason they are held up.
  8. What can the wind bag mouth's of the west do. !!!!! Stop messing about and give Ukraine the planes they want instead of talking about it.
  9. Haven't noticed a difference yet only who I buy from and I don't drink much beer this days so 5 or 10 baht extra doesn't matter. A box of 12 is still 580 at the moment.
  10. I would say as long as the seller has all the required paperwork from the ex-girlfriend a copy of her ID card and copy of the house address the bike is registered then go to a DLT office and get sorted no where else, at the office you will soon know if it is possible for you to buy the bike.
  11. Just seen the head guy of NATO on France 24 typically political replies, useless.
  12. I don't understand where your coming from your going around in circles Russia is already being accused of war crimes by the west so what's Putin got to lose by racking up the total.
  13. Yeah it does sound a bit odd because Ukraine could blown up one of their nuke station that's dirty enough.
  14. If that's OK with you, why don't that western countries give Ukraine fighter planes so they do what they want to create a no fly zone of their own.
  15. I do agree with you Putin can carry on doing what he likes because the likes of your country ain't ganna stop him.
  16. If they still have cash and they can't use their credit card it will save them money. ????
  17. That remains to be seen, they have been supplying weapons so that makes them accessories to any killing.
  18. Well all will say is if I don't use my credit card in Thailand it would save me money.
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