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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. An interview with Peter Hitches on LBC was pointing out just that referring to past history and how different things could have been in the world today if the attitude and treatment of Russia by the west had been friendly.
  2. Well I find it reasonable to know the truth of what's really happening on both sides and I see nothing but propergander and people with bucket mouths. On a different note I would like to see NATO getting to do something now instead of talking and that is get other countries on borders now into NATO without delay that are not in NATO. i.e. There is talkvof where will Russia go next after Ukraine.
  3. Thanks if I get time I'll look I find it for want of better words funny watching Al Jazeera and RT and France 24. As I have said France 24 finds a bit of a balance from both sides.
  4. True have stopped RT news being shown so I can't hear the propergander. I agree any news in Russia is vetted apparently before broadcasting. I don't trust BBC reports much prefer independent reports but you have to keep an open mind on anything reported on this terrible time in world history. France 24 has been reasonable in showing both sides to an extent.
  5. The problem as I see it is your posts are all western reports. I think the resent outburst by the Ukrainian Presendent is an indication of what's really going on.
  6. Why is the Russian forces under performing. Who said that Russia was going to use nuclear weapons. Western military analysat. ????
  7. So you can't see that if Ukraine were to surrender it would be the easiest way to save lives OK. Putin wish is not how I see it, it's how he see's it what a strange thing to say. That's right I said you see it differently the only way this invasion is ganna stop is for Putin to be taken out or order out his forces.
  8. Well let hope Ukraine stop there suicide mission and understands NATO cannot help them in there dia position.
  9. Looks like the Ukraine president has turned as well calling out NATO. What he asks for shows he has no idea of what his doing.
  10. I don't see things your way and as I said about the Ukraine president he is calling for a No fly area what kind of idiot is that.
  11. In ans to your post. Firstly Russia has invaded Ukraine as predicted by anaylists. Secondly it would stop the war loss of life obviously. Thirdly of course it would be good for Russia to withdraw that as well is obvious but not in your world or the present one it ain't gonna happen mush.
  12. I've made it clear I do not support Putin and I don't want Russians to throw their lives away anymore than I want the Ukrainian people throw their lives away. As for home I guess agree as old as I am I would fight for Thailand as it my home but I wouldn't fight for the UK.
  13. Over emotional suicide, live to solve the future later there's no country coming to help them.
  14. I'm not willing to do anything just give an opinion if you don't agree tough.
  15. My brain works fine thanks and I have an opinion of the situation which I have made clear in pass posts. I agree with many people like Peter Hitches.
  16. Yeah is it crazy and so odd to want to saves lives on both sides so just keep giving Ukraine arms to prolong the slaughter that make sense doesn't it.
  17. Excuse the invasion in what way. I don't support either side I'm just cynical of fake news reports of war and some of the posts here.
  18. No but the west enable it to happen. Maybe Thaiwan next seeing how the US has reacted. Donbass thing has been going on for 8 years apparently who cared. The west cares about Ukraine now but cannot or do not want to do anything to stop the killing on both sides. Well in the past the west didn't play the devious game how they should of in my mind. It was getting all nice and peaceful with friendly exchanges then forget when Putin ask to be part of NATO it seem to me he started his attack on the west then.
  19. Do you believe it all other than the power station being bombarded.
  20. That would be good but instead of beam him up people are hoping Putin is blown up. I believe the west without intervening will just have to hope of an uprising by Russian Generals to stop Putin.
  21. Heard on LBC news people telephoning them that on the Poland border they are not letting black people in and many are going to another border country to get out could that be Indian students.
  22. Frankly I don't know it was just a bit of attempted humour during a castatropy. Heard on BBC world news that a Nuke power station in Sth Ukraine is being shelled and there is fire. Ukraine cannot get any help with the might of any outside powers other than supplying them with arms, just makes me think it is prolonging destruction because Putin is saying to himself "Well done".
  23. Been saying it won't go well from the beginning and real truth of what's happening on either side doesn't get reported, Ukraine should surrender resistance is futile.
  24. OK forget Nato and maybe talk future with a friendlier Russia and a friendlier world there will be no need for a NATO. I guess I've been watching to much StarTrek when the only worry is the Borg. ????
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