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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. My suggestion is to save lives on both sides as today's wars are capable of being very messy. If they surrender to stop the war and get some kind of peace. I would hope then they will not have to wait long until Putin is replaced. Then I would hope that Ukraine can be and will be protected by NATO.
  2. Sadly that's the situation it's like a David and Goliath story that will have a different ending unless Ukraine surrenders.
  3. Not sure I believe war news reports but I hope and prefer that there will be talks to stop the attack.
  4. Ever heard of the S400 missile system one the most advanced systems in the world.
  5. Disagree and there you go again with your own crystal ball analysis. Russian people are being thrown into jail. Also stupid irresponsible parents sending babies out to protest.
  6. It's just the beginning of a new Cold War it didn't bother Russia then and nothing will bother them now. They still have China, UAE, Indian and some other support so they don't care. I see the only way of change will be through the population of Russia wanting change.
  7. Weird with what's going on here sometimes, some here posting seem to get very emotional over something they can do nothing about. It's a sad thing that is going on in Ukraine and lots of lip service and sanctions but it's not stopping anything.
  8. Boris speaking on behalf of NATO has said a fly sone is something they will not do. Biden has said much the same.
  9. There not Polish jets from an article I read they were 9 or 12 mig29s given by the EU delivered in Poland where Ukrainian pilots were going to fly out of. From all accounts it maybe Fake news which there is a lot of.
  10. Nor do I that's the problem with so called weird war. Emotion and propergander cloud the facts.
  11. Same there part of the UK. The OP specifically posted English so I responded as such.
  12. Ukraine president has ask the population to arm themselves so technically few civilians about. I hope they have got all the women that don't want to fight and children out of the cities.
  13. You may be correct the news I have read from western sources is that Ukrainian pilots are flying jets given by the EU out of Poland.
  14. That's what I referring to. Private pensions have different arrangements maybe. Maybe he may a ' Will ' ,
  15. And your stealth thoughts on what will happen to Ukraine if you are able to refrain from insults.
  16. Take a look at the Su-57 fighter jet that has stealth technology and can reach supersonic cruising speed.
  17. Well I hope Putin doesn't target the given arms. The only way is to bring them over the border into Ukraine which will be difficult.
  18. Possible but to early to say looks like the scouting is complete and a big convoy on the way. I think Russian will only leave when there is a Russian friendly Ukrainian gov in place.
  19. I don't condone Putin's actions and the sadly isn't over yet I think there's worse come. Putting (excuse the pun) arms in the hands of civilians makes them targets. I will remain a devil's advocate while situation developes and the real truth is known..
  20. Your view is a western view I believe Putin doesn't see it as invading I would say he see's it as something he needs to do to secure his countries territory as it was for 69 years. A guy in charge wanted to join NATO and EU just is unacceptable in his eyes. I think he knew the west will do what is doing and has taken that in to account months ago.
  21. Thai wives married to Englishmen do not get any intitlements anymore.
  22. The west has cornered funds. Agree he has invaded but Putin doesn't see the same way as you do. I am not aware of western politicians praises only India, China and an Arab country. I don't see anything at stake other than stopping the the attacks on Ukraine. Personally I don't like the way things are developing frankly.
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