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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Oh darn. I was so looking forward to spending a nice relaxing spring holiday in the land of The Great Leader. Perhaps I can book a holiday to the beaches of Yemen, Iran, or Somalia.
  2. A special economic zone for China
  3. Perhaps the UN Council for Human Rights should take a closer look at that.
  4. Hopefully international sanctions against Thailand will be forth coming.
  5. "Ladda now manages a laundry and sells drinks on the side" Doesn't sound as if she had the most lucrative acting career.
  6. Maybe the monks shouldn't accept rides from farangs if it is going to put a bad look on the religion.
  7. Yes, that is always a possibility in Thailand and I would hate for that to happen to anyone. However, if the people are new residents in that area and the bars were already there then it wasn't such a good idea to move into that location.
  8. Probably not the area I would choose to live in if I thought my sleep might be disturbed.
  9. He should wear something on his feet. Would hate to step on a nail, glass, dog poop, etc.
  10. TAT, and the Thai government, are only concerned with the number of tourists arriving. To them, nothing else matters.
  11. Not really a whole lot of money they ae earning to be living in France. This will probably lead to some tipping for "extras".
  12. As I said in my previous post, pay particular attention to pages 19-21 where it states the visitor and tourism numbers. What are you afraid of? To be proven wrong? Hey, it's only a couple of years you're off.
  13. No, it wasn't and I wasn't talking about any one nation's tourists or the manner in which they arrived. It was UN staff who made a big part of it but there were tourists as well. It is documented. Here, go educate yourself. You might want to pay particular attention to pages 19-21. https://www.ide.go.jp/library/English/Publish/Reports/Brc/pdf/02_ch1.pdf
  14. I used to have a few Thai bank accounts but over the years I have closed them out. Now I just keep one that I opened back in the 80's. Glad I did as it seems opening accounts is much more difficult now.
  15. Actually a few years earlier than that. It was not until the Paris Peace Agreement brought the conflict to an end in 1991 that tourists started to return to Cambodia. In 1991 there were about 25,000 arrivals and in 1992 there were about 50,000, with peacekeeping forces and other UN staff accounting for 22,000 of these. Statistics on tourist arrivals have been officially recorded since 1993.
  16. Back in the day you would only get a 14 day VOA (visa exempt) if you were from one of the "privileged" countries. Everyone else had to get a visa.
  17. Are there still a lot of 2 stroke motorcycles left in Thailand? I think they were slowly being replaced by better four stroke motorcycles. The two stroke engines just add to the poor air quality so much.
  18. I miss those days of 40-42 baht to the USD as I was getting paid in USD.
  19. It's too bad that they were held hostage. They are not Israeli or Jewish, Just workers. It would have been a good gesture on their part to have released them much earlier.
  20. This new ship poses no threat to the US and very little to nearby Gulf nations. The US defense systems could easily blast this ship out of the water at any time they desire. Let Iran play with their new toy.
  21. Fine them, make them pay for any damages they caused, deport them, and blacklist them for 10 years. Problem solved!
  22. He fled Israel on a fake passport but used his real passport to enter Thailand. I wonder why he didn't use the fake passport to enter Thailand?
  23. A six day overstay? Hardly anything to swoop over. Now if he didn't have the 3,000 baht to pay the fine that could possibly be a problem.
  24. 5 million baht, really? That's just like nothing for him. The big question is, will he return?
  25. Was there something wrong with the toilets at the Phuket Airport? Were they all broken? I mean I get it, "if ya gotta go, ya gotta go" just not so quite literally as this low-class tourist demonstrated. Fine him, blacklist him, and deport him.
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