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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. 15 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Depends where you are,

    In Hanoi they're anti-American, in Saigon they're pro-American

    It's still a deeply divided country.

    Not so sure about that.  I have an American friend that lived and worked in Hanoi for three years about 10 years ago and never reported any "anti-American" sentiment.  He still works in Vietnam but is not based there anymore.  


    As for me, Vietnam is a possibility for a "Plan B" if things were to fail in Thailand.  Not sure where I would want to live.  Saigon, Dalat, Da Nang, Hue, & Hanoi all seem like possibilities.  I wouldn't be working there so not sure how that would affect me in getting a long term type of visa.   

  2. Philippines?  No way!  Not a chance.

    A lot of people have mentioned Mexico.  Too much illegal drug issues in Mexico.  Somewhat safe in big tourist areas like PV, Cabo, and Cancun.  I would never drive from PV to Cabo even though they are not that far apart on the Baja.  Too dangerous from being attacked by gangs which are out of control.

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  3. On 3/24/2021 at 7:10 PM, ubonjoe said:


    Only a single entry tourist visa is being issued. And the special tourist visa (STV) but it is not a very popular option due to ridiculous requirements for it.

    A good option at this time is entering visa exempt that allows a 45 day entry at this time that can be extended for 30 days.

    Usually there is a visa exempt for only 30 days.  Did they just recently increase it to 45 days?

  4. What do your 17 & 15 year old think of your extended stays in Asia?  Do they ever ask you, "Gee Dad, what did you do that whole time you were gone?"  They are probably a lot smarter than you give them credit for.  

    If you do go down that road of dumping your family keep in mind that you will probably get run through the wringer of Canadian divorce courts.  Paying your wife alimony for quite a long time and also your kids university education as well will have a serious drain on your financial situation.

    You've had your little Asian fling, mid-life crisis, or what ever else you want to call it.  Now, just get on with your regular life.  Perhaps some anti-depressant medication might help.  See your Dr.  

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  5. Phase 3 - from 1 Oct - the government is aiming to allow vaccinated tourists from low risk countries to enter Thailand without the need to quarantine. However, this will depend on the COVID-19 situation in Thailand and whether or not sufficient numbers of medical workers in the country have received the vaccination.

    I wonder if the US will qualify as one of those "low risk" countries?  If not, they will lose a lot of tourist dollars.

  6. It appears that you don't have an income problem just a problem in meeting the monthly requirement.  If the money is coming from abroad perhaps it would be best to just transfer enough to meet the 65K each month.  Another idea would be just to put the 800K into a bank account and leave it there for the purposes of meeting the immigration requirements.  Then transfer the money that you need to live on each month as you usually do but maybe into a different bank account.  Yes, I know, who wants to leave 800K sitting in a Thai bank earning almost nothing in interest.  Until you sort out a way to meet the monthly income requirements this might just solve the issue.  

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