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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Perhaps go early in the morning and walk along the beach or pavement around Jomtien.  Nice area and a little less congested than Pattaya.

  2. 7 hours ago, Maha Sarakham said:


    She does have a green card already so she can return, yes.  However, her resume is effectively tarnished by job abandonment.  It just goes to show you that the grass is not always greener and that rose colored glasses are a powerful motivator, sometimes for the worse. 

    Do be careful of staying out side of the US too long on a permanent visa (green card).  That particular visa is not "permanent" if you are outside of the US for more than a certain period of time.  The US government can, and has, revoked permanent visas due to people spending too much time out of the US. 

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, Maha Sarakham said:


    One of my wife's friends just left back to Thailand.  She has been back for all of 3 weeks and realizes she made a mistake already and is trying to come back to the States to work.  Didn't think that one through very well, straight up abandoned her job and repatriated via quarantine process.  Oops.

    Well if she has PR or citizenship she can return to the US quite easily.  

  4. 17 hours ago, Dustdevil said:

    I imagine certification may have been a function of her English; US certification requires (last I knew) a very high IELTS score, 8 or maybe even 9 (out of 9)

    Actually her English was very good in both speaking and writing.

  5. On 5/3/2021 at 7:21 AM, 2009 said:

    Phra Nakorn


    Home to Bangkok's Old Town where things REALLY haven't changed in a long time.


    This is where Bangkok started, due to the importance of the Chao Praya River as a trade route.


    Cheap street food and some of the cheapest markets in Bangkok.


    The Grand Palace, famous temples, tour guide trails, some museums, and some of Thailand's oldest schools.


    There is currently construction going on at the pier. I think they are making a walkway or something.


    Also, Koh San Road is in this area, the backpacker area.










    I lived in this area for many years back in the 90's.  Wife's family has lived here since WW2.  It's a fun area to be in.  A lot of small markets all through the area.  

  6. On 5/1/2021 at 9:27 AM, Dustdevil said:

    Seems to be the norm. But my first Thai gf was a mid-level officer in the Ministry of Education. My second one was a nurse--a full RN.

    Sounds like me.  I once had a GF that worked at the Ministry of Education.  She had a master's degree from Chula.  She later married a farang and now lives in Tennessee, USA.  We are still friends on FB.  Another GF was also a nurse at a very well known hospital.  She was a supervisor there.  Came to the USA but had difficulty in getting certified.  Ended up marrying a farang guy and now lives in Phuket.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    Okay, fair enough. For me, I would not wish to be associated with this Country as one of its citizens. It's far too corrupt, socially and educationally immature and frankly too Third World for me to be a legal citizen. I live here, temporally, only because my wife is Thai and my youngest daughter, mixed race. Interestingly, my youngest would give up her Thai citizenship easily and may well do so at some point, for all the reasons that I would support. 

    Both of my luk krung boys grew up in Thailand attending good Thai schools in Bangkok.  We left when the oldest was 15 so they could attend high school in the US.  They have been back to visit Thailand a few times but really have no interest in living or working there.  They both have Thai passports, are listed in the House Registration, and have their Thai ID.  They are both in their 30's now and busy with their careers.  Thailand is really not in their future.  

    • Like 2
  8. I agree with what others have said.  You keep the original documents.  They can make as many photocopies as they want.  The passport stays with you.  Again, they can make as many photocopies as they like.  If stopped by the police and they as to see your passport you will need to be able to show them.  Supposedly a photocopy of your passport info page and current visa is good enough but not all the BIB are up on this.  

  9. 17 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

    It reminds me of Australia back in the 1970s.


    Australia went through big anti-lettering campaigns, starting in the schools, and got serious about enforcement and fines.


    I ask people if they would leave their rubbish behind if they were on Royal property? Of course not is the answer. I would like to see the Monarch involved in an education campaign - leaving rubbish on pubic land is the same as littering Royal property, and an insult to Thailand. Maybe that message would get through.

    The US had the same problem.  In the 60's there were ad campaigns on TV about not littering.  It worked in that there is a lot less litter than there ever was before.  It took about 10 years to be really effective.


    I too have thought that the only way for Thais to cut down on littering the countryside is for the Royal family to come out and propose an idea not to litter.  I think this is the only way that the problem will ever be solved.  The litter problem has not gotten better in the 40 years that I have been  involved with the Kingdom.

    • Like 1
  10. As many have said before, don't use an agent.  Their commission comes from the rent you pay.  Instead, do the work yourself and look for something that you like in an area that you want to be in.  Check out online sources such as facebook groups and others.  If you need to rent a car for a week or two do that so you can check out areas on your own.  Don't be afraid to ask for a reduced rent and also be prepared to walk if you can't get the price you want.  I would suggest renting a place for a month while you do this.  


    Good Luck!

    • Like 1
  11. I'm not an expert at all on the different types of visas available to those wishing to be in Thailand for whatever reasons.  I will say this, and I am not promoting or denigrating their religion, the LDS Church has a lot of missionaries in Thailand.  They must know very well how to obtain the proper visas for their missionaries that are living in Thailand for 18-24 months. Perhaps one could contact them for advice on how to go about securing a volunteer visa.  

  12. On 4/5/2021 at 10:24 PM, BritManToo said:

    I live very well on 40kbht/month, house (mortgage 11k/month), car, m/c x3, woman, 2 kids.

    My daughter's last 6 months at university squeezed me a bit, but she's finished now.

    My luk krung kids squeezed me a lot more with university fees in the US.  Luckily they graduated a few years ago and have pretty successful careers in high tech and business in the US.  Despite growing up in Bangkok, I doubt that either will ever live/work in Thailand.  They might come for a visit every now and then but that's about it.  

  13. On 4/6/2021 at 12:17 AM, Scouse123 said:


    I don't really know because I don't really have that much of a concern with capital.


    I know it isn't that much but I don't have money concerns.


    I would say in the region of 30K-35K, but no rent or car to pay for. I don't smoke and stopped drinking through choice 7 months ago.

    Looking at your avatar, the way that Liverpool is playing since the first of the year might drive many back to drinking!  It's been a dreadful year for us LFC supporters.

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