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Posts posted by gkinbkk

  1. I reckon Tawandeang is just about the perfect date place...they love the music and the food is excellent, the beer is pretty good to my tastes, loud enough so that you dont have to engage in conversation all night and every Thai lady I've been there with has had a great time clapping along to the music with a big sh@t eating grin on their face and I dont have a big enough ego to think that its all to do with the company they are keeping....

  2. I brought a Gibson SG with me from N.A. and noticed that the metal was suffering from the harsh climate here

    In the US of A they call that relic'ing and charge a premium for it!!

    I have a 57 LP and the nickel hardware is in pretty bad shape but it looks cool (I think Gibson call it VOS these days and charge an arm and leg through the custom shop) and if I really want to replace it, easy enough.

    I dont have an answer on the keyboard situation as I was wanting one too but have no idea how to go about it. I must say though that the Roland I am looking at through pro plugin at Ladprao is not 3x the price, more like a third dearer which for what I'm looking at is really only a couple hundred bucks which I would blow on shipping and duties anyway.

    The LP I bought in TH was, I think, 104000b after negotiation, from online retailers in the US $3699 and from Swee Lee in Singapore 8k so I felt I actually got it for a great price......

  3. Agreed, its not a disaster. Many people cant get the Australia Network here anyway.

    For an Australian channel which should be representative of the entire Australian population its been failing more and more as the years go by..... it may as well be called the Victoria Network. DFAT taking over the programming, well good luck to them.Its actually costing taxpayers more money as they lost the majority of their revenue stream when they gave up Rugby Union. Full of lefty propaganda...in summary good riddance!

    liveNRL.tv has been a god send to me.....we actually get MORE live games now here than in Australia. The quality of the streaming is pretty good and with the exception of this past weekend when they had 'technical issues' its been totally worth the money.

    AFL fans, you should be writing to KRudd demanding they cease AFL on Australia Network sooner rather than later so you can have access to liveAFL.tv ......its much better.

  4. Whatever the political story is around these closures it seems that there is a crackdown on EVERYTHING in the lead up to the election. Do these stations operate outside the law? Of course. In normal times everything outside the law is tolerated. Not at the moment I would say.

    If you are doing something outside the law, be it a job thats not on your work permit or operating a business that is not completely legal, I would go to ground for the next few months and be very careful about who knows your business. Uneasy times ahead!

    (IMO of course)

  5. Yikes!

    I had never read that.

    Thats pretty crappy. Music is just a hobby for many and if you cant play with other musicians then might as well give up.

    Whats next? Arrest of photographers and confiscation their gear based on them using pro level SLR's? The logic used here says they must be selling those pictures and making a living.......

  6. Mulligans Irish Pub on Khao San have it too.....I only know that as I swear she asked me if I wanted Beer Lao Draught and out came Beer Lao Dark which, until that point, I never knew existed....

  7. You can catch the NRL on Astro Supersports if you are willing to persevere; I know its not the same as the coverage in the league heartlands of ITV Granada, or the UAE, but still... stop grizzling.

    You're assuming that I can actually get Astro...I can't and even if I could coverage is extremely limited due to the clashes in timing with S15 rugby (yawn). I have no clue what the Wire is except a half decent US TV series.

    There are MANY people grizzling all around the region and rightly so. The NRL has, in the last 2 days launched this: http://www.livenrl.tv

    Not sure if anyone has subscribed? If so how is the experience? Better than iSetanta? (wouldnt be hard) Its on the expensive side but I would pay it if I knew it was decent.....I can live without rugby or head to the pub when the test matches are on mid year but I am suffering greatly having no NRL this year...

  8. Yeah I got the NRLfix shutdown notice this afternoon...happy days!!

    To all our members and NRL fanatics: Unfortunately we have had to close our site due to copyright infringements (refer to Copyright Act 1968-Sect 132A1). I can't go into detail of what the Nrl Partnership have done, but I have no choice but to shut the site down. Firstly I would like to thank Azsportza for the amount of work he has put into the site and to all of the staff involved in the site, It wouldn't be where it is without all your hard work. I think we can all agree that the Nrl has made a mistake because at the end of the day all we wanted is to give people around the world the opportunity to watch Nrl hassle free. We have never made $1 off the site it was all for the fans. We hope that you have all enjoyed our site while it was running, and the administrators want to thank you all for your contributions and support.

  9. I dont think its the dollar as Australia Networks most profitable revenue stream was advertising during sports.

    There is a small group of us on facebook (Expat Rugby League Fans in Asia 2011) who have been corresponding with Graham Annesley and the NRL trying to undertsand what has happened.

    In a nutshell Kevin Rudd and DFAT have decided that Australia Network is not a sports channel and should be focused on the millions of fans of 5 year old Home and Away reruns in Asia. Australia Network offered the NRL a 2 delayed game a week deal. The NRL was hoping to get more games on Australia Network and delayed signing with Setanta until the last minute, I dont think it is a commercially lucrative deal.

    Be angry at K Rudd and be angry at TrueVisions who despite what Setanta claim, have no plans to carry the channel......

    Sad state of affairs but there is always nrlfix.com who carry all the games live

  10. I have the True 599 plan, its great for data but coverage is patchy so not great for voice.

    AIS will have parts of BKK covered for 3G (2100mhz) in the next few months and will launch their full BKK coverage in August so expect a price war then, dont get locked into a contract in the meantime!

  11. My Thai wife cooks a better roast dinner than my mum used to make, boy can she can cook a mean leg of lamb

    When we were in Aus we all used to eat Thai food once or twice a week but for the most part it was western food, all cooked by the Mrs. Even back here in Bangkok its about 50/50 western and Thai

    Just yesterday we were debating whether the better fish and chip shop was Ocean Foods in Drummoyne or Great North Rd Fish and Chips in Five Dock and she was adamant the Great North one was better because they did a superb grilled fish and Greek salad so not only did she like to eat the local food she also became somewhat of an expert in it.....idolises Neil Perry and still cooks out of his cook book....swears by the Angel Hair Pasta and Blue Swimmer crab at Dicks in Balmain, spent time eating her way through the restaurants in Crows Nest, loved winter sunday afternoons in Newtown drinking coffee with a Sticky Date pudding....in general assimilated very well, had 2 Thai friends in Sydney and didnt care for any more, enjoyed a cold gold KB on the hill at Newtown Jets home games......the good old days!

    The only thing is after 18 months in Sydney she is still trying to shed the extra kilos from all those Doner Kebabs!

  12. Sorry mate you have to choose your battles and battling against a bar with elite connections be it through the police or ownership structure is a battle you cant win.......mai pen rai

    A very senior public servant is building a new apartment building in our street which I would say is very exclusive so lots of elites living here, he lives in the same street...they work 24x7, concrete pouring, banging away...sunday morning there are bandsaws buzzing away right now. It will be finished next month and we can get some peace but there is absolutely nothign can be done about it...mai pen rai

  13. I heard though that even after the freeview is encrypted, you will be able to get a card to watch it, is that true?

    Seems it would be the only way to get coverage in Thailand as true will not buy Setanta and the iSetanta internet player is total rubbish (and grossly expensive)

    From True:

    We apologize to inform you that we have no recent plan to add Setanta Sports.

    We thank you for your suggestion.

    Should you have any further inquiry, suggestion, or comment, please do not hesitate to contact us at 02-7252525 between 8:00 am - 22:00 pm or [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> between 9:00 am -18:00 pm.

  14. Despite knowing I was barking up the wrong tree I emailed True about the rugby coverage, in particular the Setanta channel. Got this cryptic response mumbling something about showing Six Nations which is news to me!

    Dear Greg,

    TrueVisions has acknowledged your message and would very much like to clarify you that usually, there are several things and conditions of broadcasting sports from the host channel such as there are majority interests and program license.

    We still do not have a plan to televise Rugby World Cup this year but once it becomes available, we will officially announce it.

    However, we will televise Rugby Six Nations 2011. You can search the schedule through our website at www.truevisionstv.com

    We are truly sorry once again if this caused you any inconvenience.

    Thank you for your kindness and continued support. Write us again whenever we can be of further help to you. Please contact us at 02-7252525 or [email protected]

    Yours sincerely,

    Ms. Supawan Likitpittayatragool

    Support & Non-Voice Management

    Tel+66(0) 2725-2525

    Fax+66(0) 2725-2500

    Email:[email protected]

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