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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Errr; someone correct me if i'm wrong but as the Car Factories i believe are owned by the Japanese, Germans etc then surely those Countries will decide if Thailand can Export those Products to Russia....or anywhere else for that matter and the way things are now those Countries will not let Thailand do so as it would contradict their stance on current Sanctions against Russia !
  2. ''Impressive'' ? He is just doing his job; nothing to get undue applause for !
  3. In other words; we are talking a lot about this problem but will never do anything about it !
  4. Weren't we told about four years ago that all wires were being put underground over a two year period ? Should have been done 25 years or more ago !
  5. But that would leave Idiots like my BIL upset as he has just bought a brand new Crew Cab Black Pick-Up with 'Go Fast Stripes' on the sides. Me...''Why do you need that when you are both retired and only go shopping once a week '' ? Him.... '' Makes me look big and strong''. Well; he is only about 5'5' after all and has to have a cushion on the seat !
  6. Kinda blows the Myth of the closeness of Thai Families to bits eh ! RIP the Lady; it's always the Women here that are the Victims in the majority of cases.
  7. Thai Drivers....''Oh look; a sharp bend with a big ditch next to it, let's see if we can get around the bend at full speed '' !
  8. Errrrrr; this is Thailand where Truth and Justice are of little importance......along with Responsibility and Accountability !!
  9. I can think of many names to call this Obese Creep but 'Completely Innocent' will never be on my list !
  10. You forget this country is being run by a bunch of Gangsters calling themselves 'Generals'; who are also liars and thieves. In many ways they are no better than the Evil Putin.
  11. Yeah right; that's why the Men go around shooting and stabbing their Ex's in broad daylight and want to kill anyone that beeps their horn at them on the road !
  12. I can see it now; some Knob End in Government House spouting..''The Nuclear War in Europe will have no effect on Thailand at all '' !
  13. I don't like or dislike Russians personally but their President started this War; so his Officials can take the responsibility of helping Russian people......wherever they are !
  14. Wasn't it only last week a Genius at Government House was telling us the War would have no effect on Thailands Economy ?
  15. 'George Best' of his Sport. They were both Genius's on the Pitch and they both knew their Lifestyle would lead to early demise; ie, they both knew exactly what they were doing ! RIP Shane; that first ball in Test Cricket ensured your name would live forever.
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