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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Even more important to have a 'Brain Dead' handle here !
  2. You forgot they are useless at Sums !
  3. Only 6 ? Guy must have been just praticing his skills !
  4. Big Joke is rightfully going for the throat at Immigration as he was deliberately dumped on in the past when trying to do a decent job of getting many of these Corrupt and Lazy Officers out of the Service or actually 'working' for a living. They thought they had got rid of him for good but he is having the last laugh !
  5. 'High Speed' ? With 12 Station stops it will never be High Speed but they don't even begin to understand the concept. Anyway; Yingluck already bought the Lunchboxes but i wonder where thay all ended up ?
  6. No worries; he will just transfer the Business to a Relative or Friend, even 'dead friends' are used as excuses for wrongdoing here !
  7. Amazing how Thai's can be 'Masterminds' when it comes anything Illegal but are dumb as bricks when it comes to actually 'working' and doing a decent job for a decent days pay !
  8. RIP those lost. Never known a Country where so many people fall asleep at the wheel !
  9. Seem to recall this Geezer was caught with a Brown Envelope full of cash on his desk and was seen counting it. Is any other evidence needed ?
  10. No worries; any bad news will be 'rectifed' by the Thai's and before you know it everything will be 'booming' !
  11. So; the 'Crackdown' started on Thursday and finished on Friday. Sounds about normal for Crackdowns here !
  12. Easy answer would be crush all the siezed Bikes that the Rental Companies hired out to Unlicensed Riders; that would stop it happening again pretty quickly. However; this is Thailand, where a Brown Envelope fixes everything !
  13. Just another way for the RTP to collect a load of money for their 'Central Fund' and then back to normal again !
  14. As it's against the Law shouldn't the Police be Prosecuting the Offenders ? Too busy collecting Helmet Fines i guess to be doing something really important !
  15. If you are Farang and you haven't notified your address changes you have broken the Law but if they had 'connected' Government Computers System Immigration records would have shown your address changes and therefore the Vehicle Licencing Authority should have contacted you. However; knowing that Computer Systems here seem to be archaic at best they wouldn't know if you were in Bangkok or Timbucktoo !
  16. It will just add to the hundreds of thousands that have no Tax already. Last week i walked along a row of Motorbikes with at least 50% of them untaxed or showing Discs that were two/three years out of date. Cops could do the same but not interested as no money in it for them !
  17. The avearge bottle of Coke and most other sugary fizz drinks have seven teaspoons full of sugar in them. You only have to look around the Parks, Playgrounds and the Streets to see how many bottles of this muck the Thai's drink !
  18. That's the Women. Huge numbers of so called 'Men' are doing as little as possible except drinking Beer and Smoking whilst watching Millions of Burmese and Cambodians doing the jobs they should be doing !
  19. Maybe she promised him she would not only remove his Pants every evening but put them back on in the morning !!
  20. 4,000 every few nights is great when they can keep doing it and we know they do; that's why many Cops live in big Houses and have big Cars and Bikes etc etc. Corruption is so deeply ingrained in their psyche it is almost impossible to stop it. Furthermore; they don't give a hoot what Prayut or anyone else thinks or says and only stop when they are caught red handed and they also know that any 'Punishment' will be trivial !
  21. Pork and Chicken are much cheaper in Neighbouring Countries and have been kept high here by greedy Retailers; so how come these 'Guardians' of consumers have done nothing about it ?
  22. I sense Big Joke is getting his own back a bit here with Immigration after they ganged up on him and got him ousted last time. Good for him; i wish he could be back in charge of the whole Immigration System, as if he had stayed i think he would have done away with 90 day reporting and TM30s by now and probably reduced the Staff level by at least 30%.
  23. Will never happen until someone 'Important' dies; mainly because there is no money in Road Safety !
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