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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Really ? Been dry as a bone in Chiang Mai area now for yonks and not a breath of breeze today !
  2. Why are these Teachers such Morons ? All he had to do was ask the Girl politely where she was going and tell her to please be a good Student and return to Class or wherever. No need for Violence , Foul Language or the Threat of Violence !
  3. Clearly Visible Eh ? I just been around to our Local Market and counted 9 Vehicles with out of date Tax; one of them 4 years out of date ! See it every time i go out and meanwhile the so called 'Police' are busy at the Station....Zzzzzzzzzz and couldn't care less.
  4. Just got back from a week in Phuket. Around 85% of people not wearing masks; the remaining ones being mainly Thai service staff in Hotels etc. Majority of Tourists were Arabs and Indians; though not huge numbers and Thai Tourists out numbered them. Seems the days of Taxi Mafia are over for now; just 150 Baht for a reasonable distance and Hotels half the price they were before Covid, excellent from a Tourists point of view. Many Bars and Restaurants still closed and even Central Mall in Patong still closed.
  5. Most Local Policemen will tell you these drinking laws are from the Dark Ages. Same Policemen will happily join you for a Beer on Drinks Banned Days at open Local Bars in every Village !
  6. I blame both of them and the Police. Her for getting stupid drunk; him for being a consistant Drug Menace and Rapist and the Police for allowing this Man to continue as a Taxi Driver with multiple Drug Offences to his name. She wants him punished to 'the full extent of the law' but we know what that means...1,000 Baht fine and back to work the next day as if nothing happened !
  7. Only have to ride around our local Villages to see how many of them live in what looks like Rubbish Dumps. Probably find that's the sort of background this Woman comes from so to her it's normal behaviour !
  8. Won't lead anywhere; as can't have the small Guys taking money from the Billionaire's can we !
  9. Many of these Trucks around the country are unroadworthy but ask any School Director or Teacher how much they know or care about anything Mechanical. Come to that; ask them how much they care about the safety of the Kids in their 'care' ? Majority will point to it being someone else's responsibility !
  10. Verdict will be 'It's all been a terrible misunderstanding'. The Plastic Wrapping had holes in it so the suspect could breath !
  11. More Garbage; my Wife of 15 years was a Nurse and she is now 57 and retired. It's total nonsence that every Farang that is married is married to a Bar Girl ! Indeed; i've never set foot in a Thai Bar and have no wish to do so.
  12. Happy here thanks; has become more expensive but still way below Western prices for just about anything. Anyway; pretty much the whole World has become a shambles one way and another, so why move ?
  13. A lot of Car Drivers drive with no hands or one finger or thumb on the steering wheel too; which means no control over the Vehicle whatsoever and after many 'Accidents' they always have another excuse like 'wet road' or 'lap nai' instead of telling the truth that they were not in control of the Vehicle !
  14. I bought about 8 items the other day; got to the Till and said 'Bag Please'. Didn't happen; so i said 'Call Manager Please' and this scruffy looking Pleb came out of a back office and said 'Uh ?'. I said 'Uh; no, i want a Bag for this many items, whereupon he told the Young Girl to give me a Bag !
  15. Yet another 'Nonce' hiding anywhere he can get to. Hope he gets sent to Rat Infested Pentonville under Rule 41; 23 Hour Lockdown and one hour walking the yard !
  16. So; let's call that 8% then ! June likely to be even higher methinks.
  17. What Love was that then; a lot of Thai Men and Women have no idea what Love is, as they have never felt it, given it or recieved it. Just one example; my Wife of 15 years told me that her Father never once gave her a cuddle in her entire life and her Mother was so busy in the Market night and day trying to earn enough for the Family to eat that she didn't recieve much attention from her either. Her first Husband (deceased at 39) was , in her words, 'as cold as ice' and sex was a jump on, grunt and two minute affair. Small wonder that many Thai's don't understand 'Love' at all !
  18. Oh Yummy; Antigen Test Kits for dinner it is then. These people are Morons !
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