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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. I think it's probably a lot worse than what they are saying. Don't need to be a Financial Whizzkid to work it out when every time we go into Malls more and more shops have moved out; even ones that have been there for a Decades or more plus many Food Vendors and smaller Outlets selling Clothes, Sunglasses, Toys, ETC. In our nearest Mall all the Banks have moved out bar one and the last one closes end February. Manager told us the rent is 100,000 Baht a month and they have virtually no customers left because all the other Business's have gone. The overpricing of Pork and Chicken, Eggs and many Vegetables since the start of this year has made things a lot worse for the Local's; indeed, us too and even we have made cutbacks in our shopping. Difference is our cutbacks means more money saved but large numbers of the Local's have nothing to save anyway and just scrape by on next to nothing. No good people saying prices of some things are slowly coming down; the damage is done and more jobs are being lost, many of which will never be restored.
  2. ''War Room'' Oh yeah; this means another Medal coming...a BiG ONE !
  3. He probably mistook her name for 'Foreplay' ! Easy mistake when you are half cut or high on Yaba !
  4. And don't drink Bleach. Oh wait; i forgot, they don't sell it anymore because they used to Murder each other with it and let the Kids drink it !
  5. After three 'grueling' days of eating free food and drinking free Beer whilst dozing off frequently through boredom; they all went home and forgot everything that was said !
  6. Seems to be a surplus around lately. In Big C this morning and dozens of bags reduced in price piled up. Not just junk but the good stuff as well.
  7. 'Shot at least 10 times' I guess Inspector Somchai ran out of fingers after that then !
  8. Who's got the most clutter on their Uniform and how will all that weight help in a National Emergency Situation ? Truth is this is just another way to get free lunches and free wine whilst talking about nothing worthwhile !
  9. I've got 20 Kilo's in my Freezer's; am i hoarding ? What happens to all the 'seized' Pork; have all the Generals and Top Civil Servants now got full Freezer's ?
  10. Of course; they could end up like Thai Airways Aircraft....carrying Parcels abroad !
  11. They don't need to be 'Operable' as they will only be tied up beside the Aircraft Carrier for Selfies and showing off the fearless RTN 'Submariners' !
  12. And this is supposed to a 'Powerful New Message' ? They are clueless; what would be a Powerful New Message is 'If you don't pay your fine we will impound and crush your Vehicle after just a second demand to pay '. Most Thai Drivers need a good kick in the Butt or their heads banging against a wall in the hope that the small amount of Grey Matter they possess at one end or the other may let something useful in and make a difference to the 'attittude' problem !
  13. Press Gangs ? ''Come E'r Boy and help us with 'Income' whilst you earn the Kings Shilling'' !
  14. I wonder which two of the three of him was on Overstay ? Reading about this Geezers life you quickly come to the conclusion that he wouldn't get to 40 !
  15. There are more than double the amount of Thai 'Men' they are looking for swinging in Hammocks, smoking Weed and/or drinking Beer all over this country whilst their Wives are out working until silly o'clock to support the Family. Round up these lazy Locals and 'make' them work !
  16. RIP that Man. ''Can we fix it....yes we can '' But Maintenance is never done until something breaks first !
  17. Another Monster in our midst; be careful out there because we are surrounded by Mentaly sick people here !
  18. An order for 50 new Loco's means certain people's off-shore accounts are bulging !
  19. RIP the Lady. Believe what you want but after living here for 15 years in Rural area's i believe that this is a Violent Society and Violence is never very far under the surface in huge numbers of Family's. The 'Authorities' are all too redy to blame Alcohol for almost every Violent Act but nearer the truth is that Thai's are a suppressed and silenced Population in many ways...No Freedom of Speech...No Freedom of Choice... and their pent up frustrations and anger boils over at the slightest altercation with their own Family, Friends or anyone who may 'hit the trigger'. Of course; Alcohol never helps in these situations and can 'hit the trigger' without much help but the main reasons are those stated, truth's that 'Authority' is the cause of !
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