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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. RIP the innocent victims. The Truck Driver waiting to give 'his version of events' ! His Truck; his responsibility but we know what that means in Thailand don't we ? These Trailer Trucks are a menace in many ways; a lot of them think they are Max Verstappen or Lewis Hamilton and can just push everyone else out of the way. Yesterday i was sitting at Traffic Lights (yes i do stop at Red Lights ) when one of these pulled up beside me in the outside lane waiting to turn right. His rear two axles were parked next to me and when i looked at the Tyres they were all bald or almost bald and there were four different types of Tyres on two axles ! This is just one example of how well these Vehicles are Maintained and how well that Maintenance is checked by anyone of 'Authority' here in the 'Land of Could'nt Care a Less about People's Safety'. It's just Diabolical !
  2. Lt Commander with the brain of a 12 year old boy. If It's these kind of weirdo's and Pedo's that are the cream of the Thai Military Forces then you wouldn't want to go to War with them as your CO . Should ever an Enemy want to invade this country they will roll over these creeps in a week or two !
  3. I can see the Thai response already...'It's all a Terrible Misunderstanding' !!
  4. Any new Trade Deal should stipulate Zero Tariffs in both directions; otherwise no deal ! The days of Thailand paying nothing to get its Goods into Europe whilst charging exhorbitant Tarrifs for incoming European Goods must end....now !
  5. Terrible mistake in numbers..TAT would have said 23 Million and another 50 million within two weeks !
  6. Strange; i seem to recall not many Moons ago that the Thai's didn't want Chinese Tourists as they don't spend any money apart from small amount in 7 because they buy all inclusive packages at home, which means only Chinese owned Hotels and Buses get any money and that is filtered back to China. And apart from that all they do is stand in the middle of busy roads, Pee and Poo wherever they drop their Kacks and take Photo's of Thai Market Stalls so they can 'copy' what the 'superior' Thai's do ! Anyway; whatever the Thai's may now want they won't get because Xi & Co' have decided to keep their people inside to spend all their money there, a sensible idea !
  7. In a Society that teaches it's young people that everything that is wrong is actually right it is easy for them to 'live with it afterwards'. Responsibility and Accountability are rarely taught by Parents; many millions of whom are ignorant of any decent Moral Standards themselves !
  8. Thai's are the same with appointments; they come when they come and time doesn't matter !
  9. Thailand never 'prepares' for anything; it waits until it's happened !
  10. What needs to change is Thai Driver's 'Attitude'. Now; whoever could achieve that would be more than an average Hero ! When i first met my Wife to be 20 years ago she gave me a few pointers for living in The Land of Scams and one of the things she said was 'The biggest problem in Thailand is People's 'Attitude'. ' How right that proved to be and nothing has changed down the years; so they can do what they like with the Zebra Crossings but whatever they do it won't change the 'Attitude' problem !
  11. Plenty of available Labour here. Out on my daily Bike ride this morning i saw the usual Labour availabilty; some sitting on their haunches smoking weed, some drinking Beer at 8am and others swinging in Hammocks, all the things i've seen them doing for the last 15 years while their Wives and Girlfriends work from silly O'Clock in the morning until silly O'Clock in the evening at the Local Market or on the Street to feed the Family and the Men's bad habits. These 'Men' and millions of others like them all over the Country have no 'skills' other than those already mentioned. I would suggest rounding a few thousand of them up and sending them to anywhere they may be of some use....wherever that may possibly be !
  12. They want 'Skilled' workers from Thailand; so there won't be a queue !
  13. They say it won't.....which means it will; so be prepared for ecological disaster folks !
  14. Then stay away from Restaurants as well; don't visit anywhere they want money from you before you even sit down....madness !
  15. My deceased Father-in-Law murdered a Man by knifing him to death back in 1960 when they were both 20, both drunk after several days of drinking and were 'best friends' at the time. FIL couldn't remember anything at all about the attack or the reason for it and witness's said they were arguing over something trivial. FIL was charged and convicted of murder and sentenced to nine years in prison of which he did just four years and was released. He never returned to the area where he previously lived and all the rest of his life he never showed any guilt or remorse for what he had done to his 'friend' or the agony it brought both Families relatives. He talked about it in a matter of fact way that you might talk about watching TV or going shopping.
  16. The one time out of four License renewals i got pulled to watch a Video it was noticed that the Vid' must have been at least 30 years old looking at Vehicles and People's clothes; shows how keen they are to make people aware of the latest rules and laws. Meanwhile in the another room ajoining mine were about forty Young Thai's who were, without exception, playing with their phone's and ignoring the Video completely that they were supposed to watch to obtain their first License. A Female Civil Servant 'in charge' of the room was busy....playing with her phone as well !
  17. What will make me happy one day is when i read that they have 'moved in' to Government House and booted out everyone who's in there !
  18. Tragedy here is that most people don't seem to want to learn and just think all their actions are good ones. Responsibility and Accountability when things go wrong just doesn't seem to be in their mindset. As far as road safety is concerned things are going to get a lot worse before they get better; it's already happening with all these Unlicensed Battery powered 'Bikes' and 'Scooters' that are running around and seem to multiply every week. These people are out on the main roads with no License required, No Tax, No Insurance etc etc and they silently creep up behind you without a 'beep beep' when you are on a normal Bicycle. As more Electric Cars and ever more of these Two Wheelers get on the road there will be more accidents, more deaths and more injuries. And what will the so called 'Police' be doing........still Zzzzzz of course !
  19. In Thailand there are Bandits coming at you from Everywhere O'Clock !
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