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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. 'Suspect' will walk; if not now then short time in the future as Farang are 'Disposable Aliens' here !
  2. It's not a Proactive Society in any way; so nobody will be 'ready' for anything !
  3. The Buck stops with you Mr 'Director'; get it sorted, stop making excuses and feed the Kids properly !
  4. When you have a bunch of Military Gangsters in Government House only interested in buying Submarines, Aircraft and anything else that will make them even filthy richer than they are already; whilst at the same time taking away people's rights to have freedom of speech and freedom of choice, then nothing will ever be done that actualy helps this country, it's economy or its people. One day the people of Thailand must wake up and take back control of their lives; it's the ONLY way forward from where they are now.
  5. As they used to say on 'Thunderbirds'...'Anything is possible in the next half hour' !
  6. How do they know when they never conduct a Census ? There are a lot of 'Invisible' people in Thailand including thousands of Thai Nationals who don't want to be found. Looks to me like another number taken from the TAT files !
  7. What ? Thai's cheating; they would never do a thing like that would they ? Lol.
  8. Agree with you to a certain extent. However; Many Villages have been offered Bin Men to collect once a week but it will cost each family 50 Baht a month and countless times they have refused to pay. It's high time they were told if they don't pay they will be fined for every Bonfire, as a Community, or the Government has to decide to give the service free. When you look around the Countryside and see the filth i think the latter idea would be best, a much better idea than buying useless Submarines, High Speed Trains and Vertical Take-Off Military Aircraft !
  9. According to my notes the last rain we had like this in Chiang Mai in January was 2008.
  10. Yes; and the Fire Extinguishers have to be bought from the 'right' people; relatives and friends of Government Ministers and the like, most likely 'connected' to the Committee Members themselves !
  11. All this talk of Closed Bars in Nonsense in our area; i could go and get a drink anytime near home and meet Policemen drinking there as well. As for travel; we have forgotten it and will continue to forget it until all restrictions are dropped as we are happy at home and don't have itchy Butts !
  12. When you have sub standard Teachers you will always end up with sub standard Education; especially when Nationalism is preached first and Rote system is in use. Time to kick out everyone at the Education Ministry; it's full of Dinosours, very similar to Government House !
  13. So; now it's Anutin the great 'Public Defender'; Lawyer, Barrister and all. Is there anything this Man can't do ? He should obviously be the next Prime Minister after the next Rigged Election !
  14. And all the while the Great Leader Prayut is trying to drag them back 200 years !
  15. They are checked as well as Bus Drivers...........'Can you drive a Bus ?'.....'Yes'.....'Good; take this Bus to Bangkok and back and do it very fast' !
  16. Ah; they've formed a 'Panel', so next thing it will be a 'Committee' or two and by the time they've finished all the free food, wine and had all the fully expenses paid trip to China and Laos everything will be settled....in China's favour !
  17. When all the Electricity in Thailand is made from Coal and Gas how will having Elcetric Cars help the environment ? By now this country should be generating most or all of its Electricity by Solar means but as usual too many people got their fingers in the Till and they don't want that to do the right thing !
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