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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Only four more months of Gouging then; until they think of another excuse !
  2. I never expect Thailand to 'achieve' anything worthwhile at any time. Treading water now for Decades !
  3. Most Plod that visit Gold Shops are there to collect the weekly or monthly 'Protection Money' that all Business's have to pay them; not that they get any 'Protection' as such but if they get robbed the Plod may actually investigate and try and catch someone !
  4. His positioning on the raod was diabolical approching the bend; looked like he was half asleep. What was the load; Sugar, Salt or MSG ! Lol.
  5. Never going to happen; they don't want to change anything, just take money, they are completely blinded by their own arrogance in thinking that they are a Superior Race who can never do wrong !
  6. And God only knows what the current Gangsters running the country are doing under wraps as virtually nothing here is transparent when it comes to money. As time passes we will find out how much is being creamed off but that may not be in my lifetime, as a proper Government run by honest people seems to be Decades away !
  7. Nuts ! Why would the Thai Airforce want them? Just to have 'Big Face' in the Region and add another row of unearned Medals to bloated Generals Uniforms. If they get them watch out for some spectacular crashes as they 'show them off' !
  8. More Nosense from a Government full of it. By the time the World gets to 2031 the Countries surrounding Thailand will have ploughed forward with all the progress needed to starve this country of decent numbers of Tourists as things here will never change or will move at a snails pace compared to others. Only when they sort out their Politics and get a proper Democratic Government in place with genuine vision for the future instead of bloated hype will they progress. Somehow i don't think it will happen in my lifetime; as i have been here for 15 years and seen virtually zero progress in any sector apart from making rich people even more rich ! By 2031 they will be one of the SMALLEST HUBS in The World.
  9. Going EV is a waste of time until the country first stops making Electricity with Coal and Gas ! Meanwhile; i've never known Thailand to be 'ready' for any change, not a proactive country in any sense, so you will have to wait until China leads them by the hand sometime towards 2100 !
  10. ' Response Teams' meaning 'Committee's' and 'Panels'. More money for In-Laws and General Hangers-On !
  11. I bet when i walk into my Local Supermarket on Tuesday that nothing has changed except perhaps a few items in the 'Reduced' bin; which is ongoing daily anyway. Over the years i've seen so many of these 'Announcements' that say the Government is going to help with big discounts but i never actually see any in The North, so presumably the Rich people in Bangkok get all the goodies !
  12. The man is an expert 'player' himself; so he knows all about it !
  13. It's all going to the normal plan of talk a lot and do nothing different. Until some Thai Government somewhere in the future (if ever) decides people need to be taught to drive 'Properly' and take 'Proper Tests', both written and practical and taught to 'Obey' the Road Rules and the so called 'Police' are taught to 'Enforce' the Laws, then there is no hope of changing anything. Just reporting numbers every year and then patting themselves on the back for not doing anything is Oh so Thai !
  14. With around 3,000 odd 'Generals'; all with their own dumb idea's, we could get different stories for the next 2,999 days. Stand by for today's episode !
  15. People in Europe should just get it into their heads not to come to Thailand. I have warned all my Family and Friends to stay away until all forms of Covid 'Rules' have been dropped sometime in the future. However; i must say that Travel Companies in Britain are making people aware of the comlexity of Thai rules and the likelyhood that they can change at the flip of a coin, resulting in people going elsewhere with a more relaxed approach.
  16. Each to his own; but Broccoli is the Perfect Vegetable, has everything you need and nothing you don't. Chips i can live without but do indulge two or three times a year.
  17. I've got two Freezers i use and fill them with Meat when the price is lower. What i find disturbing lately is the price of Vegetables in many places; even the Market Vendore are not buying certain Vege's as too expensive and afraid they won't sell them. Went into Makro last week and Broccoli was 175 Baht per Kilo, crazy price so left it, yesterday it was 119 Baht per Kilo but i'm not buying until back to 89 Baht or less. You pays yer money you takes yer choice and i will not be gouged, as there is always something else you can choose. Pork and Chicken will come back down after New Year; they are gouging knowing the Thai's must have their 'Moo Ga Ta' over this period !
  18. My guess would be at least 10,000 already judging by how fast this variant spreads in other countries. Whatever number is put on it by Thai Authorities you can X 10 as they are never truthful !
  19. The real Crisis in Thai Education is in the Ministry of Education; where Dinosaurs roam the Corridors pondering what further measures can be taken to prevent any form of constructive Teaching or Learning. They are happy to keep things the appalling way they are whilst creaming off large amounts of the Education Budget !
  20. The Drug Makers will keep making sure that they scare as many people as possible whilst they keep producing more and more Vaccine's that will never make the problem go away; as it's not in their interests to do so !
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