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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. The man is an expert 'player' himself; so he knows all about it !
  2. It's all going to the normal plan of talk a lot and do nothing different. Until some Thai Government somewhere in the future (if ever) decides people need to be taught to drive 'Properly' and take 'Proper Tests', both written and practical and taught to 'Obey' the Road Rules and the so called 'Police' are taught to 'Enforce' the Laws, then there is no hope of changing anything. Just reporting numbers every year and then patting themselves on the back for not doing anything is Oh so Thai !
  3. With around 3,000 odd 'Generals'; all with their own dumb idea's, we could get different stories for the next 2,999 days. Stand by for today's episode !
  4. People in Europe should just get it into their heads not to come to Thailand. I have warned all my Family and Friends to stay away until all forms of Covid 'Rules' have been dropped sometime in the future. However; i must say that Travel Companies in Britain are making people aware of the comlexity of Thai rules and the likelyhood that they can change at the flip of a coin, resulting in people going elsewhere with a more relaxed approach.
  5. Each to his own; but Broccoli is the Perfect Vegetable, has everything you need and nothing you don't. Chips i can live without but do indulge two or three times a year.
  6. I've got two Freezers i use and fill them with Meat when the price is lower. What i find disturbing lately is the price of Vegetables in many places; even the Market Vendore are not buying certain Vege's as too expensive and afraid they won't sell them. Went into Makro last week and Broccoli was 175 Baht per Kilo, crazy price so left it, yesterday it was 119 Baht per Kilo but i'm not buying until back to 89 Baht or less. You pays yer money you takes yer choice and i will not be gouged, as there is always something else you can choose. Pork and Chicken will come back down after New Year; they are gouging knowing the Thai's must have their 'Moo Ga Ta' over this period !
  7. My guess would be at least 10,000 already judging by how fast this variant spreads in other countries. Whatever number is put on it by Thai Authorities you can X 10 as they are never truthful !
  8. The real Crisis in Thai Education is in the Ministry of Education; where Dinosaurs roam the Corridors pondering what further measures can be taken to prevent any form of constructive Teaching or Learning. They are happy to keep things the appalling way they are whilst creaming off large amounts of the Education Budget !
  9. The Drug Makers will keep making sure that they scare as many people as possible whilst they keep producing more and more Vaccine's that will never make the problem go away; as it's not in their interests to do so !
  10. Good idea if they follow it through instead of just Lip Service but the biggest problem is out in the fields; Stop the Burning !
  11. The worst Criminals in Thailand are in the Corridors of Power and the Police dare not tread those !
  12. Crackdowns on Prostitution are as useful as Crackdowns on Drugs...virtually useless. Try legalising things; manage them properly and collect Taxes, much more sensible. However; Thailand actually 'Managing' anything is a big ask !
  13. Generally speaking; in the 15 years or so i've lived here i've found most Thai people to be friendly if there is any reason for contact on a face to face basis. This statement excludes anyone inThai Officialdom; apart from the lowest Office Girls. The Nerks at Immigration at Airports just can't bring themselves to perform 'Service with a Smile' and are generally unwelcoming in their 'Superior Attitude', which seems to prevail with all Civil Servants higher than the Tea Lady or Office Cleaner. It's this Cultural Junk that grooms them to believe they are 'Special' people and can look down on all others not of their 'Ilk'. The more Senior Staff at Amphur's are from the same mould; indeed, any type of Government Offiice is where you will encounter this 'Attitude Problem'. In the area of Shop and other Business Customer Service; most of the workers are just poorly trained or completely untrained. Go into any Supermarket and ask to see the Manager about anything and 9 times out of 10 they won't be there because in Thailand becoming a 'Manager' doesn't mean they will have more responsibility and have to work harder than the rest of the Staff as we do in The West; in short the don't actually 'Manage' anything useful to Customers or Staff, they are just a Figurehead that everyone else has to cow down to. Thai Banks i could talk about for a year but they must be the worst Managed. the most Corrupt and have the worst Service of any Banks on The Planet.....but that's a story for another day !
  14. Plenty of Thai Families around us that don't have a Pot to <deleted> in let alone Emergency Funds !
  15. Dr Yong is obviously a Parrot; watches TV News and then repeats every word he hears !
  16. Ah yes; this is the Tool that said Covid had 'Peaked' in Thailand last June !
  17. Dirty Money will ensure that the surplus Property listings will continue to get higher and until they even try to stop such rempant Corruption in the country then the 'Bubble' will continue until one day.....'POP' !
  18. Here we go again; according to the 'Brains' of this country an Atomic Bomb won't stop the recovery, because Covid is 'no match' for Thailands brilliance !
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