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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Good idea if they follow it through instead of just Lip Service but the biggest problem is out in the fields; Stop the Burning !
  2. The worst Criminals in Thailand are in the Corridors of Power and the Police dare not tread those !
  3. Crackdowns on Prostitution are as useful as Crackdowns on Drugs...virtually useless. Try legalising things; manage them properly and collect Taxes, much more sensible. However; Thailand actually 'Managing' anything is a big ask !
  4. Generally speaking; in the 15 years or so i've lived here i've found most Thai people to be friendly if there is any reason for contact on a face to face basis. This statement excludes anyone inThai Officialdom; apart from the lowest Office Girls. The Nerks at Immigration at Airports just can't bring themselves to perform 'Service with a Smile' and are generally unwelcoming in their 'Superior Attitude', which seems to prevail with all Civil Servants higher than the Tea Lady or Office Cleaner. It's this Cultural Junk that grooms them to believe they are 'Special' people and can look down on all others not of their 'Ilk'. The more Senior Staff at Amphur's are from the same mould; indeed, any type of Government Offiice is where you will encounter this 'Attitude Problem'. In the area of Shop and other Business Customer Service; most of the workers are just poorly trained or completely untrained. Go into any Supermarket and ask to see the Manager about anything and 9 times out of 10 they won't be there because in Thailand becoming a 'Manager' doesn't mean they will have more responsibility and have to work harder than the rest of the Staff as we do in The West; in short the don't actually 'Manage' anything useful to Customers or Staff, they are just a Figurehead that everyone else has to cow down to. Thai Banks i could talk about for a year but they must be the worst Managed. the most Corrupt and have the worst Service of any Banks on The Planet.....but that's a story for another day !
  5. Plenty of Thai Families around us that don't have a Pot to <deleted> in let alone Emergency Funds !
  6. Dr Yong is obviously a Parrot; watches TV News and then repeats every word he hears !
  7. Ah yes; this is the Tool that said Covid had 'Peaked' in Thailand last June !
  8. Dirty Money will ensure that the surplus Property listings will continue to get higher and until they even try to stop such rempant Corruption in the country then the 'Bubble' will continue until one day.....'POP' !
  9. Here we go again; according to the 'Brains' of this country an Atomic Bomb won't stop the recovery, because Covid is 'no match' for Thailands brilliance !
  10. Yeah; Thailand needs to keep the Rivers deep enough for its new Submarine Fleet !
  11. More than you think; mainly because they can make downpayments and spread the rest over several months !
  12. You forget that in Thailand everything is geared to 'Entitled' people and it is protecting them and not the country that matters !
  13. My Niece who works in a British Travel Agency tells me nobody is even asking if Thailand is open or closed; nobody wants to go there anyway !
  14. 'Checkpoints' in this country; meeting places for Cops to socialise whilst sitting on their Butt's for the most part with the Booze under a table and the empty metal mugs to pour it into. And all this on Overtime !
  15. No worries; 50 Million Tourists will be arriving in the next year, all spending 64,000 Baht a week each on Quarantine Hotels and Yukky Food !!
  16. Her numbers are most likely a lot nearer the mark than the Idiots at TAT who are merely Puppets of the Military 'Generals' calling themselves a 'Democratic Government '. The Mouthpieces of any Government Organisation are instructed to only predict good things, something revered in Thailand where they all want to look 'clever'.
  17. Anyone who thinks inflation is not yet upon us needs to have a walk around any Supermarket. I'm no Financial Whiz Kid but i'm not daft either and prices of the majority of food items have risen 20% to 30% this year. Nothing here ever seems to go up by the odd Baht or two but five or ten Baht at a time always with an excuse like 'Floods' or 'No Rain' or Swine Flu or Chicken Flu or the Delivery Company is causing delays or whatever jumped up excuse they can think of. Basically it's the old tale of the Rich ripping off the Poor at every turn !
  18. Seems to be the normal (wrong) way things are done here....put a very rich know it all in charge of something he knows absolutely nothing about and then move him upwards into an even more serious job he knows even less about ! All very predictable Thai Politics; and in my opinion things are going to get a lot worse before there is any hope of them getting any better.
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