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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Yeah; Thailand needs to keep the Rivers deep enough for its new Submarine Fleet !
  2. More than you think; mainly because they can make downpayments and spread the rest over several months !
  3. You forget that in Thailand everything is geared to 'Entitled' people and it is protecting them and not the country that matters !
  4. My Niece who works in a British Travel Agency tells me nobody is even asking if Thailand is open or closed; nobody wants to go there anyway !
  5. 'Checkpoints' in this country; meeting places for Cops to socialise whilst sitting on their Butt's for the most part with the Booze under a table and the empty metal mugs to pour it into. And all this on Overtime !
  6. No worries; 50 Million Tourists will be arriving in the next year, all spending 64,000 Baht a week each on Quarantine Hotels and Yukky Food !!
  7. Her numbers are most likely a lot nearer the mark than the Idiots at TAT who are merely Puppets of the Military 'Generals' calling themselves a 'Democratic Government '. The Mouthpieces of any Government Organisation are instructed to only predict good things, something revered in Thailand where they all want to look 'clever'.
  8. Anyone who thinks inflation is not yet upon us needs to have a walk around any Supermarket. I'm no Financial Whiz Kid but i'm not daft either and prices of the majority of food items have risen 20% to 30% this year. Nothing here ever seems to go up by the odd Baht or two but five or ten Baht at a time always with an excuse like 'Floods' or 'No Rain' or Swine Flu or Chicken Flu or the Delivery Company is causing delays or whatever jumped up excuse they can think of. Basically it's the old tale of the Rich ripping off the Poor at every turn !
  9. Seems to be the normal (wrong) way things are done here....put a very rich know it all in charge of something he knows absolutely nothing about and then move him upwards into an even more serious job he knows even less about ! All very predictable Thai Politics; and in my opinion things are going to get a lot worse before there is any hope of them getting any better.
  10. They are just Mouthpieces for a Junta Government who 'orders' them to make up any numbers that make said Junta look like clever people who know what they are doing !
  11. Meanwhile at the Police Station; no matter what he 'orders'............Zzzzzzz.
  12. Ah; the classic Thai Nutcase story of the day already !
  13. This Geezer has obviously never been to any Thai Funerals; where the Booze is in Jugs under the tables and is poured into Coffee Mugs to drink !
  14. What she should be calling for is the removal of all dangerous Obstructions and Cables, renewal of the majority of Public Pavements and Walkways and removal of all Scams from the City. That might encourage Tourism !
  15. Common Practice and yesterday i saw a Cop riding a Scooter with no Helmet and another riding the wrong way down a Public Footpath. If you took pictures of every wrongdoing by Cop's you would wear your Camera out in two weeks !
  16. What Sex Trade is that then ? We were assured year before last after the Chief of Police did a ten minute walk around that there was no Sex Trade in Pattaya !! Lol.
  17. The only thing they are interested in is bolstering their Bank Accounts and Off Shore Holdings/Interests. They require the General Public to stay uneducated and ignorant in order that the Plundering can continue.
  18. If they didn't waste so much money on uneeded Military Hardware they could easily afford 'New' trains; Standard Guage ones that run on newly laid Standard Guage Track. There might be some money left over to get all the filthy, disgusting Overhead Wires underground as well !
  19. This was just Episode 6,647 of the TAT Daily 'Soap'. Stand by for Episode 6,648 later today but who's listening ? One thing is for sure; it's not those Upmarket High Earners they crave !
  20. I've been the only one collecting Trash in my Local Park for years; the Thai Population are by nature an filthy and untidy lot when they visit Public Places. It's not helped by a complete lack of Rubbish Bins and /or Black Bags provided by Local Councils for anyone to put rubbish in. I have complained about this to our local Amphur multiple times and it all falls on deaf ears; they just can't be bothered !
  21. Thai Males Fragile Ego will find this hard to take; can't have Women odering them around, being smarter than them and no doubt working harder than them and using their Brains to solve Crime instead of 're-visiting' crime scenes in huge numbers with some poor Scroat in Cuffs as a PR exercise and being none the wiser when it's done !
  22. This Guy and The Big Pumpkin are on a collision course; one says stay in the other go out and spend money. Guess which one will get 'Attitude Adjustment' !
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