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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. They are just Mouthpieces for a Junta Government who 'orders' them to make up any numbers that make said Junta look like clever people who know what they are doing !
  2. Meanwhile at the Police Station; no matter what he 'orders'............Zzzzzzz.
  3. Ah; the classic Thai Nutcase story of the day already !
  4. This Geezer has obviously never been to any Thai Funerals; where the Booze is in Jugs under the tables and is poured into Coffee Mugs to drink !
  5. What she should be calling for is the removal of all dangerous Obstructions and Cables, renewal of the majority of Public Pavements and Walkways and removal of all Scams from the City. That might encourage Tourism !
  6. Common Practice and yesterday i saw a Cop riding a Scooter with no Helmet and another riding the wrong way down a Public Footpath. If you took pictures of every wrongdoing by Cop's you would wear your Camera out in two weeks !
  7. What Sex Trade is that then ? We were assured year before last after the Chief of Police did a ten minute walk around that there was no Sex Trade in Pattaya !! Lol.
  8. The only thing they are interested in is bolstering their Bank Accounts and Off Shore Holdings/Interests. They require the General Public to stay uneducated and ignorant in order that the Plundering can continue.
  9. If they didn't waste so much money on uneeded Military Hardware they could easily afford 'New' trains; Standard Guage ones that run on newly laid Standard Guage Track. There might be some money left over to get all the filthy, disgusting Overhead Wires underground as well !
  10. This was just Episode 6,647 of the TAT Daily 'Soap'. Stand by for Episode 6,648 later today but who's listening ? One thing is for sure; it's not those Upmarket High Earners they crave !
  11. I've been the only one collecting Trash in my Local Park for years; the Thai Population are by nature an filthy and untidy lot when they visit Public Places. It's not helped by a complete lack of Rubbish Bins and /or Black Bags provided by Local Councils for anyone to put rubbish in. I have complained about this to our local Amphur multiple times and it all falls on deaf ears; they just can't be bothered !
  12. Thai Males Fragile Ego will find this hard to take; can't have Women odering them around, being smarter than them and no doubt working harder than them and using their Brains to solve Crime instead of 're-visiting' crime scenes in huge numbers with some poor Scroat in Cuffs as a PR exercise and being none the wiser when it's done !
  13. This Guy and The Big Pumpkin are on a collision course; one says stay in the other go out and spend money. Guess which one will get 'Attitude Adjustment' !
  14. So; all is normal in Thailand then; including the falsified figures for Death on the Roads; even Little Fatty admitted the true figure is around 25,000 per annum and rising.
  15. You Naughty Naughty Boy ! 500 Baht Fine and don't do it again or we'll suspend the License you haven't got !
  16. The Thai Vaccine will be ready after all the High Speed Railways have been built connecting every Town/City in Thailand and with International City's all over Asia; so that distribution of the Vaccine can be Transported at High Speed wherever it is required !!
  17. Would that be the Holidays all those Unemployed people won't be going on ?
  18. A large proportion of the Male Population are Bone Idle and have no intention of working if they can get away with it. There are so many still 'living with Mum and Dad' into their 40's and never taken any responsibility for anything; including Children Born to Girlfriends who were left to fend for themselves years ago. Even those that are 'Married'; or what they call Married after a Party in the Village, still in many cases don't work but rely on their 'Wives' to go to work for up to 15 hours a day to not just feed the Family but supply all the money for Bills, Beer and Tobacco. We have Female Neighbours who left these idle Jerks years ago, went back to live with Mum and took the Kid(s) with them and the Men never visit the Kids or make any financial contributions or offer any help whatsoever. Much of this has to be blamed on succeeding Governments of all colours who have never done anything about errant Males and poor parenting for never teaching them anything about 'Responsibility', 'Accountability' and the like.
  19. Just another way of crushing any glimmer of hope for Democracy; the thing they fear the most !
  20. No worries; with a serious Criminal Record he will be a Deputy Prime Minister as soon as he is released, and that won't be long as within a few weeks he will be out for 'Medical Reasons ' !
  21. We have Middle Class Thai Friends who are doing a fair bit of travel around the country but they go to all the parts where 'Old Friends' or Family live and so they don't need to spend money on Hotels and they don't eat out apart from the odd Food Court. In turn their Friends and Families visit them and enjoy time together but on the cheap. They are not poor or uncomfortable for money but don't chuck it around as they are fearful for the future as they know the country is in a bad way when it comes to the Economy and Mismanagement of the Junta generally.
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