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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. You will have to excuse him; like most other 'Ministers' and 'Hangers On' his Lift doesn't actually get to the top, so he is incapable of coming to sensible conclusions !
  2. Another Rinse and Repeat Railway Tale that has worn thin down the years. Whilst other countries move forward and actually get things done Thailand sits on its hands whilst all the 'Officials' try to figure out how they can become very rich or even richer than they already are through plundering the Project(s). No thought is actually given to the Project's usefulness or practicality; all so typically Thai !
  3. Similar to Tesco Points i think; 10 Baht for every Thousand but i'm not in charge of it !
  4. No worries; Yingluck said the HST from BKK to CNX would be up and running by 2016 and even designed the Lunch Boxes. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me where to book tickets to get my 'in flight' Bento Box !
  5. Total ignorance at your DLT; in Chiang Mai they have been accepting Yellow Book for more than 10 years, beggars belief ! However; another small story.....this morning Wife wanted to redeem her Big C Points and they wanted her ID Card before they would do it....Crazy Country !
  6. And most of that 10% are too busy playing with their Phone's to be bothered with work !
  7. Normal daily behaviour from 'The Netizens'. Yesterday on my daily Bike Ride through the Villages i counted 16 fires burning or still smouldering from the night before; they don't 'get it' and even those that do don't care one iota !
  8. And of course; as per usual, none of it is 'Thailands fault', it's all those Dirty Farang countries with Covid upturns. Now watch the December numbers fall flat well below his 'At least 300,000' spouted garbage !
  9. 'I see Nothing' says the Man with his Head firmly entombed in his Rectum !
  10. Generally their Animal Husbandry is as poor as their Parenting.....nuff said !
  11. A lot of them will Pee pure Alcohol if they are like our Local Cops !
  12. According to these Fools an Atomic Bomb wouldn't affect Tourism prospects in Thailand !
  13. You get to being a Minister by knowing another one; it's all about who you know and not what you know because none of them know anything about what they are supposed to be doing anyway !
  14. Why did we need to know what clothes he was wearing and how many bags of sticky rice were in the Pick-Up ? Is this the kind of information the country's finest think is releveant to a cold blooded Murder investigation ? The mind boggles !
  15. Planet Thailand doesn't care about or wish to know anything that happens on other Planets. This whole country is ruled by a few very rich families who intend to be even richer as they constanly rob their own people; the majority of whom are a lot poorer than they are but they care not one iota !
  16. The usual 'Land of Denial' statement that appears automatic when problems may be around. Probably already here but not detected yet.
  17. He'd better start by arresting his own Men who are drinking in the Illegal Bars around our way; better send a big trauck as well as there are plenty of them !
  18. Should be banned from re-entering this country after taking what will be just another holiday at Tax Payers expense. What useful input will he provide to the 'Meeting' of all these Twerps leaving huge environmental 'Footprints' to achieve next to nothing for The Planet ?
  19. A 'Gift' Bought with Tax Payers money....if there was a contest for Charmless Nerk of the year he would win it hands down !
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