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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Many Moons ago i had a Thai Girlfriend that came to my place for Home Made Lunch and when coming to the table she asked where the salt pot was. I told her i don't use salt and i don't keep any in the house and she said.... 'I don't eat food without salt', so i said... 'Well; you will have to eat somewhere else then !' End of conversation and she ate the food but i didn't invite her again.
  2. Leads that will end up at the doors of a few lowly Scroats involved on the fringes and not at the doors of the Hi So's who are the Masterminds of the operation !
  3. A very sensible idea would be an 'order' to stop building more Moo Baans of hundreds of houses with yet more overhead wires; surely to anyone with half a brain this would be beneficial in the long term, same with new Industrial Complex's.
  4. Would this be the same RTP that runs their own Gambling Dens all over the country and doesn't like the idea of legal competition ?
  5. I always find pictures like this repulsive. As for rich Monks; well i've met a few including departed FIL's Brother who has been a Monk since 7 years of age until current age of 89. FIL told me his Brother was worth around 50 million Baht and that was nine years ago. Wifes Cousins Son is 11 and has been a Junior Monk for four years; he regularly brings home 2-3,000 Baht to his Mother and says Boss Monk told them to take some home to Mum because they have too much at the Temple.
  6. 'Efficiency' and 'Good Governance' have never been on the Menu for Civil Servants in Thailand; especially Senior 'Officials', as they love to call themselves. More money wasted when half of the country is wondering where the money for a next meal is coming from !
  7. Government Departments never work together in Thailand because they are all so 'clever' that they can do everything themselves !
  8. Since when did any Thai big business care about what's good for customers ?
  9. Wisest thing for her to do would be seek Asylum in a country that's grown up !
  10. He was TOLD when to take power and he will be TOLD when to leave; everything else is Smoke and Mirrors.
  11. The Car Parks at Genting Highlands Casino's in Malaysia is full of Thai Registered Hi So's cars every day and night as they spend their illgotten gains well away from prying eyes !
  12. Bumbling old Gangsters actually who are merely Puppets for even more Corrupt 'Leaders'.
  13. Like all this Twits other 'Demands'; this one will also be completely ignored by Thailands incompetent workforce !
  14. Just watch the losses keep growing; they just don't know when to stop flogging a dead horse !
  15. 'Setback' meaning it's in the Dustbin where we expected it to be !
  16. It's all but lost already; who would still be planning something for the Festive Season or New Year by now ? I wouldn't dream of leaving my 'planning' until this late in November but maybe they think that we are like Thai's and don't think much about anything after tomorrow !
  17. If that Thai Geezer adds any more Brass to his Uniform he won't get his head off the Desk !
  18. Disgusting; supporting a bunch of Uniformed Murderers. Thailand has no shame !
  19. New Bar not far up the road from us is doing very well; opens as soon as it gets dark but in full view of passing Motorists who would like to stop and eat a few bits off the BBQ and have a nice drink or two. Local Cops are sitting every evening drinking Beer and Whiskey and the last two nights there have been Local Village Poo Yai's joining the party. A little further up the same road there is a Bar that has never closed and every morning as i ride by the 'empty's of the night before are still laying around by the dozen, as they don't clear up until late morning. Then of course we have the Local Drunks who buy in 7 and take their Beer to the Park, consume it and leave the empties anywhere they drop them.
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