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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Are we going to include Siam in this discussion?

    Which interesting enough throws up another bit of unless information, the origin of the word Siam, which I understand comes from a Hindi word meaning "brown race", which I am sure will distress all the Hi-so's....laugh.png

    Not at all; they are the ones getting richer selling all that white skin cream !

  2. I brought a fair percentage of my 250 'OO' British outline Loco' collection with me in my luggage over a seven year period, and every time I go back I bring yet more rolling stock, track etc with me. Been stopped twice at Customs and they've seen the gear but are totally ignorant to its value, so they think it's 'toy trains'. Fact is, some of my Loco's are worth 15,000 Baht or more but nobody here except the converted would understand that. I don't have a running layout up yet but it's a project for the next two or three years. I had some glass wall cabinets made and knocked up a few diorama's in very small area's, which are quite effective.

  3. Bye bye Thailand, hello Cambodia.

    Yes, great idea. Let's all move to a country that has absolutely no rule of law. Let us move to a country where the strongman, Hun Sen, regularly has people assassinated, like Che Vichea, the labor rights leader, because he does not like them, or they are critical of him, or they oppose his billionaire cronies confiscating land with zero compensation to the families who own the land, or have been living on the land and farming the land for decades. Let's all move to a country where the sons of the richest 6 families regularly kill someone who looks at their girlfriends, and suffer zero jail time, and are usually not even arrested. If you think Thailand is the wild west, just move to Cambodia, one of the most lawless nations on earth, and report back to us in a few years, if you are still alive.

    Hmmm; almost a mirror image of where we are now then, just change the names !

  4. Understand your concerns of course but I would stay right where you are. She is a Thai national, has been arrested in Thailand under a Thai law for an offense committed in Thailand which you knew nothing about. If you return it could muddy the water as they could say that you knew what she was doing and you could end up in deep doo doo yourself. Think about your child and sit tight. After all your partner of many years has let you down flat by doing something so stupid just for a few bucks, and this will most likely prevent her from ever returning to the UK once she has this on her record.

    Sorry for the mess you are in with it all but there is only one person to blame and one person who should take responsibility for their own actions.

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  5. I have a special offer on these: tin-foil-hat.jpg

    Buy now before the government buy them all up!!

    Reminds me of the illegal CB craze in the UK in the 80's when everyone had a 'Home Base' or had one hidden in the glove pocket of the car with a ruddy great DV27 aerial stuck on the outside somewhere. The Cops didn't bother you as they had them as well !

  6. We've got all our Supermarket receipts for the last three years plus. We buy the same staple foods every month and in those three years our bills have risen by 15%....I mean we are now paying 15% more for the same items we were buying three years ago. This is not allowing for the smaller packages that are regularly replacing larger ones these days, even though the price keeps rising.

    I've never believed any Government inflation figures in any country I've lived. Governments cook the books to suit their own agenda in the same way they manipulate everything else. Keeping your own 'good books' will give you the true picture year on year.

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