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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Use an Agent they say; no worries they say, piece of cake they say. Glad i do everything for myself !
  2. Quick; send the Aicraft Carrier with no Aircraft and the Submarines; looks like Vietnam is trying to invade us with Fishermen !
  3. One day in a far away Galaxy Planet Thailand may 'Invent' something for itself instead of relying on Car and Electronic Factories paid for by Japanese and other Foreign countries to employ hundreds of Thousands of Thai's that would otherwise be planting and cutting Rice. Now the Tourists are gone thanks to a total Mismanagement of the Covid situation and the continuing stupidity of the Gangsters in Uniform 'supposedly' running the country; i wonder if one day the big Car and Electronic companies will decide that Thailand is no longer a good place to invest and up sticks to grasses greener... then what ?
  4. Never been off the Payroll of course. The Thai idea of 'Punishment' for wrongdoing is for the offender to be posted to some backwater for a while and then return with a promotion and all forgiven and forgotten. It is small wonder that the country is Corrupt from top to bottom.
  5. 7 out of 10 can't speak 'Inglit'; so presumably 6 out of 10 will be on Tours following the one 'Inglit' speaking Guide with his Flag !
  6. First they were 'Flocking' and now they are 'Clamoring'. Exciting means anything over 25 here these days !
  7. 'Express' ! Whenever i've travelled on it top speed is about 50 KPH; daren't go any faster or it will fall over !!
  8. All for show; any Thai's involved will walk, any Filthy Foreigners will be locked up or Extradited !
  9. Well; the Women are out there cutting rice but the men are swinging in their Hammocks as usual !
  10. Same in 'Uptown' area's; a new outside bar has just been built about 2km away from Central Hang Dong and they are swilling from early evening until the wee hours. Not Hi So's but Locals including the Local Cops swilling Whisky for hours on end, all in plain view of anyone passing.
  11. Aside from the Envelopes; this what you get when you give anybody a jacket with 'Forensic Police' on the back when they know little or nothing about the job they are supposed to be doing. If they are 'Trained' as well as the rest of the Force; like Traffic Policemen who have admitted on several occassions they don't know the Traffic Laws, then it's Dumb and Dumber staring at a pile of rubble and ashes !
  12. Probably tipped off by another one who wants to take over the Business; or could even be the snidy, underhanded Cops want to take it over themselves !
  13. Thailand....Hub of empty threats from useless Government Officials from all Departments all wearing the same drab Uniforms adorned with all those Medals earned for Duty above and beyond any level of stupidity you have ever known !
  14. All 6,538 will be issued with Spades and Shovels and be told to dig a tunnel to Switzerland pronto !
  15. Does this include Photo's/Vid's of Thailands finest breaking the law themselves; as they do it on a daily basis ?
  16. Ditto; my Family that wanted to come here have limited time for holidays and have now booked for Portugal instead as the Thai system cannot be trusted and is too complicated. Thailand will lose millions of potential Tourists next year as people are already planning and booking holidays well into 2022 and even beyond.
  17. Should read .....Thai Airways will continue to be a 'National Disgrace' !
  18. Yawn; more nonsense that we've heard before, they may as well just keep their mouths shut as these 'predictions' never happen. How many of that 20,000 that have arrived are actually 'Tourists' ? Not more than 2,000 would be my guess !
  19. Can she drop me off half a dozen Melton Mowbray Pork Pies please and a large case of HP Sauce !
  20. In the majority of Thai families sex is a Taboo subject. We have two Thai Niece's; one 12 and the other 13 and when they are with us we talk to them about many things including sex education because the School teaches them nothing (about almost everything) and their Parents and Grandparents just won't talk about it, even if prompted by the Children !
  21. Never gonna happen; look how many years a lot of us Ex Pat's have been here pouring money into the country,Thai Banks holding huge sums of our money and still we are treated poorly and will never be given 'more permanent papers' but have to do annual 'Extensions', which are not even 'Visa's' and turn up every 90 days to 'Report' our continued presence by one means or another. The Xenophobic minds of the Thai Elite; either in Uniform or without only ever want any Foreigners here for one of two reasons......to use them as Slaves or extract money from them !
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