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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Up Fang way i have actually driven into Burma without realising it twice; no Border markings or Border Checkpoints whatsoever. The only way i knew where i had stumbled into was when i reached a Village and noticed they were driving on the other side of the road. Second time i saw a Burmese Police Car at the same time he saw me and he then told me to turn around and go back the way i came !
  2. The real Tourist 'Big Spenders' from China don't come anywhere near Thailand; you will find them in London, Paris, Auckland, Sydney and anywhere far away from South East Asia. Of course; at the moment they are not going anywhere until Zizi Top says so !
  3. News travels fast; my Relatives in three different European countries are already aware of all this 'Bad News' from Thailand and subsequently NONE of them will be coming to Thailand until all the stupid rules are dropped. They are busy telling all their Friends and Work Colleagues not to bother either !
  4. If these Idiots spent as much time chasing real criminals as what they do harrassing a few drinkers Thailand would be crime free !
  5. 'Consumer Confidence Returns '. Laughable; how come whenever i go into a Supermarket these days it is often like a Ghost Town and now we are faced with empty Fruit+Veg' racks. Prices are rising in almost all area's and Wife's relatives in Market and Retail Work all say sales are down and not many people around !
  6. Bla Bla Bla....just like the 6 million Brit's that were 'desperate' to get to Thailand. My Niece works in a Travel Agency in a large British City and says business is brisk now....but none of it is for Thailand because as soon as people see all the requirements and hoops to jump through they book to go elsewhere !
  7. Severe shortages in Supermarkets in the North; staff say caused by Floods in the South. Big C today; no tomatoes, no Lettuce, no potatoes, barely any fruit apart from apples or overpriced Thai oranges.
  8. Will never happen unless they bring in Western Management with years of Airline operating experience and that's not going to happen as way too sensible for Thai minds to fathom !
  9. Different days different experiences; i've visited Perth several times and never had a problem with their attitude !
  10. Another Mouthpiece for Dad; it will be 'Dad says do this and do that or no money !
  11. He should instruct all Immigration Staff to start smiling at the Airports for a start. They have to be the most miserable and unwelcoming anywhere on The Planet !
  12. Where are the International Passengers coming from; are Eskimo's allowed out yet ?
  13. The Magnetic Power Poles strike again; happens every week !
  14. Is that the only 'Blunder' he is admitting to; as they happen almost daily !
  15. Can just imagine all the Snorting Crew Cab, Bull Bar fitted Pick-Up Drivers refusing to buy more sensible Electric Cars. No wonder they have said they will be 'Emission Free' by 2065; more like 2165 methinks !
  16. More Bull; China isn't letting anyone out and they are bringing Hong Kong under th same ruling shortly. Boss of Air Asia says no International Flights will be happening until at least February, only internal flying for now. They just can't stop trying to play themselves up; Idiots !
  17. Voices of sensibility are rarely listened to in Thailand; especially Farang voices !
  18. I have a Niece that works in a Travel Agency in Britain; very busy lately, so i asked her how many bookings they had taken for Thailand and /or how much interest is being taken in Thai Holidays by potential Tourists, not Ex Pat's returning. She said no bookings have been taken and there is scant interest in Thai Holiday Material as too much hassle involved, much easier places to go without red tape and uncertainty.
  19. Slight correction; it starts at the very top of Thai High Society and works its way down through every level of the Community. If you want to kill the evil creature you have to cut off its head !
  20. The usual Thai response to anything important; never Proactive, always Reactive after the damage is done !
  21. Well Prayut said he wanted 'Innovative' idea's from Thai's. Sadly Thai's are only good at thinking up the fastest way to Scam anyone and everyone around the Globe; they have no other thoughts than 'Making Gain' !
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