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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Thursday went in to tops no TP or Pepsi Max second choice Coke Zero gone also.

    Friday went into Rimping by the river, steel bridge they were just stocking the TP shelves they even had some Coke Zero.

    No Pepsi Max or Coke Zero at Makro super highway today.:(

    Looks like were are doomed............

    Anyone who keeps drinking a lot of that shit is certainly doomed.........but will live longer if they can't get any !

  2. Sadly the gas stations/petrol stations are running dry in some areas because of panic buying. I was in Makro yesterday and was surprised at the lack of stock that is advertised in their latest promotion leaflet. Not only that...the usual stocks of frozen foods were empty. And yet Rimping still seems to offer a constant supply of MOST things. So why is it that the street vendors of foods have ample supplies. If Thai life is based upon kitchen restaurants for the indigenous population as a way of life....why are so many Thais bulk buying . Or perhaps they ( the customer people in Makro) are business people supplying street market vendors?

    Just a thought or two>

    Plenty of petrol available on both sides of 108 as at this afternoon. Was in Makro again this morning and didn't see any significant shortages.

    Many Thai street vendors stock up from Makro , sometimes by the pick-up full on a daily basis, so watching them moving out large amounts is in no way unusual.

  3. Op, for the record - though you sound like a troll - a 'true' expat would perhaps be one on a big corporate package living in luxury in a high-rise condo in the capital - probably into Nana/Cowboy girlie scene, Western pubs, big shopping malls, and though they may speak Thai, they couldn't be farther from the Thai way of life. Not that, you say. Well, sounds like you're looking for the 'gone native', which you ain't gonna find in a tourist city. Suggest heading east and plonking yourself in a remote village on the plain. Give us a shout when you do find what you're looking for, and the inevitable been-there-done-that, now give me a burger!

    Or better still; when you find what you are looking for don't bother returning to tell us anything because we are far better off without people like you bothering us.

  4. Usually; Thai's will give you money to take away old buildings as they want the wood in particular. Wifey had 2 old houses that we had taken away in order to build new and she got money for both of them. You need to talk to your Mrs relatives or other Thai's about who to call in. You personally, stay out of the negotiations !

  5. Sent to me by a CM Old Hand.

    VILLA MARKET, BANGKOK – A late attempt at panic-buying forced central Bangkok resident Henry Porter, an American expat, to stock up on several months’ supply of exotic and expensive imported foods yesterday.With panic buying having already taken place among most of the city’s 12 million population, Porter’s decision to wait until the last minute forced him to confront empty shelves bereft of basic supplies like drinking water, pasta and basic canned goods.

    “I was hoping to get some reasonably cheap stuff, like maybe tuna fish or peanut butter,” the 44-year-old HSBC executive said. “But by the time I got to Villa, pretty much everything was gone – except, well, this stuff,” he said, indicating his shopping cart which contained 12 frozen French goose livers, a half kilogram of Camembert cheese, a jar of Claussen pickles, 11 pints of Haagen Dazs ice cream, 800 grams of Milano salami, three jars of sun-dried tomatoes, 30 bags of Kettle chips and various fresh produce from abroad, including hydroponic Dutch vine-grown tomatoes and 10 packs of fresh rocket.

    “I guess I’m going to eat real well if I get stuck here,” he said. “At least until the power goes off,” he added, indicating the cheese and frozen goose livers.

    Porter’s search for drinking water also led him down an embarrassing path of overpriced, second-choice items.

    “They were totally out of water, even Evian, so I had to get 30 liters of San Pelligrino sparkling,” he said. “I mean I like Pelligrino, but this will be a real test.”

    After searching in vain for water substitutes, including ice and fruit juice, Porter reluctantly added 24 cans of imported American Budweiser beer to his cart.

    “It’s pretty expensive,” he admitted, referring to the price of Bt110 per can. “But Budweiser is about as close as beer gets to being plain water, so I think this will keep me hydrated in an emergency.”

    Even basic supplies like cooking oil and butane were in short supply, forcing Porter to buy extra virgin olive oil and Kingston charcoals instead.

    “I have a grill on the balcony, so I can always cook there if my induction range loses power,” he said. “Good thing too, since I have all this Wagyu ribeye steak and Australian lamb.”

    Upon reaching the checkout, Porter’s total grocery bill was Bt45,932. While it was far more than what he had intended to spend on his panic buy, Porter expressed overall satisfaction with his mission to prepare himself for flood.

    “Even if the power goes out and I lose refrigeration, I can always marinate everything,” he said. “I’ve got nineteen bottles of 1998 Appellation Haute-Medoc here and I can’t possibly drink it all

    People can live without a great deal of this overpriced toot.

  6. Go back to where you came from and meet people there. Sounds like you have a rotten attitude. Not needed in Chiangmai.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, but I have obviously hit the nail on the head when it comes to you! I was told that Chiang Mai was a place for open minded people. You are clearly stuck in the ice age. I have a lovely coconut in my room that is desperate for your axe!

    I think that you need to rephrase yourself. People like you are not needed in Thailand, let alone a zoo!!!

    That Coconut is your head you bonzo. Go hit it against the wall and knock some sense into it, then come back and try again to make friends with people here. Your attitude stinks.

  7. Yesterday some gas stations have been closed in the Nong Hoi area and the others who still stay open had long queues.

    If all gas is produced in the bangkok area than we shall have a problem here.Somebody has more information ?

    Latest info I have is that there is plenty of fuel available at the distribution depot's but they can't deliver it fast enough to keep up with demand that is coming in. Only so many tankers to go around. My guess is that people are filling up daily 'just in case' shortages occur. Drove down 108 this morning and all the stations I passed seem to have fuel and customers filling up. However; can't say if all the tanks are full or just certain grades available. Saw a tanker leaving one station just on the North side of Hang Dong.

  8. Seems a lot of people drink Supermarket bottled water. I guess you guys live in condo's etc where delivery trucks don't go. If the Supermarkets run out just hail a passing water truck or two and get some in.

    No, I live in a village but don't trust this delivery water. I think the only Thai reliable water is spring water like Mont Fleur and Aura. A big problem with drinking water these days are not bacteries or parasites but pesticides and medicines. You can't purify water from it at your house with filter systems although some brands claim they can (partially). But that's a lie.

    Everyone to their own idea's I suppose. How do we know that bottled water is any better unless we are scientists with equipment to check it? I'll stick to delivered water as it seems to have kept wifey alive for 48 years and me too for the last 4.

  9. My opinion is that the housing will increase in price fast because many people in Bangkok and regions that can afford to move will buy up here. Supply and demand fundamentals will take over. I have also heard it predicted that the flood this year is only the beginning and that next year will be many times worse than it is this year.

    Buy as soon as possible. Prices have been going up over the last few years. Many houses being bought on borrowed money that may create a larger problem in the future for Thailand.

    Predictions,you say you have heard, that next year will be worse in regard to flooding is just pure speculation and not based on any evidence whatsoever. People will not leave Bangkok because that's where their employment/schools/families are. Prices have been going up over the last few years ? really ? try telling that to the many people whose properties have been on the market for a long time in CM with prices devoid of capital gain.Are you in Real estate ?

    We'll just have to wait and see, won't we? Thank you for you input.

    Sparkles is right. predictions of bad weather a year ahead are mainly speculation, and mainly on the scaremongering list as well when it's said in such a way thus:- 'Next year will be many times worse than it is this year' !! Shame on you.

    As far as Bankokians or Farangs rushing up here to buy goes, we may get the odd few but many Bangkokians already own second and even third homes in the North already. On our Moo Baan there are 7 empty houses that I know of that belong to these people and they only show up rarely to stay for a few days. Many Bangkokians invest in land and property in the North and many also have relatives up here to stay with should they need to. Farangs? well; they have to sell their crappy Bangkok Condo's first don't they? I have an English pal that has been trying to sell his for 2 years without success. Right now; who wants to buy a Condo in Bangkok?

  10. Shopping in Makro yesterday and everything, including all types of beer, seemed very well stocked. No panic buying witnessed. Wifey asked the assistant manager if he expected to see any shortages and he laughed and said no, deliveries arriving normally. Called in for Petrol on the way home and again the question was asked. 'Just had a normal delivery this morning' was the reply, and not expecting any shortages as the distribution depot's for the North are well stocked.

    Too much scaremongering going on on TV just because a certain shop has run out of something or a certain beer has run out in someones regular store.

  11. re .. Doesn't look too big does it

    its huge winnie honest !

    these are the original pics before i croped them and i think your right about them renovating

    the old arcade coz it could do with it : (


    The intention is to use the new one as an extension to the old one, not replace it. The old one will be renovated but apparently no money is available for this work yet. IMO the new one shows a complete lack of vision as far as design is concerned, it's just same old same.

  12. Does anybody actually know when Bangkok is going to be inundated. First it was 18th. Then it was today now am

    told in 5 days. I was planning to go to Disney Land but think will stay here and save money because Mickey Mouse is alive and here in Bangkok. Believe he made a guest appearance at the Yanni concert earlier.

    Why leave? All the Disney characters are here working in the Government !

  13. Seems like PM Yingluck was the only person not to realise the situation was already out of control. Typical female response when all else has failed, turn on the waterworks. That'll be MORE water to push out into the gulf ! Having said that, I do not envy her her position. I think ( and that means my thoughts ), that this government is sadly lacking in politicians and really need to address the situation after the flooding issue is resolved.....

    No matter how many politicians there are in Thailand, or what colour flag they fly, when this is all over it will be 'mae pen rai' and carry on as usual. They will all go back to their Mansions on high ground and open another bottle of Cognac. If any thought whatsoever is given to future planning it will be steered by the elite who will want the highest possible walls built around their center's of self interest. The rest of Thailand can go to the dogs for all they care and the Thai people cannot do much about it because whoever they vote for..........they get the same result !

  14. Try the modern Moo baans around Hang Dong area, there are plenty of houses for rent from private owners who do not use agents. I know there are a few in 'Rungaroon 3 ' so cruise around all the soi's and see what's available there. All modern houses but you may need to up your rent expectation by a thousand or so.

  15. Used to buy my Bisto in Makro but they've been out of stock for some time now and don't seem interested in getting any more. Never see any Bisto or Oxo cubes in Rimping so, anyone seen any of either anywhere in Chiang Mai?

  16. I don't think the owners have done enough in some ways to make life pleasant for customers but overall I would say this is just another one of the pitfalls of Thailand. If you come to live here you have to accept that customer satisfaction is not exactly at the top of their list. I always park inside even though I know the dangers and at least it saves playing chicken and keeps the car out of the sun. My complaint is that they don't open the damned doors early enough in the morning.

  17. RE: You can buy tickets at KTB anytime before 8th November. 100 Baht each adult which is 50% reduction on gate price of 200 Baht. Over 60's only 50 Baht (with yellow book) for ex pats. Absolute bargains I would say.

    What is KTB where you can get discounted tickets for 100 baht before it opens?

    Also, how much does it cost for a Thai adult and Thai child?


    Krung Thai Bank as stated. Price is the same for all creeds (yes, unusual for Thailand ! ), 100 baht adults, 50 baht kids and over 60's. Ex Pat over 60's also 50 Baht with yellow book. Remember these are 50% reductions on gate prices and they are only available until 8th November.

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