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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. That's correct, but there is some advantage to using a wire connection if you can. 1080p files, for instance, choke my WDTV box when I use wireless but when I use a wired connection they play back smoothly. Wifi seems to be marginal for playing DVD's over the WDTV too. Wifi seems fine for 720p files though.

    Before my Xobox got banned i had no issues with streaming 1080p movies over the wifi.

  2. Thanks Radek, iam very Familiar with the Ford website, ive never really looked into what options the vehicles can come with.

    I had two vehicles come in a few weeks back with leather and the roof mounted DVD screen....wow that DVD screen is really a tacky "add on" mostly noticeable when the roof lining is pulled out, Ford could have made it look/feel more integrated for sure.

  3. There are large storage units in Duck Square ,behind big C ,south Pattaya .Inside units B3,000 a month and road side units B5,000 a month .They measure 12 meters by 4 meters and are about 3.5 meters high .Each unit also has a toilet and water and electric .Office is on the complex .They have many units advailable .

    Wow, that sounds like a good deal, can i just put a bed in and let my mia Noi camp there ??

  4. Heres the first ever outing/skid vid of the Burnout bug, was really a shakedown run after a straight 72hr thrash to get it assembled.......it was then pulled down and painted.

    Not the best of skids as it was running way to fat due to us forgetting to pack other pulleys, it was 15% underdriven and we didnt have any pills small enough for that boost level.

    Burnout Bug Shakedown run

    And here it is at it first ever "show".

  5. She liked the new look, interior and spare wheel on the back door design,

    Funny, the wheel mounted on the door was the reason I ruled out the Everest. Each to their own.

    Having the wheel mounted on the rear door makes it easy to see if someone has stolen it, mounted underneath you will only realise when you have a flat and go to change it.

  6. [great photo, as we can see its rather long (perhaps only 28cm? but looks more like 35cm) and would damage drivers knee going far up femur even if its less than 12 mm steelbar (but looks approx 12mm though). would you care to post the dimensions Spoonman?

    Diameter = 11mm

    length (stroke) = 110mm.

    How ya going with that NCAP report ??

    Thaieagle67, good to hear the Everest is back on the table, for what they are they are pretty dam_n good, you will be happy with it.

    Ford have a lot of faith in there product, I pull them apart and fill them full of Armor (650kgs aditional weight) and they still honor the driveline warranty, unlike toyota.

  7. As I understand, you can connect certain Wifi Dongles to the USB socket of the WD TV Live. There is a list which models are compatible, but probably other models will work as well.

    Sweet, hopefully my extremely expensive and now useless Xbox360 wifi adaptor might work.

  8. Kata, you keep harping on about the Everest/Ranger handbrake issue, do you have some factual evidence to prove its an issue.

    Intersting bout the speeding ticket though, I got done for doing 140km/h (100km/h zone), I was gven a ticket for 400b that I had to pay at the Highway Police station in Pattaya, maybe these road side sellers/police stalls are "different".

  9. This incident happened about a month ago. The berserk-er was a German who by all accounts was at least 6' 5" tall and 300 lbs. It took a dozen or so cops to subdue him then off to the monkey house.

    Witnesses said the cops beat the living crap out of him after he totally demolished the bar...

    This guy was English by accounts and it happened on 3 or 4 Jan and nobody did anything.

    So there was two incidents ??

  10. It has Resume, maybe it does have re-connect as well, a small thing ive never bothered with personally, not too hard to hit resume in the mornings.

    But when i think about it, in the 3 yrs Ive lived here my internet has never gone down whilst i have been downloading so its not exactly a feature im going to be losing any sleep over.

    Edit: seems it does re-connect yippie its not crap after all.

    "Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages."

  11. Not a stupid Question at all, Ideally SP2 on a disc would be nice, if you dont have one on hand you can download SP2, beware though, it is a large download.

    You can find the download on the windows update web page.

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