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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Hi guys I am looking for an artist easel anybody got any ideas where I can find one, new used any state. I shoud add I have asked a couple of the local artists but no joy they seem to think I may set up in competion to them

  2. Wow. All these conclusions drawn from one article. In order to obtain a conviction, There has to be a case. That means an extensive investigation and conclusive evidence. It means people have to talk and point fingers. Unless there is a nationwide crackdown, it can't happen. Does anyone remember the famous story of Frank Serpico? It took years for the government to take a bite out of corruption in the NYC Police Dept. We are now seeing wide scale allegations involving corruption in the Metropolitan police force in England courtesy of the Rupert Murdoch phone hacking scandal. That scandal was the tipping point. It took the Rodney King riots in LA before action was taken against the LAPD. In Canada, both the Toronto and Montreal police departments were subject to major corruption probes. In those cases, most of the accused walked because the cases could not be made. Then there were the allegations of shakedowns of immigrants in Germany. Nothing came of it because a case could not be made.

    It is very easy to say fire them or put them in jail. Unfortunately, these are difficult cases to prove and require undercover operations over a period of time. The corruption runs deep and reaches into every segment of high society. This is one problem that afflicts everyone; Democrat, PTP, the military and the non aligned. There has to a watershed moment for action to be taken, and it has not happened yet.

    Yes, action has to be taken, Unfortunately, what do you think will happen when senior military officials are arrested on allegations of conspiring with Burnese yaba exporters? The drugs can't get across the border in large quantities without the help of the military officials responsible for those borders. The drugs can't get arrive in cargo trucks of commodities without someone in customs not helping. Each of these departments has vested interests and protectors that saw there positions entrenched during the various periods of military rule.

    Get real this is Thaksins lap dog.

  3. Sounds nasty.... But for some reason, I can't help but think some pieces were left out of this story, perhaps a history of overstays, or something else... Either way, I am sure Mr Kent is happy to be back home again!

    I think I have to agree , what do we not know ? on thye other hand I read a case of a German guy sailed his boat into Thailand was jailed for a supposed infraction of the law (because he was very wealthy ) they kept him for months just asking for more money all the time. It is sad that we have to pit up with this shit but nobody cares , only money talks here.

  4. It would be quite nice if the Police would make an effort to prevent shopkeepers and traders from putting chairs and tables in the street to prevent people from parking in front of their premises.

    Even if there isn't a chair they often just deliberately take 2 spaces by parking their motorcycle to prevent a car getting in. Wishful thinking possibly but designated m/c parking spaces and designated car spaces would make a huge difference.

    Try moving the chair and get your tyres slashed or worse.

  5. I agree with HHFARANG. Long since learned to stay away from town on weekends and holidays. Just too many cars and clogs there everywhere.

    I cannot understand you guys, try Bangkok for traffic, most of the time here traffic is fine just stay home on long weekends and end of the month pay day . In Thailand you will never see traffic as in your childhood ie one car per village.

  6. The stiff upper lip got loosened by a teenage bar girl, who turned out to be a man whose father was the local cop whose brother ran the bar as a drug distribution center so one can understand the confusion of the punter, where else could he turn and find a sympathetic audiance where many of the members will have suffered the same crisis ;)

  7. Dunno- was the towel the packaged kind like they sell in seven eleven? If so, you gotta figure that they cost the restaurant something.

    Having said that, the five baht they earned on top of a two thousand baht tab could have gone a long way to providing outstanding service and an extremely pleased customer / generous tip. I know lots of beer bars that subscribe to this - give the customer one of these cool towels (after they have ordered a drink of course) to make them happy and want to stay / buy more drinks. Smart business IMO. The cute BG who does the honors usually ends up getting a drink!

    I've seen like this before in other Thai restaurants, where the towels are on the table when you sit down- not chilled. Ms Bino is wise to this scam, and always insists that the server takes them away unopened and checks the bill afterward.

    Have to agree this is really poor business sense but typical for LOS. Vote with your feet by not going back.

  8. Another TOT joke trying to jusify their huge budget. Trying to sell Thailand without sex would be harder than selling snow to eskimoes. Take the sex out of Thailand and what do you have left, rip off taxis, beach thugs, bent cops , poor health care illiterate students and so on and so on. Still love it though but then I am a single male.

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