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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. With due respect and full of goodwill:

    Thailand has to prepare all its dams to "arrest" between 18-20billion cubic meter of flood water between end of Sept to mid Nov every year to ensure flood risk can be kept below 2%. The "warrant for arrest" shall be made valid for at least 30days. This statement is referring to the flood associated with the Choa Phraya catchment alone. If this risk has yet acceptably small then what it need to do is to increase the amount of water to be "arrested" appropriately. Technically speaking, just name how small the flood risk that you want it to be, the flood control & mitigation engineers shall be able to come up with the flood control & mitigation system that can provide the desired risk. And obviously with additional cost. Normal design flood risk for a big town is kept around 0.5%. For a small to moderate town it could range between 1-2%.

    Thailand needs the new approach to "see and understand" the might force of nature that is called flood. Why? By the 1st October 2011, using Bhumibol as a sample, the flood risk was approaching 100%. The fact that the risk had gradually increased from <2% from as early as July to almost 100% by 1st October. By 1st October, technically speaking, the dam had already been beaten by future flood since it did not have any reserve space to fill up the flood water, whereas the monsoon had yet over.

    Yes, there is enough time for the dam management to react before the coming of flood if the management is provided with a comprehensive operational objectives for its dam. I think, at least for this year there was one missing operational objective for most of the dams in Thailand, namely, to provide reserve space for flood control. Unfortunately, this missing thing dominated the event this year.

    Note: I made my reference to Bangkok Post. One of its articles described how Bhuminbol dam water level had gradually increased from as early as in July 2011.


  2. What a way to start life in your twenties?

    Have they actually tried and failed at something legit before this?

    Or they could just be on commission just for withdrawing the cash, now left cold holding the baby, while the repeat offenders are on their yacht somewhere on the Indian ocean.

    Why didn't someone tell them that they could get a legit job with a US government agency? Then you can lie, drink and steal all you want.

    more brain dead USA bashing probably from someone who owes his exsistence to American sacrificed blood when we bailed Europe out. WW11

  3. What are the chances of actually catching all of these? I hope no one has a bad encounter with these things. And shouldn't they fly the serum in from south America now as there is a good chance it will be needed soon.

    Don't you think you expect a bit too much planning in advance?



    complete confuse troubled situation

    a lot people in the area

    flying in serum is very cheap in compare to emergency treatment and emergency flying in and may save lifes.

    What would be Thai official/politician do?

    Nothing because no one is bite yet.

    how can they make money doing things that only makes sense ?

  4. It's probably not something that is measurable.

    There was a tweet yesterday saying that the water level behind the gate was 50cm higher, which was due to the high tides. If the levels go lower, it will also be mainly from the lower tides.

    That's sort of the point, I'd think. If they break open the sluice gate and water remains the same height, or varies back and forth around the same height, then even accounting for the variance due to all the inputs in the system you'd have to assume that at absolute best it didn't improve the situation. On the other hand, you could more easily measure whether other communities were flooded because of it in many cases. I think the specific grievances would be the easiest to test, like the people who tore down the embankment because the school they were sheltering in was under a meter and a half of water (or however much), Go back and check it once a day, see if it's still under water or less under water or what. Obviously you can't measure what would have happened absent the change and there are a lot of variables, but you can at least measure what did happen.

    Its a very hard thing to measure as it also depends on the water flow 'into' the community that is being flooded behind the gates.. This kind of detailed data is hard to access.

    What is certain tho, is if your in a flooded area, and water is not being allowed to leave it as fast as possible, your flooding is being made worse, either for longer duration or higher flood levels, the restriction on water leaving makes that obvious.

    Thats without getting into the rights and wrongs of choosing who is flooded or what areas have higher or lesser importance. Of course protecting business and infrastructure is important, of course hard moral choices have to be made, to put pain in some areas to save pain in others, but the question is who has the right to make those choices, and on what variables are they calculated.

    The bottom line is a bunch of people who are making decisions are usually employed enriching themselves, I know nothing about flood control and from what I have seen and read neither do these clowns.

  5. Is it impolite to ask where these women kept those phallic shaped bottles ?

    On a more serious note, this concoction of drugs, prescription or not, could have had extremely serious consequences for the men they were given to. I would hope the sentence given, would reflect that, but somehow I don't think it will.

    I agree, the money or valuables take second place to the dangers these drugs could have caused to the recipients.

    Although safe under prescription from a doctor, they would be prescribed only after the doctor had questioned the patients about allergies and many other things eg. prostate problems.

    To think that thay were dished out by drug-illiterate bar-girls for gain is frightening.

    A mixture of benzodiazapines and sedating anntihistamines, my God.

    Where did they find out about these drugs? Where did they get them from. There is something cynically knowledgeable about this.

    A bit of pinching happens if you're stupid, but nobody deserves to be put into a lfe-threatening situation for having a few drinks and falling prey to their lure.

    They deserve severe punishment and it may well serve as a message to others doing it.

    My friend you act like this is something new, it goes on all the time all over Thailand have read many cases in the past. It will not go away the same as the jet ski scam.

  6. now i understand more of the problem. Wuite logical that they want that opened more. It drains through BKK straight in the sea. Its madness blocking North to South connections and expecting the locals to endure more hardship.

    It might GO through Bangkok straight to the sea, but how much will it flood on the way ... especially as it goes past Suvarnabhumi and not far from the Lam Lukka industrial estate.

    what a soap opera this is.

  7. You're not supposed to move accident victims. You should have only pulled him away from the wreck but not move him anywhere else. He could have died from internal bleeding due to your "help."

    wintermute, too bad you are not mute. Why take this post and make such an off the cuff remark about something you know nothing about. How do you know how far he was moved. The OP perhaps saved the guys life and you come out with your inane lip service.

    Must agree with your comments, this guy is a moron.

  8. Yes you can convert to a non-O based on marriage for 2000 baht.

    From Police order 777/2551

    2.18 In the case of a family member of a Thai(applicable only to parents, spouse, child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse):

    Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

    (1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM)

    (2) Proof of family relationship

    (3) In the case of a spouse, the marital relationship shall be dejure (legitimate) and de facto;

    (4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the family, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

    (5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.

    (6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

    Paperwork for the 1 year extension of stay.

    1. Application form T.M. 7 with one photograph size 4x6 cm. and Visa Fee 1900.-Baht

    2. Copy Marriage Certificate

    3. Copy Kor Ror 2 from amphur office (not older than six months)

    4. Child's birth certificate (if any)

    5. Copy wife's house registration

    6. Copy wife's identity card

    7. Copy passport, non-Im visa, arrival card.

    8. Interview the husband and wife for confirming status of husband and wife

    9. Map to residency

    10. Picture of house and family, in house and outside showing house number.

    With money in bank option.

    1. Letter from bank same day or day before stating bank records, make a transaction just before to get it up to date.

    2. Bank account must be in Husbands name, joint accounts will not qualify.

    With Income in Thailand option

    1. A copy of work permit

    2. Personal Corporation income Tax (PND.1) in latest 3 months and personal income tax for previous year with receipt

    With Income from abroad.

    1. Embassy letter stating your income.

    All of the above in two copies, if not in BKK

    This is a super reply and a pleasure to see someone stretch out a helping hand.

  9. i think they call this supply and demand.

    I think its pretty unfair to change the rent price at a time like this for EXISTING lease contracts.

    Lets face the truth here, this is a dog eat dog society and money is god, thought before this it was only farangs that were fair game to be ripped off, here in Hua Hin the merchants are just the same bottled water has gone up 35% as the stores run out, eggs have doubled in price in the local market today 60 baht for ten last week 30 baht and so it goes in the miracle land of smiles.

  10. Thanks for the responses. My problem is that the initial price is a really a false price, as it only applies to people who have no checked baggage, don't want to pick a seat (i.e. you get a middle seat), have an SCB card, etc. That would be ok if they had a link to the fees and charges page (which apparently exists, but is not disclosed on the bookings page). If you notice, once you have picked your flights, they make you check a box that outlines terms and conditions, and fare rules, but conspicuously absent is any information on the additional fees that might be applicable. That information is not disclosed until you have put in your personal details. It was so nice to go to the other airline and the fee that was quoted was so real.

    Imagine going to a grocery store that has the prices marked for the items, but after you have put them in the basket, when you go to the checkout counter they say - the price is higher because you have more than ten items, you are using a credit card, you have too much beer (might happen), etc. I think most of us would say that is deceptive.

    The bottom line for me is that Bangkok Airways in this case was about 25% cheaper, and seemed more honest. We will see about the flight....


    Fully agree, I am really fed up of their advertising.

  11. This article shows the situation here for what it is. Thaksins involvement, if any, to me is a side issue. The government at all levels here is based on Thai culture and the need for consensus and it slows reactions. Works for normal government functions but in an emergency there are just too many people involved for anyone to control or co-ordinate. I humbly suggest that the army should have a permanent charter to react in these circumstances. All the departments of all the ministries, provincial and local government departments with overlapping responsibilities are full of competent people I'm sure but there is no mechanism of delegation or co-ordination that can react quickly. I dont see this situation as anyones fault, it is the system itself that needs to be streamlined.

    This government is completely useless... they turned this drama into a serious crisis through Very bad management.... not one minister is worthy of his or her job.... the poor Thai peoples are stuck with this and truth be told..... just as they deserve... you reap what you sow...!!!! Question:... How many Red Vilages were washed away.... Answer:... Not Enough...!

    Sorry but there are 280 people dead and many thousands if not millions directly affected. None of them deserved this. I live in a Red Village as a matter of fact with most of the people here very local to Thaksin as his actions during his tenure improved their lives immensely. That isn't relevant either. The point being made is there is a fault in the system that needs to be fixed for times of crisis. The fact that this has happened during the first months of a new government just makes it worse. Regardless of political beliefs this should be seen as a chance to establish rapid responses for future ocassions. The knive throwers should wait until the waters have subsided now they should be helping carrying sandbags.


    Thanks for the clarification.

    The knife throwers are not allowed to work in any shape or form, did you forget ?

  12. It's beyond me why anyone would want to cancel their medicare or any part of it? If I read the post right you will have no insurance whatsoever and pay for your meds here because they are cheaper ? Anyways, if nobodies told you medicare is actually a good value at $96 a month and to cancel and then get back in will raise your monthly payment depending on how long your out of it. I live here like you and would never cancel it in case of a major illness.



    I can explain it easily.

    1. You can not use your medicare/medicaid UNLESS you are residing in the U.S. or if you are a U.S. citizen traveling in the U.S. That includes Part B.

    2. For that reason it is practically useless to a U.S. citizen retired and living in Thailand.

    3. They will deduct $115.65 monthly from your Social Security as your payment for Part B (that's the minimum amount).

    4. When you turn 65 they will start deducting that money...unless you fill out the form mentioned previously.

    5. And you can NOT get or fill out that form on line.

    In addition, even when contacting the Social Security by phone they refused to mail me the form via certified mail from the U.S. to my Thai address (which they have on record as my valid address, and haved used to mail me other Social Security forms).

    When I did a quick calculation of how much it would cost me to return to the U.S. just to fill out that

    da---ed form I realised I would spend less just to let them to just keep taking the money out of my Social Security pension than to travel there, schedule an interview, and fill out the form.

    I will have to return there in May 2012 anyhow for other reasons, and if I can't get it sorted out by that time I will do it then.

    It may be possible to do it in the Manilla...that's the nearest Social Security office.

    I'm trying to find that out, now.

    But as of 1 October 2011 I am paying $115.65 each month for Medicare Part B that I can not use, did NOT sign up for, and DO NOT want.

    (Your U.S. government at work)


    P.S. I would rather use that (approximately) 3600 Baht monthly to help pay my Thai family's expenses. And before you presume, I don't drink or smoke, and at age 65 my Thai bargirl chasing days are now done.

    Goode post somebody kindly sent me a link for a doem to fill in when over seas to cancel part b, pm me I will send you the link

  13. When I go to Bangkok or Pattaya, I buy from 10-15 packages of corn tortillas. I have always frozen them for later use, they keep quite well.

    If you store them without freezing they will get moldy, has been my experience, I always have corn tortillas in my freezer.

    Hope that was helpful!


    Agreed...........freeze them in units that you expect to use per meal.

    Agree however Villa Hua Hin stillm sell them and foodland Bkk

  14. Considering that I am the most intelligent Thai visa member (I have references from the Mods), my advice is, don`t jump the gun.

    Believe me there is a world of difference between visiting or holidaying in Thailand then living here permanently.

    You may also find that as for making friends, the pockets of ex-pats spread over the country are not that friendly or welcoming.

    Before you pack up completely in the land where they breed sheep with kangaroos for the production of woolly jumpers, try Thailand out first, for perhaps a year to see how you get on and to decide if Thailand is for you.

    Thailand. It can take a considerable time to decide whether you love it or hate it.

    Hey I am the smartest, I was a rocket scientist till I got a teaching job here.

  15. I think the best part is escaping the neoliberal capitalist mechanisms of producing the docile, productive, fearing subject. Its inanane architecture points out the winners (the docile, productive ones) and the losers (those with lives).

    I feel privileged to have escaped it since becoming an adult. But it still amazes me that TV members go to inordinate lengths to big up their-- neoliberal-defined-- status. Their full-time jobs since retirement are status anxiety and reputational damage control.

    So, while the OP, vaguely speaks of the "relaxed people", I think this is what he might be grasping at. As an economist recently said: manufacturing is not an area of competitive advantage for the Thais. Or in my language, the Thais don't behave as the neoliberal capitalist demands. Or on the other hand, maybe he just means they really are relaxed people...

    I feel privileged at my lengthy time in Thailand.

    What the hell are you waffeling abour ?

  16. Hi guys help needed from USA guys. I have an insurance plan in USA for medical and my $96 a month medicaid contribution is paid to the insurance company, it has worked very well as i have used it to get my medication mailed here ( should add retiree ) however the company is ending the plan come December, I have considered all options and have arrived at the conclusion to come off medicaid and get back on a monthly basis the $96 which will more than cover my needs here. Problem to terminate enrollment medicare part B one needs to fill in the form CMS 1763 which is not avaiable on line, they state it must be done with an interview face to face as this is considered a serious matter, any ideas how to proceed ? has anyone cancelled part B here and if so How.

    Hope this can be understood and any help will be appreciated.

  17. Had the same experience earlier in the year when I was in El Murphy's. No menu offered, no mention of the prices being ++ and no mention of the price going up when the band was playing.

    Didn't and wont go back. There are plenty more bars around who don't do this.

    I second that believe owned by an Enclish guy who may have been here too long and has picked up on all the scams

  18. Cannot imagine what the 800 baht was for as a regular letter sent registered costs around 90 baht. I have never had a letter arrive any where unless posted registered, I suspect the english writing is license to steal the stamp. However i have a letter sent registered a month ago to UK not arrive yet but that is the first one. I was cheated out of a hundred baht note in the post office by a high member of the staff so I trust nobody in there which pretty much goes for the rest of Thailand too.

  19. An update on the police situation, it now turns out they are visiting every house in our small estate ( dusit land seven ) where farangs live, it seems they must have got the list from immigration as they know which houses to visit. The BIB told one of my neighbours they have a new police chief here and it was his idea to list all farangs so they can help us in case of emergency however ref previous post they did not ask for blood group just a copy of passport and they never even looked at my visa ( retirement and everything up to date ) and as stated they took my photo and a photo of house, I find the whole thing some what strange and of course I have no trust of the BIB maybe I am just paranoid but this whole thing now seems harmless.

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