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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. manarak

    I am looking for mayonnaise made from egg yolk, oil (preferably olive oil), and vinegar or lemon juice, a hint of mustard would be nice too.

    You obviously know what ingredients to use. Why not make it yourself? Can't be to difficult. It might turn out to be a hit, and you can give samples too your neighbours. :)

    This is an easy way to make ones self very ill unless you use your own very fresh eggs.

  2. Makro sells Hellman's (Best) Mayo just the same as US type. You must look at the ingredients to make sure that there is no sugar. The mayo is sold in 1 liter plastic bags. Many different types so like I said check the ingredients. We always just snip off a small part of the corner and use it as a squeeze container. Works well.

    Big C sell Kuipee (sp?) brand which is also very good but more expensive. Again check the label as there may be more than one type as the Thais apparently like the sugar kind. This comes in a smaller plastic squeeze container packed in a plastic bag.

    agree with your Mackro comment , taste great we simply squeeze it into a couple of jars.

  3. Lets hope not. It would potentially set off utter chaos. I dont know of anyone who would support that, and a lot of the people I know dont even vote PTP, but accept that Thaksin is going to be part of the future of a country that is going to have differences of opinion on many things, which will have to be resolved through democracy. Quite a sophisticated opinion really. Then again most people whether they like Thaksin or not have far far more important things to worry about, and one trend I notice among Thai friends is that everyone thinks he is coming back and so it might as well be sooner rather than later as once he is back it ends all the games that go on while he trots round the world and one lot try to keep him away and the other try to bring him back. I am actually amazed that every non-PTP person I know right down to the most ardent PADer thinks he will be back and not serve time

    You must know the most intellectual Thai people in all of Thailand. I employ 100+ Thai's in various businesses and the running theme from all the people that work for us from the Issan area is once PTP (Thaksin Proxy THEY call them) fixes all the stuff that the DEMs did wrong the country will be perfect.. just like before. When you ask them when before is, they go blank and give the always ready Thai response to ANYTHING they don't understand "you not thai you not understand thai way" then walk away muttering about farang under their breath. We also have people working with us from the South and the opinion from them is very clearly that if Thaksin sets foot on Thai soil again expect him to be killed.. they are very hard line about it...I assume its just a lot of big talk

    The interesting part to me in all of this is how many of our employees that at one point would have died for the Red Shirt movement are getting impatient with PTP obviously not all of them probably not even a majority right now but quite a few are openly questioning others on the job about when all these great things are coming, free computer, 300 baht a day, 15,000 baht per month for their kids when they graduate etc... the list of people getting impatient is growing among the Thai's I deal with daily... I wonder about all the rest of them out there...

    It is also interesting to note how many of our employees have school age kids, many in University and those kids just hate Thaksin and think their parents are fools for voting 1 in the last Election.. it gets rather heated sometimes around their dinner tables we are told.

    You certainly claim to know a surprising amount about the way the Thais in your employment think, feel and worry about - almost to a supernatural degree.From the evidence in your post some comments simply don't ring true or bear much resemblance to reality.Some might think you are just making it up but on that I could not possibly comment.

    What a snotty I know everything you know nothing post, too many of you self opinionated brain boxes out there, but it does keep me amused.

  4. I wonder what gift he will bring to the wedding. Maybe a nice kimono from Japan?

    Or a burqa from where he spends most of his time ...

    Yeah, but lets have it right it was as transparent as spring water what the "plot" was right from the very time that Yinglucks name was put forward ,any one thinking any different is in urgent need of a brain transplant,LOL.

    True the whole saga riots , deaths , arson was all planned and paid for by one man, the problem is there are a few hundred thousand out there who need the transplant.

  5. Umm, yeah right. Suddenly the bodies which has been dead for more than 1 year has been resurrected somehow.

    Santhan said the bodies would be exhumed for DNA tests to determine the identities, adding that those involved with their burial would also be questioned.

    How is the DNA going to work in this case? I bet those involved in the burial would have forgotten what happened. In the end, I don't see much progress in this case besides the fact that the 169 bodies might be one of the propaganda tools.

    No. they were not resurrected. Rather, the police were acting on allegations that had been circulating for some time. If there are a sufficient number of bone fragments available, DNA samples can be taken. This is how the Bosnian genocide was investigated. Specialized technicians and anthropologists exume the bodies. If Thailand does not have the expertise, then the Dutch, Canadian, Israeli and Swedish governments have many people that do.. As I recall, the Bosnian war crimes investigators asked for and received volunteers from the aforementioned nations' medical examiner offices.

    If there are bodies, it should be investigated. Let the police investigate first please.

    The Thais do not have the expertise or desire to do detailed examinations of corpses, hell just look at the number of farang deaths here per annum, death is cheap here really cheap nobody will really give a dam_n so little chance of outside help being requested. The main point though is how could the BIB make money persuing this.

  6. Ms Karolina, who wrote a book about her ordeal, was sentenced to serve 45 years in a Thai prison in 1994 before being transferred to Sweden after serving four years in Thailand "under an agreement she would serve the full sentence," the report said.

    She was released from Swedish prison in 2006 after serving a total of 12 years behind bars as the maximum Swedish sentence for heroin smuggling is 14 years, which is usually reduced, the newspaper reported.

    So why should the Thai side honor the agreement and transfer anyone if the agreed term of incarceration is not followed?

    because they save money.

  7. No one is above the law. I mean no one! There are civil laws, Traffic laws and International laws - they all share one binding factor. Law - Legal advice working. It is the law that puts in a system and gives guidelines to peace and democracy. Look at any nations traffic system and you will understand the average publics understanding and attitude of law - Red light means STOP. Double lines mean no over taking. Wearing a helmet self protection and consideration of fellow citizens. The point - Thailand has to learn what it means to follow the law to the letter. Not about loosing face and doing people favours to keep their face. No one looses face in keeping the law.

    And your point is ??????

  8. Tempura flour is for use in coating vegies( As a batter) before frying them. Very popular in Japan.Made in Thailand ,I suspect by a Japanese company under the Go Gi brand.Thais do use it to coat (batter) meat and fish as well.Its composition is 90% wheat flour, 6% Tapioca starch ( tapioca starch comes Cassava or, in Thai: Mun Sumpalung). Baking powder 3%, Others1% ( salt .MSG -A trace)Pack of 150 gram is B15.Mix with water to make your batter.

    Thank you very much for your most informative reply. Very much appreciated.

    agrre this was a good thread.

  9. I would have thought the taxi driver would be so elated to see a 500bht note that he would not have realized it was fake. I wonder if a bargirl would notice a fake??

    I understand the taxi driver could not change the note and went in to a 7/11 to do this , the clerk spotted the fake and they called the cops whllst dumbkopf sat in the taxi waiting for his change, guess it will be a while before he gets back to Germany.

  10. The caliber of the staff at an embassy is an indicator of the importance of the host country to the originating country. I would think that a Moslem Ambassador would be most useful in an Islamic country, he would be more in tune with the culture of that country. Having a Moslem dealing with mostly Christians in a Buddhist country, sounds like the classic square peg in the round hole.

    This is the most to the point, and sensible comment about the new Ambassador in this thread.

    Was he really the best man for the job? There are a lot of other factors of course, but this does seem to be important. Can he easily understand and empathise with the Thai/Buddhist attitudes he will find here? Some Muslims I have met have been the least flexible and understanding people; except maybe orthodox Jews.

    As for 'The Report' who trusts statistics? The FCO seem to.

    Very racist and insulting.

    Obviously the FCO seem to think he is the best man for the job and his origin or religion has no bearing on the performance of his duties

    There is nothing racist in this thread, the problem today is it is often difficult to speak the truth for fear of insulting someone or being politically incorrect.

  11. i don't think the figures for other western Nationalities would be that much different. In an age of mass travel, there are still some people that really shouldn't!

    I guess Mr Asif Ahmad is going to come in for grief every time his name is mentioned for the foreseeable future, but for the record and having met him, he is a a former businessman who was a late entrant to the diplomatic service and was based at the FCO in London advising embassies throughout SEA. He earned his spurs in the field during the monk riots in Burma last year when Britain ended up without an ambassador when we really needed one and Mr. Ahmad was sent to fulfil the role.

    He is a typical diplomat - says nice things without ever promising anything. He is intelligent and articulate. As a Moslem Briton of I believe, Bangladeshi origin, he doesn't drink, though he seems to have no problem being in the company of those of us that do! He is a decent representative of modern Briton. Unlike our former ambassador, the hugely likeable, Mr Quentin Quayle, I would guess he is unlikely to quit and join Beer Chang!!!

    He's got a difficult job to do representing Britain - and especially Britons in Thailand and the sooner we can quit the 'Paki Bashing' stage and get on with supporting him the better for all of us!

    Well sAID GOOD POST/

  12. the treatment of *any* prisoner like this is appalling. but in this case is even worse since he evidently did not commit a crime other than being destitute and disoriented.

    I would have thought that the Thai police would contact the relevant embassy if a foreign national were taken into custody and held (without charges), at the very least just to reduce their burden of housing/feeding another inmate.

    it is also disturbing that the Thai police cannot recognize when psychological and medical treatment are needed.

    a very sad case... and one that could happen to anyone who might get slipped a drug in their beer and are wandering the streets in an incoherent drugged state...

    The only thing they recognize is the color of your money.

  13. Commercial aircraft are required to fly an instrument approach on an instrument flight plan to most airports, and so follow a glide slope, with a formal proceedure under the control of Air traffic control radar would be assumed. Most airports that I am aware of have a MEA pattern altitude for heavy aircraft of 2000 feet AGL or above for a visual approaches. So how did they go below pattern altitude, if they were flying a visual approach? Something went quite wrong.

    Because my friend pilots and the guy in the right hand seat have to do approach and landings hands on occasionally as not all class 1 and class 2 airports have the equipment for auto landings, also note an instrument approach is for direction only when flying hands on ( the controls ) here is a straight forward pilot error, even if the guy in the right hand seat ( co pilot ) was flying the aircraft the guy in the left hand seat is PIC ( pilot in command ) and so his responsability .

  14. I happened upon one of these a while back. Can't recall the name that I was told that it was. I almost ended up in a fight for my life though. I had been walking around in the same general area for some time, just looking at different things and not aware that the thing was in the area. When I finally realized it was there, I was within about two feet of it and it was very aware of me. I froze, remembering that you are not supposed to make quick movements, as that can be perceived as a threat. Being so close, I had to decide whether I would be allowed to move away without inviting a strike or if I should actually make the first strike- "a good offense being the best defense", kind of thinking. I kind of tested him out, to see if he would tip his hand, so to speak. I leaned a bit left and then a bit right, but as I did, he moved his head right in time and motion with me, almost imperceptibly, but movement all the same. As near as I could tell, he pretty much had me in his sights and he was as capable as I of striking first. I decided to go first, hoping I could strike hard and fast and then retreat out of reach as he tried to avoid the incoming threat.

    Not wanting to telegraph my move, I slowly raise both of my hands, moving them farther away from my body as I raised them. He would have to divide his attention between the two and hopefully, that would give me the advantage I needed. I also started cocking my head from side to side, just to add one more bit of movement for him to inventory. At last, I realized that he was thoroughly involved in trying to monitor my decoy movements and as long as I chose the correct hand to strike with, things would go my way. Wanting to add just a bit more confusion to his situation, I slowly raised my right foot, eventually bringing my knee up almost to my chest. It was time to strike.

    Then the tour guide came by and told me to move along to the next cage, which was a turtle display and that was kind of cool to see.


    nt,:D had us all grinning.

    On a serious note, like scea. posted, not nice to have one around. Clean tidy gardens are a must here. I have a lovely photo of my mother - then in her late 70's -holding up a 5ft long spitting cobra encountered in her kitchen which got bashed to death with some broom that was at hand. Her gardener had walked in behind her when she called out and dived headfirst out the window. Much the most sensible thing to do, I would have thought discretion rather than attack was the plan. Does anyone have any advice about what is the best thing to do if you come across one?

    I grew up in rural Australia which was a pretty snakey place and we were advised by our elders to leave snakes alone. They rarely make an unprovoked attack and will usually leave the scene rapidly if a human approaches.

    Obviously you don't want them in or around the house but as I said, prevention is better than cure, they will only hang around if there's a food source.

    The mind goggles at the thought of the level of starvation that would drive one into one of Lannaman's wellies for something to eat.

    On the odd occasion have left my trainers by front door outside only to put them on in the morning to find a large frog curled up inside but gtot to agree it would take a brave snake to go in there.

  15. Then perhaps it is time for the USA to have a control when people board an airplane in the USA so their criminals stay there.

    And then we might see a 1% reduction in the criminals entering Thailand...

    By your 'English(!)', I can see that you are not American. Is your home country free of criminals? Or do you just take a free swing at the US whenever you see a cheap opportunity?

    So typical...

    Good post I too am fed up of theses d......k heads. who know nothing and have never been state side.

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