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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. 500k Sinsod? Post a pic of this beauty (is it against the rules?) and let the mob decide on her looks if 500k is fair value. :lol:

    I went to a 300k sinsod wedding where the woman was 30+, a couple of kids and formerly of the Pattaya pole molesters.



  2. Yes sounds like you will never be satisfied, maybe go back to being a looser in the west like many of the rest of them, winning is not always measured by wealth but by richness in life but thats what you are in your Self not your wallet.

    It seems if one goes back to the West one is classed a loser, it would also appear if one lives here one is a loser, beats me how can you win ????

  3. Nobody can answer this question for you,although many here are arrogant enough to think they can.

    Loser has many meanings for different people,and can't be written off with a catchall, glib, put down answer.

    What you lost,or what you failed to gain, the realisation of your own personal criteria of success and happiness?

    Only you can find the true answer!

    Guess you are one of the arrogant too ???

  4. Hey Dan you been spying on me how you know I do Thai Visas Forum and I whine a lot, you want to come for a drink ? I like to drunk too much for me or you, yes I am liking go to bed with brown bunny you have a problem this, how I can buy a beer bar fat head I no money what you problem you must be ex pat, bugger off.

  5. for what?

    How did it work? how much?

    Pattaya police are the most crooked police, ask your bar girls.

    How dare you cast doubt on the integrity and honesty of our hard working farang loving boys in brown, they are a model of decency inspired no doubt by the utopian society that we are so lucky to live in. I would ask you where else in the world do knights such as these work so diligently collecting for charity ? why every day they can be seen on the streets even going so far as stop motorists seeking donations for their worthy causes, I have even seen them going into lowly bars in the pursuit of donations now there is dedication for you, and where may I ask do you find bar girls in Pattaya ? are you refering to the young ladies who can be seen working in some establishments as part of their final year in getting a degree in the hospitality industry ? shame on you.

  6. mid 30,s,Attractive?

    And u dont have a clue how to find a gf.As a more mature person than u and being around the block many million more times than u,i would forget trying to get a gf when u go out and just enjoy the night and relax a bit more.Maybe the girls think u are very clingy and put a distance between u,or maybe the places u go too arent the right places.Also for gods sake dont tell them u are a teacher,that will scare them away lol,thais know how much of a pittance u earn as a teacher


    I would make comment but your judgments aren't worth defending. I'm not asking how to talk to a girl, I'm asking for a decent place to meet one. Not a sleazy bar, just a cozy chillout place. If you can't suggest one, maybe your being around the block hasn't exactly panned out for you.

    Try The hard rock cafe.

  7. Sort of related to this topic, there is a new foreign books store on Phetkasem on the west side between the tessabahn/police station corner (never can remember the name of that main road that leads to the train station) and Soi 80. It's on the corner of either a soi or an alley. I didn't notice it until this week, so I think it's new. Maybe you could barter/trade books with the owner? If needed, I can report back with a more detailed description of the location and a picture.

    Thanks again will check it out.

  8. Book swap was held 2 weeks ago.

    Dicks office bar on Soi 80 Hua Hin.

    Lots of books and participants.

    More like drop and grab what you want.

    Than I'll give you this for this type of format.

    They advertise on another forum.

    Every few months.


    Many thanks for info I will drop in the bar and get more information.

  9. It's just off New Petchburi Road and probably about half way between Petchburi MRT & Chitlom BTS, probably nearer Chitlom.

    okay , thanks.

    any idea how long walk will it take ?

    Gee man just take a cab.

  10. Soi dogs in some sois at night can be vicious in packs, apart from that I don't mind it. However the soi where my dad lives they aren't too friendly wjhen its dark and i've heard storys. But I've never had a prob yet and i'm an animal lover, quite sad to see.

    The fact is house break ins are rife in Hua Hin, happned to me whats the answer ? get a dog, cos for sure the cops dont care, I had an alarm system installed only to learn the police will not respond unless the owner of the house calls , no good the guy living next door calling so alarm total waste of money best just post some signs this house alarmed. back to the dog seriously they are they are there for breakins.

  11. Tesco to be honest does not carry a large selection of farang food anymore than say Makro at pranburi, Villa to be fair carry the best selection and at least their staff are on the ball.

    Have not tried it yet but was told Tesco at Pranburi is better than the one in Hua Hin.


    Tried Makro last week what a joy to shop there, Tesco goodbye.

  12. The police will say its the worst case of suicide they have ever seen.


    This happened in the house directly opposite mine and I was awoken by a noise and went over in my dressing gown about 2.00am in the morning.

    The front door was wide open all the lights were on and there was blood everywhere at the porch entrance . I did not go into the house.

    I gather from the Thai locals a few who were standing outside that someone had just taken him to hospital.

    It was horrific.

    There were no Police about and I can honestly say I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY POLICE PRESENCE although I have not been in my own house solid.

    I am on holiday from UK I have had a house here for about 4 years. There have been many break-ins I lost about £10,000 worth last time.

    When the police turned up they wanted 20,000 baht before they would investigate my breakin ( We made a formal complaint about this)

    I am still shocked about the surreal nature of this murder...................there is no on site forensics and its like it never happened.

    I love Thailand but you need to be careful........................... and the Police................................ well enough said

    I knew the guy to say Hi too he was well educated and seemed to be well off financially and ??? was a ex surgeon??

    A real nice guy

    I could go on and on..........................

    Thanks for an honest post.

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