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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. I'm curious to know why so many of the (western) TV posters are either so vehemently "red" or "yellow" and refuse to listen to what the other "side" says . . . will any of these (western) "red" or "yellow" posters actually be affected by whichever party is in Govt in any significant way?

    Maybe the Westeners have more than half a brain, are educated, have the ability to distinguish between fact and fiction, have not been bought by a particular party, I could go on but whats the point

  2. doesn't matter anyway, for a generation of teens who can see it all on facebook links and youtube and grow up in the computer age.

    Lets be honest, the red shirts may or may not have a cause but the way they act and what they say is classic comic book stupidity, they live in constant denial of their acts, trhey worship a corrupt convicted felon who was ousted by the military and yet they say if they win the election they will bring him back, are they dumb enough to believe they could actually achieve this , the answer seems to be yes.

    I would suggest they enroll in mass at a primary school try and get the smattering of education they offer and the have them reassess the situation. Final analysis school kids with guns very dangerous.

  3. Have you considered sending your things by sea ? I do not know how long you are staying for in Thailand so it may not help. However when I moved out here I shipped four very large boxes from a shippig agent in Hull total time was just around 33 days and cost 100 pound sterling or around 160 USI picked the boxes up from customs near to swampy at no cost, I got theshipping agent from UK yellow pages it was all straight forward.

  4. We will read of these incidents again and again. It is about time that someone in power engaged their brain and started enforcing the laws, such as vehicle checks, driver checks, company checks and if they don't have Tachometers in the cabs, fit them. RIP the dead. Yet again.


    In the USA, there are Vehicle checks, Driver checks, Company checks, and Tachometers, the roads are well policed and everybody has to pass a stringent test.

    On average, over 40,000 people die in traffic accidents annually in USA, how is that so ?

    Add to that that the vast majority of Thai people that die are on motorcycles, as opposed to the USA where a very small percentage ride motorcycles, motorcycles are much more dangerous, so again, why are the death rates so high in USA ?

    six times the population millions more autos Americans live in their cars, I could go on but its a no brainer.

  5. We will read of these incidents again and again. It is about time that someone in power engaged their brain and started enforcing the laws, such as vehicle checks, driver checks, company checks and if they don't have Tachometers in the cabs, fit them. RIP the dead. Yet again.


    Begging your pardon, but WHO exactly do you expect to enforce the laws in Thailand??? :jap:

    Not the BIB surely??????

  6. "'This is a good warning against stopping to look at accidents,' Samut Sakorn Police Lieutenant Colonel Chaiyaphat Charoenwai told Thai TV.

    Or maybe a good warning to LEARN HOW TO DRIVE!!.... seriously? warning to not stop for accidents but by default it is ok to go as fast as you want, change lanes with abandon, run away from an accident you caused, not follow any safely rules...etc. etc.?

    I feel so bad for those workers. I say this in all honesty and because I drive these roads quite frequently and see in any given second accidents and death ready to happen.

    Very sad...RIP

    you cannot change a nation my friend only lament the loss of life.

  7. Very amusing, for the Thai government (yes, he is a minster, so a representitive of the government) referring to foreigners with less than 400,000 baht as a "burden" on Thai society. Tell me the ratio of Thais vs. Farang over the age of 50 with less than 400,000 in the bank?

    This, if passed will be a huge economic blow for Thailand - a large percentage of Farang business owners in Thailand are 45+, and many buy those businesses and run it with their partner. Many own land with their partners. Most of these girls are not rich when they meet the "old burden" Farang. Infact, sadly most of these girls meet their Farang in the go go bars. Who was it that was the burden again?

    I have never said this before, but this move really does look discriminatory against non-Thai nationals, and will be a huge blow both to the future development, educational and economic growth to Thailand if passed. Maybe Thailands politicians needs to learn when passing law, that you have the power to make the decisions but with that power you must execute vision, or your power is worthless and often destructive rather than constructive.

    The polititions are in office for the graft, passing laws is just a burdomsome side line.

  8. I am also interested in Ecuador. In case anyone is interested and doesn't know, I believe Ecuador enforces a 180 day per year rule for tourists, so you can't live there on visa runs. There are various residency options. A pension is the best, but also real estate buying options (a bit dicey as they aren't so big on deed there), or just stick 25K USD in a bank there, which you can't touch.

    Do you know the amount required ref pension ?

  9. I can only talk on prednisone but feel I must after reading your post, I am sure you are aware the drug is a steroid, I take it whenever I have an attack of rheumatoid, however being a steroid this drug has be used sparingly and yes I am aware they can be bought at any pharmacy here in LOL, when you have been taking this drug you have to come off gradually or the side effects are pretty grim, let me give you an example and this is from a USA hospital in USA. When I have an attack of rheumatoid ie feet and hands swelling and extremely painful this is the dose I am allowede, 5 mg times 4 for 4 days, 5mg times 3 for five days, 5mg times 2 for five days and finally 5mm times 1 for five days, so you can see you must come off slowly even on the small doses I take. There can be horrific effects on your body if you take this drug over a long period, all I can add is if some Thai DR prescribed this drug go to a good hospital and talk with the pharmacist. good luck.

  10. Upgrade Sattahip airport! With Sattahip and possible use of Don Muang, Thailand can handle all the air traffic. Do it Thailand and become the hub of Asia!

    I don't think the Navy will allow this to happen....

    The airport was built by the American G.I. durin' Vietnam war. The student union kicked 'em out. Now the airport is solely used by the Navy.

    Probably where they are going to operate their subs.

  11. Not sure why you farang feel its so great for you. You came here to enjoy our culture and day to day living, weather included. Yes we can't change how nature is, but, it is cold for us. Do you wonder why we feel the way we do when you make your feelings known, it always has to be about you. :jap:

    Get a life your the one who does all the moaning.

  12. I myself have never met any Thai national that respects farangs so this statement does not shock me, my view is we are simply walking ATMs to them and without fail their aim is to relieve us of as much cash as they can, to all you soothesayers no I will not go home I like it here, I simply baccept the way things are.

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