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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. The stuff which has passed through the ass-end of a civet is in demand in Afganistan or so I'm told.

    What 'exactly' are you imbibing today VF ?

    I do know its mushroom season and one has to be careful picking mushrooms :o

    How much ? I guess free for a limited time :(

    I suspect he is refering to Weasel coffee which is very popular in Vietnam, the weasels eat the beans , crap them out and then they brew them ( not the weasels ) do not ask me why or who the first man was who did this.

  2. I applied at Bangkok Bank on Friday 27 April for a credit card and got it no problem, I have banked with them two years as a retiree, I had to deposit 100k in a interest bearing account of just over 2%, the wholw deal took 15 minutes.

    And, with respect, neither should you have a problem, you are spending your own money. I suppose in this day and age 2% isn't a bad rate though.

    Is the deposit account locked?

    No the account is not locked.

  3. During my first year in Thailand as a retiree, I tried to get a credit card a couple of times. But each time, it came down to since I didn't have a work permit I couldn't get an unsecured card (they didn't care that my retirement income/pension was much higher than the monthly income requirement to qualify for credit card); I could only get a secured card where you accomplish a secured deposit of around 150K baht to get a credit card limit of 100K. I just said no to a secured card.

    So, I just continued to use my Bangkok Bank debit card to buy stuff. Then after I got my no foreign transaction fee Mastercard credit card from Capital One which also earns a 2% or 1% cash back, I haven't used my Bangkok Bank debit card very much. Plus my U.S. credit card provides protection under U.S. consumer protection laws versus the particularly non-existent Thai consumer protection laws. I pay the balance off monthly and just smile at the 2% cash back I'm getting on my Lotus, Big C, Carrefour, Foodland, gas station, etc., buys and 1% on other buys.

    Below is a Bangkok Bank web page talking about applying for a credit card...notice an expat needs a work permit. But with that being said, I seen TV post where retirees with no work permit have got credit cards, although some of the posts were not really clear whether they were unsecured or secured cards.


    I applied at Bangkok Bank on Friday 27 April for a credit card and got it no problem, I have banked with them two years as a retiree, I had to deposit 100k in a interest bearing account of just over 2%, the wholw deal took 15 minutes.

  4. whos henry cooper not the boxer

    I believe they are referring to the guy who demanded a ransome not to blow up an aircraft in the USA, the money was paid and the plane took off, the guy bailed out I believe over Washington state. He has never been seen since and no body was ever found however his name was not Henry Cooper but he went by BD cooper, I did read the book but no longer have it to check my facts, however the gist of what I relate is true.

  5. Everyone knows he worked for the CIA anyway. Now they have Gaddafi and the Great African Adventure to keep the war machine alive. Osama has done his job and can be retired to the annals of history. Not a bad run for a cutout...

    You need to change your medication.

  6. It is about time America becomes responsible for its crimes against the rest of the world.

    Britaney Spears.

    Michael Jackson.

    The world financial crash.

    Mac Donalds.

    the list goes on.

    Brirish crimes against humanity

    Slavery blacks to USA

    Colonisation India Africa

    English cooking

    Warm beer


    The list goes on.

  7. The perps in this case were found guilty and immediatly put to death I believe at Thaksins insistance, just another of his crazy acrions. The whole case stank. As for myself I had an explosive device tossed onto my bedroom balcony second floor, it totally blew out the windows sliding doors and the frame also shredded my bed, this was in Bangkok. Long story I know who did it, Lucky for me I was out of town when it happned but the perps did not know that,

    I should add I have never done anything illegal here and am just a regular retiree ti was done by a mates wifes boyfriend ? Police did absolutly nothing and would not answer anything on the phone, I was later told they did nothing because they cannot eaen money solving crimes and 20,000 baht from me would have seen the perps in Jail, figure it out for yourself/

  8. :D :D

    I met my wife in Soi Cowboy. It was her first night (she's 21 so i believe her) there and she was only serving drinks - too scared to talk to anyone, but I convinced her to come back with me short time, I knew then that she loved me.

    Now we live in Sisaket with her older brother who's 24 and her two younger sisters who are 2 and 3. We've been together for a year. I understand Thai culture, so know that my role is to support her and her family and accept that her family will always come first. Because I understand Thai culture, I'm fine that she doesn't sleep in the same bed as me, but sleeps with her older brother. Some foreigners just don't understand the Thai way, but I'm fine with it.

    Actually, I met her at work.


    I bet you did....she had a position under you

  9. Met my (former) English wife in a bar

    Met my (current) Thai wife in a bar

    Everyone (white men) I know who met their Thai wife in Thailand, met them in a bar, nearly all lie about where they met, but the girls always discuss their bar backgrounds with each other and I understand what they say (but never let on). Those that didn't meet the Thai wife in a bar, met her before or after work in the bar.

    So what, I'm over 50 and hardly a virgin either (about twice a week before Thailand).

    I always expect a pretty girl to have been shagged every night from age 15 upwards (same for guys).

    Ugly ones only got it once a week (a lot less for guys).

    (That gives you 300-100 shaggings a year from age 15, so by age 30 ....... 3000-1000 times)

    So if we relate my theory

    to the UK where I was doing 50yos ...... 35 years of previous usage.

    and to Thailand where I am doing 30yos ..... 15 years of previous usage.

    Far less mileage on the newer models!

    Does it matter if it was the same guy?

    (Before the mods ban me, let me just state for the record, I don't know every white man in Thailand, so am not talking about every Thai woman or even every Thai woman married to a white guy)

    been on the juice have we ?

  10. This has been asked before and I remember there was an online source you could buy it from, didn't bookmark it myself as I bring mine in from VN every few months.

    UTFSE (I can't do it for you as it doesn't work)

    Thanks am going to Hanoi next month so can bring a couple of kilo back. I mix mine 50% with plain Aribica as I find the chocolate too much on its own but I am seriously hooked.

  11. The airport is well known for the duty free shopping to be very expensive a total rip off. If in BKK hop in a taxi and go to Plantip Plaza its in the heart of bkk quite famous for IT related products but they have great camera shops have bought there twice, however not big on phones but any mall usually has a mobile phone section and competion keeps the prices down.

  12. Am planning a trip to Hanoi late May anyone been lately ? looking for advice on best area to stay for shopping and night life, also location good Indian restraunts and any trips at resonable price ( side trips ) have been to Saigon so in general familiar with Vietnam but never been to Hanoi, all advice appreciated.

  13. Hi guys, am living in Hua Hin but get up to BKK once every couple of months my question is does anyone know where I can buy Vietnamese coffee either a store or on line in Thailand, many thanks

  14. Why dont you retire to a sleepy town on the south coast like Bournemouth or Eastbourne? The woman there a less cut-throat. In the summer you can sit on a deckchair by the beach and lick an ice cream with a Hankercheif over your head.

    Maybe in the evening you could go to the Bingo hall, then a cup of Horlicks, a read, then bed.

    How does one get to this paradise, can one volunteer to be a pooper scooper on the sea front ?

  15. Here is the link to TV classifieds, qualified with only the last ten days of advertisements. Have several folks listed there as having more than one rental available. Don' know if they are all Lanna Realty or not. Can do a search for even older ads and may find more.


    There are lots of rentals around that are not listed here. Just need to spend a few days wandering around asking and looking. Many of the local rentals are listed on paper flyers on utility poles around here.

    Here is the link for Chiang Rai Focus, the local Thai language website where lot of stuff gets advertised. If you have a Thai reader or if you know the language, maybe you will find something there.


    Welcome home.

    Same goes for Hua Hin rental ads on poles , I found my place just driving around the side streets, rentals are very reasonable and Hua Hin is a great place to live, we are appreciated to the degree where the BBI have been instructed to leave us alone so no extortion tickets , I moved here from BKK and what a change, love it. we have a good girlie bar area but nothing on the scale of Pattaya thank god compared to that god awful town this is paradise.

  16. awesome !

    on the bright side , he'll have (lots of) time to work on that one reverse , muay thai movement

    People who take please in others misfortune are sick human beings.

    I do not think the response was done for pleasure just light humour, this guy knew the risk but for greed went ahead and took the risk, so he got caught big deal no sympathy here buddy, if you cant do the time dont do the crime.

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