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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. How about movies, especially ones playing in theaters currently? Let's see you rationalize that one as not being theft of i.p.

    Look I reckon most all of us here in Thailand are not clean on this issue, but that doesn't mean we have to invent absurd rationalizations about it either.

    If you really want to read - but I doubt it since this topic has been up here before and you are just posting inane rehashes of the same confused arguments - some about this topic there are several good books and essays on the subject.

    If I buy a blank CD and burn a copy of a friends CD then it is my copy and I have the sole ownership rights to it as I possess the tangible, physical object.

    and if you rob a bank do es the money belong to you because you possess the tangible, phsical evidence ?

  2. I am confused. I thought the government here didn't respect farangs. :ermm:

    There was a long article BKK post last week by the head police guy who runs the outfit resposible for clamping down on couterfeit products and intelectual theft, basically he said they were reluctant to really get involved as the only people who would benifit was the giant US companies, in other words the BIB cannot make money upholding international law so why should they bother LOL

  3. 70% only?

    Why should I pay more for this low quality drinking water?

    What about in 7/11? There are many brands of bottled water to choose from. Any clues?

    40% for water supply utility?

    Pretty low indeed. ..

    most of restaurants in Thailand don't care to use clean water.... Eatin' out here in Thai is to destroy your health.....

    I want them to check restaurants , food courts and street stalls too.

    I really doubt.... Will it be lower than 40% passin' the quality requirements,FDA?

    What you want is to get in touch with reality.

  4. I often end up walking on the road facing the oncoming traffic. Its easier than playing dodgems on the footpath. And if there are stalls on the side of the footpath things are even worse as when viewing the goods on sale they often stop and stand in the middle of the path instead right next to the stall. So you have both ambulatory and stationary objects to avoid. They should invent a pinball machine based on the footpaths of Sukhumvit and others.

    Gosh these Thais can be soooooooo annoying.

  5. I can stand in a queue in an airconditioned building and quite quickly be attended to by a smiling, reasonably polite, person who hands me my cash and updates my passbook at the same time all with little or no security risk for FREE


    I can queue at an ATM with the sun blazing on my neck while some non-technically-minded moron in front of me fiddles with the ATM keyboard desparately trying to get it to play the lastest #1 pop hit while chatting on his/her mobile. When it becomes my turn I squint to see the dark filthy finger-printed screen on tippy toes or crouched down as the ATM has been placed at a height either for giants or dwarfs I find out that it has either no 100 baht notes, no 500 baht notes, or no notes at all. If I'm lucky and it does have money I'm taking a risk of having my pin number stolen and my account emptied by some unscrupulous Bulgarians. And for all of this I pay a FEE.

    ATMs should be FREE OF CHARGE.

    God man your having a rough time of it here.

  6. They are not LOSING 100 mill bht, only losing what they got for free in the first place.

    You pay for opening an account, virtually get no interest, pay for an atm card, pay to close an account, pay yearly fees for having your account.

    What do you get in return--NOWT. All they get is what I mentioned, plus OUR MONEY they keep and use to lend others at a rate of borrowing 10% + They have a nerve.

    How long have they been charging at a.t.m.? they should have quite a bit of revenue from it. Now they say they are going to lose money.. A JOKE April 1st early

    Where you come from ? you sure in your country the banks are free of charge ? in Italy and in all other countries from my experience banks are a pain. So before speak like many other how shit is this or that in Thailand check your home country and much more if you don't like what they do here why you are here ? why you not go back home and make this place free of people like you ? Too many users here only like to speak bad about Thailand but still always here, live here and spend money here so why speak ? Shut up is better or if you are a man go back home and live in your country.

    This comment is for everyone who usually speak bad about this and that but still live here. Is really annoying to read every time always the same shit from people who live here but usually speak bad about this place. There isn't a perfect country where to live so if you are here respect where you are and their rules or go back home.

    Batblaster I agree with your comments and understand your anger however many of the comments on this website speak the truth, we as expats can change nothing only Thais can change things but it seems to me the majority of Thais just dont care and are happy to go along being ripped off on a daily basis by the banks and the cops.

  7. I've got two grown offspring that I'm very close to and 3 grand kids. If I want a friend to talk to I'll pick another man. We've got more in common. If I want a bed mate then I'll pick an attractive woman who enjoys sex. My girlfriends are just that ... female and friends. I wouldn't call any of them parasites. I reserve that term for politicians, a few large corporation CEOs, most CEOs of banks, and some lawyers. The ladies provide a service and are good at what they do. That is more than I can say for many people.

    Hey dude -- good to hear you're close to your children. That's a sign of a real man.

    You say "My girlfriends are just that ... female and friends". At this point our terminology differs. I don't regard women like this as girlfriends.

    As for parasites, you talk about politicians and lawyers. But you missed out ex-wives?!

    Enjoy your time in Thailand.

    Quite a civilised chat, congrats

  8. I say 1 is too many.

    IMO there is something not quite right with a girl who will date only Westerners and Not Thai's....

    That said I'm sure there are many good relationships out there where the GF has ex Western boyfriends, but to be honest, of the couples I know where the lady has had Western Ex BF's I have also wondered about her motives.

    Bingo! The motive is money. Many of these girls are little more than prostitutes in disguise.

    Wow what perception, everything in Thailand is money, everything.

  9. Thanks semper, an important issue that needs to be addressed. :D What about sharia law?

    :jap: and then we can all move back home too :closedeyes:

    ..Personally I think they should ban motcys, buses, tuk tuk's, sangteaws and all Jap cars so I can be less obscured and pay proper attention to the important distractions in tight jeans, skirts and short shorts :lol: ...

    They should ban the shorts Thai girld wear under their short skirts.

  10. Met a number of Gary Glitters in Thailand. You see a lot of trash wash up onto the shores of Thailand. You see these trashy people in Thailand all the time. The locals no doubt view them as such. It is funny when you see these losers strutting around the tourist districts. Nobodys are suddenly somebody here in Neverland.

    The world comes to Thailand. It s the centre of the world! :D

    The locals I suspect do not view this trash as trash rather as a source of income, all these poor abused kids have a Thai grown up in control of them who are just as big a piece of sh////////////t as the perps.

  11. can marinate beef or pork with pretty well most of the stuff we get here in LOS . I just use a bunch of garlic, onions and salt pepper ...yum!..even with local market 150 baht/kl beef... which most expat "gourmets" seem to shun...I like it tough...lol

    thanks for your tips..


    Try buying Thai French beef ( French cattle raised in Thailand ) dont about all of Thailand but avaiible in Hua Hui no need to marinate , great beef.

  12. See links below for restricted goods:

    DHL http://www.dhl-usa.c...Commodities.pdf looks like they will accept if certain conditions are met

    FEDEX http://fedex.com/us/...d_articles.html Section 4:14 (prohibited Goods), Biological Products

    I would have thought there would be a DHL depot in Hua Hin somewhere. Hope you get it sorted out.

    All the best


    Thanks very much checked the sites and blood is allowed as I have no infectious disease its a routine check up for rhuematoid arthritis.

  13. The problem with Jutaporn is Jutaporn! This motor mouth who incited civil unrest, propagated abstinence by mobs from rule of law and then condoned destruction of property and continues to hide behind parliamentary privilege, may well try to expose 13 of the 90+ deaths as being at the hands of soldiers. Trying to divert focus from the fact his mob by their actions caused all the deaths is his cowardly way of attacking , as being the best form of defense. Sadly he believes his own lies. He need some serious psychological assistance. Imagine this guy running Thailand? blink.gif

    Agree 100% the guy is a crackpot, sadly there are many crackpots in Thailand polatics but it seem your mental state is not important, just the money man just the money.

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