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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. 7 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    Makes sense.  Maintain scheduled course and speed whilst considering options.  Fully examine extent of damage and chances of successful landing; whilst considering landing strip and emergency facilities of all available runways - Don Mueang most likely best.  During this time he has also been burning fuel in an attempt to lower the total amount available should things go wrong and a fire breaks out on landing.  Plus it allows time for discussions with HQ and more experienced pilots, and gives time for emergency services to be briefed and ready.

    All ended well.

    True, but seems to me this could have happened on his previous landing and the pilot did not do a routine walk around of his aircraft prior to take off, yes real pilots still do this.

  2. On 24 สิงหาคม 2559 at 9:53 AM, BruceMangosteen said:

    Related...the new blood thinners(to prevent strokes) are very expensive. No generics. The blood pressure medications as mentioned, are generic and very inexpensive in Thailand, available without a prescription. One thing to be aware of is some pharmacies will attempt to switch you to a drug they stock claiming "it's good". No need to do so as a pharmacy almost every block. 

    Are you saying that the two drugs I mentioned in my original post are generic ? Or that they are available in the generic form.

    on a second side I used a blood thinner called by HIDIL gemfibrozil 300 mg very cheap at most pharmacies , I took am and pm, this was prescribed by my doctor.

     Have an appointment with my GP early next month I will check out the generic aspect, I am not a cheap Charlie but on the other hand I don't believe in throwing money away.

    appreciate your comments .

  3. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    I take Amlopine for which I pay under 300B per box (100 tabs) at Fascino, with their discount card. I only take half a tab per day. I also take a local statin that costs about the same price.

    Thanks for the info, is your a loping 10mg ?  Also never heard of Fascino what and where is it your help much appreciated.

  4. 3 hours ago, muzmurray said:


    You clearly have never researched or read the relevant parts of the Koran. The virgins are eternal, and only there to service the men, they don't decide when to have sex, the man does.


    Why would Muslims use the Kama sutra, an ancient Hindu text?


    It has never been called "The Sharia law", it is merely referred to as Sharia law.


    Maybe a little reading before posting would be good.

    Strap on your bomb guys seems like a good deal. 

  5. For you guys who have high blood pressure and buy your drugs in Pattaya beware.

    i was recently prescribed a new medication by my doctor here in Korat which is the following


    Amiodpine 10mg

    Valsarton160 mg


    i checked a couple of pharmacy where I live in Korat but none carried this medication,  I was in Pattaya and went into a very popular pharmacy with farangs to ask if they carried this during the past weekend, they did and I was charged 1,340 baht for twenty eight days supply one tablet per day, I should add I did not know the real price as my first prescription was in the hospital pharmacy and we know the mark up on medication in these places..

    The pharmacist gave off a very smug smile when I paid for them, and the price was on the box prior to him giving it to me, got back home and called my regular pharmacy in OM Nut in Bangkok, a very large and very busy pharmacy, much has been written on this forum about the propriety of this establishment and I have bought my medication there for several years. 

    There price for the same drug 740 ฿.

     I cannot name the pharmacy as I could be sued for be smirching the character of a blatant rip off artist, if this will save any of you guys money pm me and I will pass on the relevant information where not to buy and directions in OM Nut.. Can also pass on the OM Nut phone number to check other prices.

    regards to all.

    my gf and I are in Bkk 3or 4 times a year so I usually buy three months supply at a time.

  6. Just forget Charoen, they made me a very expensive pair, they kept sliding off when I took them back to the shop to adjust they cracked a lens then laughed at me when I told them to replace ,no you give it me like this, the staff and mall security had to pull me off this guy who I swear the rage I was in I would have throttled. 

    I pass this on all the time.

  7. 11 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    I would advise him to calm down, get some perspective and ideally, invest it wisely and keep working while he thinks this through a bit more.  


    Does he have a house or other high value asset he would sell up or rent out?   With interest/dividends from the principle amount and potential rental income or, in the case of outright sale, that cash added to the principle amount to generate more passive income, that would provide a bit more breathing room and piece of mind.  Next boost down the road would be qualifying for a state pension to buffer reliance on the income producing assets.   I rather like the idea of keeping the house initially (if he's got one) and renting it out.  He could get here and later decide Thailand's not a good fit for him long term. 


    Probably not what he wants to hear, but that's often the case when advice runs counter to emotions. 

    Read the original post.

  8. These reports are such a crock of sh:-/,,,t . This is Thailand there is no law , we expats are used to it but it  take several years living here to fully appreciate how corrupt this country is.

    I have committed to spending my final years on the planet living here, with a lovely partner and a good life style,I avoid problems, give way to idiots and insult nobody. No road rage and any time a problem ever call the bib, call your Thai friends.



  9. 5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    No I'm saying that using the word ugly is a vile thing to do. It is judgemental and ignorant. 


    Also the duckling in the story turned out to be a swan. Unless this lady turns out to be of a different species then I fail to see how it is applicable.


    Finally, have you read the story? The moral of it is that if you can turn yourself into something beautiful then you will be liked. There is no indication whatsoever of inner beauty being viewed as something to be valued, only outward appearances matter to most in this story.


    Like most ''fairy tales'' it is at it's core not very pleasant at all.

    Outward appearances really do matter in the real word it's only PC that pretends otherwise, sad but true.n

  10. 7 hours ago, sahibji said:

    and we thought the mini van drivers were the only people carrying dangerous weapons.

    looks it is a serious problem with drivers in thailand. carrying some sort of weapon for self defence does make some sense but it was used for a vicious attack on another road user. causing hurt is a serious offence and such drivers must be brought to book swiftly. the question of their drivers licence should also be considered.

    Lots of things should happen or be done, problem this is Thailand with a police force that is considered a criminal organization by many Western governments, God forbid we ex pats would ever consider such a thing.

  11. On 30 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 8:18 AM, meatboy said:

    dont you have a newspaper boy delivering in your area,i live near saveone night market and we get it delivered to our door.

    i will get the wife to ask him if anyone delivers in? is it home garden in joho.


    On 30 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 8:46 AM, happylarry said:

    My iPad automatically downloads it every morning for me to read at breakfast. This is the full paper , not the short version that is free for the Internet.


    We live behind Toyota on the Kohn  Kaen road jo ho meat boy would appreciate your help.

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