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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Their only interest is to see how much they can make from any particular person. The law is of no interest to them. They could care less about it. There a few decent ones but the majority will suck your blood dry. I avoid them like the plague.

    This! ... is the price we foreigners pay to live here. It's sad but we have to accept it

    Try to argue with them, drag things out and your day won't go as planned - or pay 500 baht or a few more and you're on your way in under a minute.

    I hate it as much as the next guy as I only put money into Thailand and not take any job away and basically only contribute and stimulate to the economy.

    Overpriced cars, real estate and so on.. we can only accept it or go back home.

    I have lived here in Thailand for many years. I enjoy a full and active life.

    Why have I NEVER had to "pay 500 baht or a few more" to be on my way ?

    Seems some hang out in strange places with very odd people.

    Seems to me it's you that is odd or vey lucky, check your body odor.

  2. I made the move last year after my wife of 15 years decided to become a junkie. So, with my daughter in tow, off to Vietnam. We both got 2 year temporary resident cards with no hassle, she is in an International school and I enjoy being out of Thailand for the time being. Crowded? Yes, some places but not everyplace. You'll enjoy the change.

    How much is international school in Vietnam?

    How does your wife become a junkie after 15 years?

    Yaba bimbo.

  3. I thought you had to be a rocket scientist to play golf?

    Mate, be careful out there. You're awfully exposed. Check your caddy for hidden microphones and cameras, and only use zinc on your nose. Bon chance, mon ami.

    Harry Vardon once said " Give me a man with big feet, big hands and no brains and I'll make a golfer out of him".

    Or a Katoy.

  4. It reminds me of a time I went to a basic restaurant on Lat Phrao. I noticed there were three rats frolicking in the corner. I asked my companion about them, and he said they were pets and not to worry. I guess I was rather gullible back in those days.

    I used to keep pet rats when I was a kid, they are very affectionate and lovable creatures.

    Yes but did you marry one ?

  5. I have got my affidavit proof of income several times from the embassy , you must make an appointment on line I have never been there before 9am including recently, I have been told it has a thirty day life span.

    Also when you get your police report from the state you live in in USA I was told this too has a thirty day life time.

    If you join Bangkok bank SS will mail your pension direct to your account so should you need proof of income it will show in your bank book.

    You can also retire if you have eight hundred thousand baht in the bank for three months before your annual proof of income visit.

    You must also get a doctors note clearing you of syphalis, yellow fever and I believe cholera , any doctor here will give it to you don't waste your money on hospital tests, if you need any more info pm me.

  6. Although I don't trust the RTP for 1 second, it seems to be a plausible scenario....

    Totally drunk, coming home at night, jumping of the roof of a booth near a pool at your bungalow and break your neck whilst doing this. If accurate, I suspect he was not alone while this happened, we 'll find out soon I guess. If there are no witlessness, be prepared for another 500 pages of pure speculation. And yes, what makes this suspicious is cutting your face on barbed wire.......... is their barbed wire near that pool?


    Maybe barbed wire to prevent drunken tourists from climbing up to the DJ booth and diving into the swimming pool?

    What we need to iknow is if their was water in his lungs which would indicate if not he was dead before entering the water, if he hit his head surely he would gasp and take in water, speculation outside of an autopsy is futile. There again this is Thailand.

  7. They will find someone to get the reward. Then hopefully sometime after, they find the real murderer.

    It only confirms the RTP ability to investigate a crime when after 5 days they need to offer a reward.

    What time would be more appropriate to offer a reward? Please give us an instant between the event and 5 days and your logic behind nominating it.

    BTW rewards are normally offered to increase public assistance when initial investigations fail to turn up sufficient evidence.

    BTW rewards are not paid to cops in most areas of the world.

    Thailand is in a class of its own.as are the BIB.

  8. Who in the right mind would even consider reading the Mirror?

    The headlines look like they would be written by a Thai or Filipino.

    The article reads like it has been written by a primary school kid.

    The picture is stolen.

    The whole story is just crap and badly researched.hu

    BTW - in 1985 there was no Full Moon Parties on Koh Phangan,

    in fact, there was no parties at all at that time.[/quot

    Seems you read this crappy news sheet along with millions of your fellow Brits , so why not ask them why they are retarded.

  9. At least the economy, quarter on quarter is growing, not as fast as projected, but growing nevertheless.

    Might delay any proposed interest rate hikes though which is good for our economy, but maybe not so good if you are living in Thailand and hoping for a better exchange rate.

    Everything is done for the so called "economy" You know the "economy" where people up to their necks in debt look for more cheap easy money. Yes we stupid retirees that saved our money all our lives believing all that government drivel we were spoon fed about "saving" for our retirement. Well folks we are here now in the "promised" land. Your money in the bank makes almost zero interest and banks could soon charge you to park it there and the "casino" rigged stock market seems like your only option left. "Real" inflation is eating your money up not the rubbery numbers the governments spout. We get little or no cost of living increases. Now your retired in a foreign country and the government wants to penalize you for this as well. In my case my country's currency has dropped 25% thanks to previous government mismanagement of the "economy" and this one trick pony called the almighty greenback. The Federal Reserve thanks to willing politicians set up this mad mess some 100 or more years ago in a middle of the night coup. The almighty dollar being made the King of Kurrencies is the spoils of the 2nd World War. To the victor go the spoils. Yes we retirees are the dinosaurs of the world. We have a little money left but the government is staying awake nights trying to steal even that from us. As the movie states "Its a Mad Mad World"

    Go get undulated and get a life.

  10. Recently I was in Nong Kai, I visited a really popular restraunt that had great food but saw two things on the menu one odd and one I would die of hunger before eating.

    The first was steamed ducks bill, now who the hell would eat that, maybe the same crew that eat chicken feet.

    The second was fried frog skin and it was not a typo, saw a local order this and devour it with gusto.

    Myself I would rather die than eat Issan sausage, or fried bugs.

    How about you ?

    What's the strangest thing or most revolting to a Western palette you have seen Thai people eat or advertis.

    Please keep your answers gentlemanly if you get my drift.

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