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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. 2 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

    My usual comment is to stop provoking these idiots, but now I know what it's all about.


    Clearly the provocation by the US & S.Korea is deliberate. They want to keep threatening the N.Koreans and bring them to a state of near apoplexy in the hope that the being on the brink of crisis shakes something up in their internal system that causes the whole house of cards to fall.


    Everyone may agree with that. However, the alternative is to just leave them alone. Then we wouldn't hear a peep out of them. We ought at least to be aware that the perceived  'threat to world peace'  is chimerical, created by our own politicians.

    Total rubbish, never read such dribble.

    obviously you are out of touch with reality, I urge you to get back on your medication.

  2. 1 hour ago, Get Real said:

    As I always say. The comment you quoted had 10 positive likes, and basically only you call it BS, and want to make a sarcastic joke about it. If that doesn´t tell you something, nothing ever will.

    Also as always. People with no feeling of respect , just doesn´t get it!

    Many immigration officers are as bent as a wet bamboo cane, I have zero respect for corrupt police, having been demanded five hundred baht to get visas transferred to anew-passport in Hua Hin I don't give a shit what they think about how I dress, I dress according to my own pride.

    ref Korat immigration people who do the ninety day report are professional very nice people and I show them respect with a .wai.

  3. On 1/28/2017 at 9:55 AM, SantiSuk said:

    '..... Also any information on obtaining prescription medicines in the area."


    Outside a 3km radius of my own village I wouldn't have a clue of any of the names of the other villages in my area. Perhaps there's another falang who lives within 3km of you who also reads the Isaan forum. On second thoughts, probably not. Then again maybe I'm the only one here who hasn't heard of the famous Nongkoon village



    Yeah I know - "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit". Sorry - couldn't resist.


    Very few meds in Thailand require a prescription but you are likely to need a large regional city pharmacy, and even then there is probably only one or two in any such city that has an extensive stock. The abundant small pharmas are a waste of space for anything other than popular Thai meds.  Within this eastern part of Lower Isaan I travel 85km to the city of Ubon to find such a pharmacy (corner of Luang and Prammathip in the old Chinese part of town opposite a Yamaha dealer if anyone is interested).


    If you do happen to need regular quantities of expensive meds it's worth considering stocking up on a Bangkok visit. Eg, a non-standard antibiotic I take prophylactically for a lung condition costs 160 baht for a week's supply in a particularly cheap good Bangkok pharma I use, 180 or 200 in that Ubon pharma (seems to be a bit variable there), 320 baht in a popular falang pharma on Sukhumvit Rd Bangkok and as much as 500 baht if prescribed in a private hospital pharma!! There's a very cheap local made version at 100 baht, but it's worse than useless for me - that's not a condemnation of all 'local-mades' though as I have had no problems with local made versions of other popular antibis.

    Rwhat the hell as this got to do with taking a niece to Laos .?

  4. On 1/18/2017 at 1:08 PM, Crossy said:

    We dropped True some months back, we only had a minimal subscription anyway and the free digital terrestrial TV has better picture quality.


    For my Western TV fix I use one of the easy-to-use UK TV services.


    Can you help me and explain what you get and how? You can pm me.

  5. Can anyone recommend a product to clean black mould from shower and shower curtain, have looked in home pro and du home but can only find products for pink mould, many thanks for any advice.

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