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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Oh, my. They gotta stay in refugee camps and eat gov't-issued MRE? Can't check into hotels, eat & drink at restos, hit the bars, shop in the malls and the markets? No swimming & sunbathing? Bring 'em on.
  2. Open your eyes. Look for the lovely daughters. Won't be many of those this time. No draft worries on their part.
  3. So much for our head Pattaya Doomster's claim that Russian tourism has no prospect of reviving.
  4. Great, you'd probably just detract from the scenery offered by those Russian hotties on the beach. Already got a few nearby me wearing their thongs out there daily. ????
  5. Or the Brits. Better manners and a lot better looking. Spoken English possibly a little more understandable.
  6. Detain you until you produce your passport within 24 hours and proceed from there one way or the other. This, if you're under suspicion for a possible crime. Just saying better.
  7. Sometimes, when I'm on my bike heading out from my building on a trip that'll take me onto the highway, I think of the opening scene of that movie where T. E. Lawrence gets up to speed on his Brough Superior to meet his fate.
  8. 9 Unique Benefits of Coffee "Noticing" anything or "feeling OK with/without it" is the usual red herring. Would you notice the progress of AD slowing or your liver fighting off that Chang? Well, no. I have at least one big mug of coffee daily. If I'm hitting the gym, I'll have some not long before. But it happens that I like coffee. Black. Strong. Good gawd, the binary thinking here. I drink a big mug of tea in the morning ALSO. WOT??? 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Black Tea Hedge your bets, ha ha. The numbers can offer some evidence. Mine are staying where they should be, so there's that anyway.
  9. "Saved settings are available whenever you sign in." I'm not signing in. Screw that. OMG. Every time you go to Lazada, you got to search for the link first????? How 'bout some memory supplements? Or just learn to use bookmarks fer chrissake. Lazada, Aliexpress, Shopee, Tesco, Makro, and the Thai banks all have icons sitting in front of me on my bookmarks toolbar. I got icons for TVF, Reddit, and Daily bookmark groups for all the sites and forums I browse and I open all the pages in a group at once. If you GOT to have Thai Google so you can browse to the link to Lazada, switch to another browser or use a search engine switcher like this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/address-bar-search-engine./jbnopeoocgbmnochaadfnhiiimfpbpmf?hl=en
  10. In Settings, add your own custom search engine using this address and make it default. https://www.google.com/search?q=%s&pws=0&gl=us&gws_rd=cr Might could change "us" to "uk." Gets read of all the Thai stuff.
  11. I'll take a look at this. Ten Thousand Saints was good, BTW. Springsteen was great until he became Obama's b*tch. But his music holds up w/ the notable exception ofThe Rising. He has a new album of Motown remakes that's really good.
  12. The circumspect with due regard for their afterlife. Follows an ancient Egyptian tradition. Never overestimate the intelligence of farangs in Thailand. Yes, should have packed bottles of Chang instead.
  13. I haven't read this whole thread. Ditch VLC and use Media Player Classic - BE. Used it for decades, like it much better than VLC. I only use VLC on Linux. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpcbe/
  14. BigStar

    Music Bar?

  15. Well, duh, you'll need to get it through your head that being insulin resistant still doesn't necessarily mean you have T2D or are even pre-diabetic. Yet. The point is to avoid becoming insulin resistant in the first place (staying low carb, avoiding insulin spikes) or to mitigate it as soon as the usual signs appear before it results in pre-diabetes or T2D. Read up on it.
  16. "Insulin resistant" doesn't mean T2D. Maybe you should start reading up on it.
  17. I enjoyed the battle and won. Pattaya has strict requirements, too, to help keep out all the riff-raff.
  18. First, the definition of balanced comes from the food industry in pursuit of its own self-interest. This idea may be more congenial now that we've all gone through COVID. Read all about it in Denise Minger’s Death by Food Pyramid: How Shoddy Science, Sketchy Politics and Shady Special Interests Have Ruined Our Health. Or Robert Lustig’s The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains. No, not conspiracy theories. Here it is in action: TEICHOLZ DISINVITED FROM FOOD POLICY PANEL: In a sign that the nutrition space is as defensive as ever, Nina Teicholz, an author who has publicly criticized the science behind the government's low-fat dietary advice, was recently bumped from a nutrition science panel after being confirmed by the National Food Policy Conference. The panel instead will include Maureen Storey, president and CEO of the Alliance for Potato Research and Education. --"Teicholz disinvited from food policy panel," https://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning-agriculture/2016/03/teicholz-disinvited-from-food-policy-panel-stabenow-grassley-let-usda-fda-review-syngenta-merger-fda-to-release-food-safety-tests-on-cucumbers-213410 The Alliance for Potato Research and Education, LOL. Nothing’s changed. COI = Conflict Of Interest Our analysis found that 95% of the committee members had COI with the food, and/or pharmaceutical industries and that particular actors, including Kellogg, Abbott, Kraft, Mead Johnson, General Mills, Dannon, and the International Life Sciences had connections with multiple members. Research funding and membership of an advisory/executive board jointly accounted for more than 60% of the total number of COI documented. —Conflicts of interest for members of the U.S. 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee There are 1,114 food lobbying organizations in Wash DC that spend over $3 billion a year. So you can ignore the "balanced" guidelines and just stick to nutritionally efficient foods, which would exclude starches and sugars of all types anyway--and so avoid the cumulative effect of insulin spikes. Problem is, by the time the insulin resistance shows on a fasting blood sugar test or HbA1c, damage has already been done and now you have serious problem. Those tests aren't THAT reliable, anyway. If in doubt, as you should be if you've previously been overweight, get the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). The results of that may put an end to the pop tarts. Whole foods aren't as safe as you might think:
  19. Having acquired insulin resistance from excessive carbs, insulin will then turn any extra calories from any source into more body fat. Fat, carbs, protein, doesn't matter. But a lot of processed foods have reduced the fat and increased the sugar, so then carbs become of greatest significance again.
  20. True, few diets are more unfashionable than the McDougall diet. Breatharianism, perhaps, even more effective for weight loss. But it's not clear whether you need to or not. We do hear "I feel good and am therefore healthy (don't need no checkup, even)" around here. Turns out the poster's taking a handful of meds. Or later coming into the health forum w/ various problems, all of which reflect metabolic syndrome resistance--before disappearing. Thinking it so don't make it so. And you've admitted to insulin drops requiring more carbs to be shoveled in, suggesting poor insulin regulation. So we can better tell if you need to get off the McDougall diet after you finally reveal (having been asked a couple of times) that TG/HDL ratio, the WHR, WHtR, and the results of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), the last of which you seem unwilling to have for some reason. And I'd get the scans to reveal how much visceral fat's accumulating in your liver, stomach, intestines, and arteries owing to McDougall. --https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Variation_in_visceral_fat_in_men_with_the_same_waist_circumference.jpg Turns out low carb can help: A low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diet reduced the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and despite no calorie restriction, participants with both NAFLD and type 2 diabetes lost 5.8% of their body weight, according to a randomized controlled study. --https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/976209
  21. Not being obese is helpful. This is #3 of the Principles of ANF Poster Longevity Science. 3. The Relative A relative of mine did nothing special and lived to 95. I probably will too. But Scientists reported on Tuesday that genes accounted for well under 7 percent of people’s life span, versus the 20 to 30 percent of most previous estimates. -- https://www.statnews.com/2018/11/06/life-span-genes-ancestry-database/ It's a variation of #2, the George Burns Hail Mary, buttressed by personal "evidence." You know that person who won the genetic lottery and seems to get away with eating trash all their lives and stay healthy? Well, get over it. You’re NOT that person and you need to work hard to reclaim your health. --Elie Jarrouge, MD
  22. Losing weight by different methods can bring the commonly-used measurements of diabetes into normal ranges if the "different methods" are put into practice soon after the initial diagnosis. But low carb seems best for the purpose. Studies have found low-carb, high-protein diets to be more effective in improving metabolic health and reducing weight, as well as being easier for subjects to stick to[*] than high-carb, low-fat diets.[*][*] --https://www.healthline.com/health-news/low-carb-diet-may-help-people-with-type-2-diabetes-go-into-remission#Low-carb-diets-linked-to-higher-rates-of-remission It's rather like alcohol being less effective to help alcoholics to overcome their addiction to alcohol. How long's that going to "work?" Researchers found that patients who stuck with a low carb diet experienced greater rates of remission at six months compared with those who did not strictly adhere to a low carb diet. Compared to other diets, low carb diets were associated with a 32 percent increase in diabetes remission. --https://www.healthline.com/health-news/low-carb-diet-may-help-people-with-type-2-diabetes-go-into-remission#Low-carb-diets-linked-to-higher-rates-of-remission
  23. Yes. In fact, nothing convinced me more of the validity of Social Darwinism than reading this forum and so observing it in operation. Living in Pattaya I see it firsthand as well.
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