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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. You are supposed to carry ID cos the law says you must. You don't carry ID cos you're lazy, stupid, careless, delusional, or hoping to delay your deportation an extra day or two. You don't have to carry ID showing your current Immigration status. But if asked you'll need to produce that passport, or have it produced if you're detained, within 24 hours.
  2. Did you try spraying a little contact cleaner in the ports (MB and HD) and also trying different SATA cables?
  3. You can get a new (used) AM3+ motherboard from Aliexpress cheaply. My spare computer runs an FX-8350; good 'nuff, so if the old Gigabyte M/B died, I'd just replace it.
  4. And given that the feeling would be mutual, staying away works best for you and the Patts economy.
  5. Very true. You've no doubt heard the old saying that "you can take the Brit out of the council estate, but you can't take the council estate out of the Brit." A lot of it, but, with some notable exceptions, it seems to emanate from a particular nationality. An Australian joke you may not have heard: Q: How can you tell when a jet landing in Australia is from England? A: When the engines are turned off the whining continues. So you can safely ignore the vast majority of complaints. OK, maybe you won't like that haircut you got for B60, but there are plenty of other barbers. You're agile enough to dodge the occasional misplaced paving stone.????Think: local Third World charm. Personally, if I go to a foreign country, I like it to be foreign. The "show stoppers" our professional whingers always bring up mostly have nothing to do with themselves. Like, their critical plans to sun themselves on the beach in the rain during low season were intolerably disrupted by one of those occasional afternoon FLOODS! Their fave hangout, the Bali Hai pier, isn't sufficiently beautified for their delicate sensibilities. The distinctively dystopian modernist Waterfront sculpture is offending them all the way in New Zealand! The only one of any personal relevance might be the lack of seating on the newer Promenade. In the good ole days our mongers could drink Changs from a 7/11 and chat w/ a lot of ho's w/o buying them a drink and maybe arrange a short-time, no bar fine. That's what it all comes down to. So, the Authorities ended most of that, a scene disgusting to normal tourists and hostile for normal women; now more people enjoy the Promenade than ever before. True, the aesthetics were better before, but time moves on. Roll with it.
  6. Sheryl earlier explained the difference between the old age benefit contributions and the medical cover: I signed up to continue medical cover. I took the old age benefit as a lump sum. My continuing w/ the medical had no effect on the amount paid for the old age benefit. I got no brochure explaining anything. HR took care of it all. If there were a brochure at that time, it would likely be in Thai and given out to Thais. HR showed me the list of hospitals from which to choose, in Thai, but I simply asked for Sirikit, as it's good and not so far away from my residence. I'd say the total of my medical contributions over the years more than covers the amount they've so far paid out. But that will surely change at some point.
  7. Taking out and putting back is a little something, but best clean the contacts while the components are out. Pencil eraser, classic. I'd spray a little contact cleaner into the ports before connecting back. Disconnect the video card when you disconnect the RAM etc. Also clean the contacts before reconnecting.
  8. But as you've called attention to your impressive awareness of stereotypical vids about Pattaya's famous red light district, you may watch those to your heart's content, as may the OP.???? Personally, having lived here for decades, I find those videos quite boring, esp. the idiot commentary over them.
  9. Sure. When I said "sweet side," were you perhaps thinking "cunnilingus?" Anybody don't know that? And so I chose a vid avoiding exactly those. I don't see your problem.
  10. Great idea. Pattaya has something for everyone, very diverse area. Quiet suburbs, beach, small Thai town (Naklua, Banglmung), Thai Riviera, nightlife (or not), fleabag rooms to penthouses. Extremely convenient--not just for buying Branston Pickle and the like but for restos, medical care, transportation, golf and other resorts, proximity to airports and Bangkok, visa services, etc. Weather's a bit better here than in other parts of Thailand. Inflation is worldwide, but Pattaya's prices will likely remain relatively cheap in competition with other resort areas. You wanna move out to the weeds, that's always an option. Here, for decades our trolls have always been proclaiming that everyone's leaving Pattaya and indeed Thailand. You may ignore those. Lot of sour grapes and revenge for imagined mistreatment. Most know little about greater Pattaya. Few wish to leave unless for financially relevant reasons such as for free medical care back home or free schooling for kids. Sometimes a Thai woman will persuade them to move upcountry to her village.???? A few get infected with the hellish brain-eating Whither Pattaya? Whither Thailand? space monkeys and troll until they finally win relief by leaving, with much noise & fanfare. Meanwhile, the vast majority moving here don't bother announcing it on the forum. Why would they? The vast majority contented with living here don't bother posting about it. Nobody in my building posts here. Anyway, if they did, our trolls would soon attack. So you'll need to live around in various areas and talk to people living here. Probably the cheaper rent you pay (or cheaper price you pay for a property) the greater the chance you'll run into malcontents. Having sufficient income and being able to afford more comfortable living conditions makes a big difference in one's attitude anywhere. Pattaya doesn't really offer that champagne lifestyle on a beer budget so many have sought in vain here; that's been a source of disappointment and whinging; but if you're adaptable, a beer budget will do.???? Here ya go: the sweet side of Pattaya:
  11. Nowt but its taste. How about just pouring half a shot of Red Cock white spirits into a glass of grape juice?
  12. No, not at their registered hospital. I got a virtual CT colonoscopy a couple months ago free of charge.
  13. Sour grapes ever present on the Pattaya forum. Enhances cred w/ the peanut gallery. too.
  14. You feel all better after getting in that obligatory Pattaya bash? Time for cookies and milk?
  15. Maybe just the opposite. All that panting, tongues hanging out, and fawning seem so weak. It suggests how easily farang can be manipulated and later led around by the nose, as indeed they almost always are, here and esp. back home. Women don't find it particularly attractive. Thai men, more macho, more dominating in a society still patriarchal. A Thai saying all Thais know is about women being the "hind legs of the elephant."
  16. Recreation, with added beauty show to draw more interest. Good 'nuff; worked.
  17. "Our" lads, with huge overhanging beer bellies? Merely spectators, I assume.
  18. I'm seeing Russian hotties out on the beach and in beach restos in Pattaya again. Very, very nice. Spillover from Phuket?
  19. Depends on whether you've got something else better to do, I suppose. If you plan to retire in Thailand, it would be worth it to teach a few years at an institution that will enroll you in Thai SS. When you leave the school, arrange to continue the (modest) payments. Then you can get continue to get free medical care and prescriptions for life.
  20. Be sure the installer and related .exe programs aren't being blocked by the firewall.
  21. This. Cancelled my cable subscription years ago. Convenient to watch while exercising at home, too.
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