For a start, I admire your optimistic expectation that the worldwide readers of your topic know the meaning of the acronyms BMO and TD you used.
Regarding your three points:
Most Thai banks do not treat the nationals of all countries equally. You mention North America somewhere in your post, but that still leaves two countries. It is US nationals who find it often more difficult to open a bank account in Thailand, apparently because of more paperwork and reporting required for them. FACTA or some other fancy thing particular to the USA
Having to choose between Bangkgok Bank (BKKB) and Kasikorn Bank (KASI), I would go for KASI. I find them much easier and less bureaucratic to deal with than BKKB. In fact, I gave up on BKKB when their e-banking got too complicated.
The best bank for a foreigner to open an account with in Thailand? A bank in Thailand that is the correspondent bank of your bank in your home country for the currency you transfer. Ask your home-country bank about it.
No, you don’t have to go to the branch of your Thai bank where you have your account to get the bank documents you need for your dealings with immigration if you live in another part of the country. However, some branches of some banks take longer to produce the documents than the branches of other banks. From reading this forum, it appears that BKKB branches take one week for some statements, whereas other banks can do it on the spot.
I am not aware of any particular benefits of partnerships or alliances with the acronyms you mentioned.
For the rest of your post, outward foreign remittances are an entirely different kettle of fish compared to inward foreign remittances and should be made the subject of a separate topic if and when the need arises. In the meantime, make sure ALWAYS to state the reason or purpose for the inward remittances and get from your Thai bank a printout of the receipt advice that includes that stated reason or purpose. The computers of Thai banks do not seem to be programmed to issue this receipt advice automatically and with full information.