I am inclined to agree with you.
By now, close to 100% of the population has developed some degree of immunity because of infection with Covid, often even unaware of it, or vaccination, or both.
The basic conern now should be to prevent overloading the hospitals with Covid patients, particularly in intensive care units.
Reporting the number of persons who tested positive seems totally useless. If reports are published, they should only be about ICU cases, perhaps alongside the number of remaing free beds in ICU.
People die every day, with or without Covid, but if the authorities keep statistic of Covid deaths, let them publish them if it makes them happy, preferably alongside traffic accident deaths for comparison.
Free vaccination should ideally be recommended and offered free of charge to old persons, eg 70 years and older, other persons at increased risk, eg with relevant pre-existing conditions, and perhaps also children, as they may not yet have a strong general immune system.
Mask wearing could be imposed by hospitals and other health care institutions and old people's homes for for their staff and for visitors, where considered important.