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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. I don't know if this tour organiser might have anything suitable for you. https://connectholiday.com/
  2. For inheritance, it depends on the degree of the relationship and the laws valid at the future time of the testator's demise.
  3. For a start, consider the possibility that 100,000 Baht per month might buy considerably less in 10 years in 20 years, in 30 years.
  4. That article is about the variant JN.1. XBC isn't mentioned even once.
  5. Could it be that these companies that accept and screen visa applications get a commission from the insurance companies they put on their list of recommended insurers?
  6. Stay home. Spend the New Year holidays in bed with your friend. As has been the case every previous New Year period, there will be slaughter on the roads. If you enjoy this spectacle, watch it on TV from the comfort of your home
  7. I thought it was the employers who pay the salaries of workers, not the Prime Minister.
  8. If your friend is not a hiphopper, she does not need the ALLIANZ Hiphop insurance. Let her sign up for the AXA Worldwide. I don't trust insurance companies that give their products childish names.
  9. Is it possible to have had Covid without knowing it?
  10. Hooray! Another topic about the recently announced revised guidelines issued by the Revenue Department to their staff regarding the taxation of foreign income remitted to Thailand. How many of these topics do we already have? At least three dozens, I reckon. Anyway, it's good entertainment reading the replies. Keep them coming!
  11. Troll posts are annoying. I see them rarely and when I do see one I click on the three horizontally arranged dots at the top right of the post and take it from there to report it. What annoys me even more is seeing that somebody has replied to a troll post and that this resulted in a lengthy off-topic discussion, derailing the topic completely. Disgusting!
  12. I am inclined to agree with you. By now, close to 100% of the population has developed some degree of immunity because of infection with Covid, often even unaware of it, or vaccination, or both. The basic conern now should be to prevent overloading the hospitals with Covid patients, particularly in intensive care units. Reporting the number of persons who tested positive seems totally useless. If reports are published, they should only be about ICU cases, perhaps alongside the number of remaing free beds in ICU. People die every day, with or without Covid, but if the authorities keep statistic of Covid deaths, let them publish them if it makes them happy, preferably alongside traffic accident deaths for comparison. Free vaccination should ideally be recommended and offered free of charge to old persons, eg 70 years and older, other persons at increased risk, eg with relevant pre-existing conditions, and perhaps also children, as they may not yet have a strong general immune system. Mask wearing could be imposed by hospitals and other health care institutions and old people's homes for for their staff and for visitors, where considered important.
  13. Nothing at all, unless the mask is worn to cover the orifices through which air is inhaled into the lungs; and wearing a mask is not about getting a respiratory virus, but about reducing the risk of getting it.
  14. That's great, a subsidy for people not to commit criminal acts. Now, I'm waiting for the announcement of a susidy for not murdering people, so that I can apply for it.
  15. I find the news article to which a link is given in the OP interesting because it does not say who or what the "group 608" is, other than to mention that it "includes unvaccinated children"
  16. It is ambiguous, but I take it to mean a natural person resident in Thailand for tax purposes, regardless of the persons nationality.
  17. The Thai tax return forms ภ.ง.ด.90 and ภ.ง.ด.91 ask for the declaration of all assessable income, not of all income. Not all income is assessable income, and not all "income into Thailand" is assessable income.
  18. Yes, did not say an uninterrupted period of 180 days. you said Source: https://aseannow.com/topic/1312798-tourists-having-to-file-a-thai-tax-return/?do=findComment&comment=18527328 In my book, not leaving the country for 180 days means an uninterrupted stay of 180 days.
  19. You can, in fact, be tax resident in more than one country.
  20. You can be a tax resident, ie a resident for tax purposes, simultaneously in more than one country. This is the reason why agreements for the avoidance of double taxation exist between some countries.
  21. This description of what makes a foreigner in Thailand is not correct. It does not have to be an uninterrupted stay of 180 or more days. It is the total number of days within a tax year, which in Thailand currently is a calendar year, that counts. Source: Thailand's Revenue Code
  22. The Thai Revenue Department does not ask persons who claim a tax refund to report all their "income into Thailand"
  23. The difference probably is that Expat68 never gave his bank his Thai TIN (Tax Identification Number) and therefore his bank continues to withhold 15% tax on the interest paymenyts and every year he goes to the tax office to file a tax return and claim a refund of the withholding tax on the bank interest. Nothing wrong with that, particularly if you live in a remote place and maybe welcome this annual opportunity of social interaction.
  24. What exactly is your problem? Where are your 600 dollars (USD?) now and where in Bangkok do you want them to get to?
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