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Posts posted by allane

  1. 1 hour ago, tgeezer said:

    In your position in 1990 I pointed out that I had a visa in my old passport so the two passports were securely tied together.  When I renewed in due course, the permission to stay stamp plus a reference to the old visa was put in the new passport. I continued with two ‘married’ passports until they expired. 


    The rule has been changed since then. As Jip99 said above, they will now only extend your visa to the expiry date of your current passport.

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  2. 19 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:



    People on here have often mentioned they have fixed term deposit accounts used for their 800k, it's possible they get over the issue if they can withdraw but they lose interest, maybe someone will confirm?


    Look for a statement in your bankbook to the effect "No interest will be paid on funds withdrawn before the maturity date".  That indicates to you, and to Immigration that the funds can be withdrawn at any time.  Immigration doesn't care if you lose your interest.

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  3. I think you have a much better chance of opening a fixed-term acct. at a branch where you have a savings acct. than at a branch where you do not. It takes their little brains much longer than it takes yours or mine to process the same information, and here I am referring to matters in general, not something involving a language barrier. I think if you had waited a bit longer at your existing bank, you would have got it.

    Go back and try again. Wear the best clothes and shoes you have, so you don't look like some here-today, gone-tomorrow tourist.If anyone asks why you left the previous time, tell them that you didn't have time. Give them time to come to terms with the fact that you somehow managed to open your existing account while on a tourist visa. If someone there made a mistake seven years ago, that is not grounds to deny you now.  They now presumably have seven years of evidence that you are not a foreign criminal.

    • Sad 1
  4. "Moving companies" as we know them in the west don't seem to exist in Thailand.  That said, I do recall once seeing something in the Chiang Mai forum, where someone had found a trucker willing to do long distance moves. Perhaps, put a post there. If word gets around that the customer is a farang, you will probably have far more offers than you need or want.

  5. It is very hard to find a source to state that something is not  required. I personally worked at a language school and know that all the foreigners working there did not have degrees.

    The view of the Dept. of Education can besummarized as follows:

        - K -12 schools are compulsory; the teachers who work in them should meet a certain standard.

        - language schools are a business; anyone who thinks that their instructors are not good enough can     take their business elsewhere.

  6. Your friend can go to the Labour Dept. office and cancel the W.P. by herself.  She needs nothing from the school. They will likely post-date the cancellation for a couple of days if she requests. That will give her time to exit the country.

    Is she on a Visa (original entry to Thailand), or is she on an Extension of Stay ? If the former, she can stay in Thailand until it expires. If the latter, it ends the day her job ends.  She should take proof of her W>P. cancellation (the receipt  which she will be given by the Labour Dept.) when she exits Thailand.

  7. A somewhat generalized answer to your question, as I have only done the Morchit - Khorat trip once.  You are asking for two things which may be incompatible, non-stop service, and a stop-on-demand once you reach Khorat.

    Terminal 21 would only require a 1 km "backtrack" from Baw-Khaw-Saw (Bus Station) 2, and there are numerous songthaews plying that route. I would suggest you get a non-stop bus, even if "non-stop" means literally that; i.e. no stops before the Baw-Khaw-Saw.

    If you must disembark at Terminal 21, you should take a second class bus. I would not rely on the word of the ticket sellers. They likely neither know nor care if the bus stops at Terminal 21; their only objective is to sell you a ticket.

    Service on this route is very frequent; you can probably do it without an advance reservation, though May 18 is the Saturday of a long weekend.

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