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Posts posted by allane

  1. I did mine from within Thailand; I had been working in Thailand at the time. As I was, you might be asked to document where the B 800,000 came from. In my case it was money I had earned and saved in Thailand. I provided copies of 5 yrs. of income tax returns.  This was enough to convince them that I could have saved that amount of money.

  2. This whole requirement to lock-up money post approval is brand new, so none of us are going to know anything definitive for at least a year. That said, my guess is that it would be acceptable. Keep your deposit book for whatever account the money is presently in, to ensure a complete three month paper trail.

    Having the money in more than one account has always been acceptable.

  3. Err on the side of caution, especially if this will be your first one. You have to allow for time zone differences and the possibility of a holiday on one end or both ends,  From my experience, the banks have a deadline threshold once every business day. If you miss that deadline by a moment, you lose 24 hrs. right there.

    Don't be overly impressed by people coming on here and boasting "My bank's better than yours, because I once received a SWIFT transfer in 18 hours".  Maybe they did, but you shouldn't expect lightning to strike the same place twice.

    • Like 1
  4. To clarify my chronology last year:

       - My extension of stay was valid until Apr. 18, 2018

       - I went in on Mar. 19 and renewed my extension to stay.  They put me "Under Consideration"; to return  on Apr. 19.

       - I went back the next day, Mar. 20 and got my Re-entry Permit (I think I didn't do it on the 19th because

          Immigration required me to come back one day sooner than I had anticipated; that meant I had to rebook my international flight, & didn't want to do the R.E. Permit before that had been done.)

        - I returned to Thailand on Apr. 17.  Suwannaphum Immigration were a little bemused that I only had two days remaining on my extension, I told them I would be renewing it two days hence.

         - I reported to my Immigration office on Apr. 19, 2018.

    • Like 1
  5. 30 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    is this required where you are?  CW only requires the guarantee letter showing current balance along with the passbook.  i use a fixed account, with no transactions, so there are only 2 or 3 updates all with the same balance (unless interest added).  i have a separate savings to show money flow, but so far not asked.


    i thought the new order directed 2 months prior and 3 months after for all applications.

    The developing consensus on here seems to be that it remains as before; 2+3 for first-time applications, 3+3for renewals.

    • Like 2
  6. An alternative for you to consider:  The Post Office will ship items as large as a motorcycle (if you put enough stamps on it????). The division that does it is Logispost. Ask at the counter that sells cardboard boxes.  And the recipient can pick up the shipment at the P.O., anytime they are open.

    • Like 2
  7. - I never return the wai of a complete stranger.

    -if I encounter someone I "know" on the street (such as a store clerk I have dealt with many times), I wai them only after they have waied me.

    - teachers don't return the wai's of students.

    -with respect to young people; 15 is something of a watershed age in Thailand;

      - if he is less than 15, you don't return the wai.  If he is 15 or more, follow the rules I have stated above.

    - one more note re the workplace; age trumps rank.  I used to work at a school where the department head position was filled on a rotational basis. When a younger teacher took the chair that had been previously occupied by an older one, I saw the younger one still initiated the wai, even though she was now the department head.

  8. Over the years, I have had fixed-term deposits at three different Thai banks.  All have had the same structure; you can walk in any day, deposit some money, and that starts a new term deposit with the same time limit as the others in that account.  It does not affect the maturity date of any other deposit(s) in that account. Same bank book, same account number.

    If, for example, you already have a 6 month account, and decide that you also need a 3 month account, you will be given a second bankbook with a different account number.

  9. I have now consulted with a teacher I know. He doesn't yet have his 5 yr. teaching licence, though he almost does.  As you are probably aware, you can't apply for a Work Permit yourself, it has to be done by the employer. My friend says that if you have a 5 yr. licence, there is no need to involve Khrusapha again, just submit a copy of the licence along with your contract, university degree and transcripts. I presume you know that they will want to view the original copy of your degree and transcripts. And of course, they will want a copy of your passport and photos.

  10. I am going to leave your first question to those whose experience is more recent than my own. With regard to cancellation of your Work Permit. You can do this yourself, with nothing required from your school.  If you expect that your new job will be in the same province, try to ensure that your current school does not cancel it until your new school is ready to apply for your new one. And the same for your Non-Immigrant "B" Visa, or Extension of same, whichever you currently have.

    If you are proceeding to cancel your own W.P., simply take it (and your passport, to confirm your ID) to your Labour Dept. office. They will give you a T.D.10 (taw-daw 10) form. This is your receipt to prove cancellation. Keep it to present in conjunction with your new W.P. application.

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