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Posts posted by allane

  1. I have just had my memory jogged by another post. The Jomtien bus terminal may be completely closed on Friday April 19, 2019. This would mean the cancellation of all departures that day. This came to my attention a year or two back, when I attempted to help a foreign tourist who was trying to buy a bus ticket for that date.  If you are planning to travel on the 19th, may I suggest that you go in there on the 17th or 18th to check if there will be service on the 19th.

  2. Can you go to your Embassy in Bangkok and complete a Statutory Declaration that you are the person named on the degree ?  "I solemnly swear that....  ......I am aware that completing a false declaration is a criminal offence.....

      - you sign it in front of an official from the Embassy

      - he signs and seals it, to indicate that it was executed in front of him, and henceforth is a legally     enforceable dcument.

  3. Where will you be applying ? Come back here with a checklist of all the documents you will be providing. People on here can likely spot if you have forgotten anything. On application day, be standing at Immigration (or your bank's door, if you need a bank letter) at opening time. If somebody places an unexpected roadblock in front of you, you at least have the rest of the business day to deal with it.

  4. Greetings. I did it just over a year ago, using B 800,000 which had been in the bank for at least 3 months. But my Extension of Stay for Employment was still valid. All I had to do was cancel my Work Permit and then go to Immigration with a bank letter (confirming my current balance) and a photocopy of my bank book for 3 mo., plus photo, rental contract etc.

    If your Non B Visa is now void, what sort of visa do you presently have ?

    Assuming you can overcome this hurdle, go with the B 800,000 money in the bank method, since you have the funds.  Worry about switching to the income method later.

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  5. If you are a member of a pension plan, save 10% of your salary every month, without fail.  If you are not, save 20%. Term deposits,,bonds and dividend-paying stocks are all acceptable. As my mother used to say "take care of the satang, and the baht will take care of themselves".  Actually, that isn't exactly what she said, but you probably get the idea. And most important of all: Start today.  Compound interest is a great friend.

  6. You have it backwards.

    You need a degree to obtain a Work Permit to teach legally in K - 12 schools and post-secondary.

    You do not a TEFL course to obtain a Work Permit. Of course, it will look better if you have one, but it is not a legal requirement.

    You can teach at language schools (legally) without a degree.

  7. -if you are planning to stay 7 days or less, you can apply for an extension at your local Immigration office. It will be rejected, but they will give you seven days to leave.

    If you want to stay more than seven days:

    - if you are sure that you will never work in Thailand again, you can simply leave, and then return as a tourist.

    - if you want to protect your right to work here in the future, cancel your W.P., and take the receipt which they will give you to your Immigration office. Then, follow the procedure outlined above; this will keep you legal long enough to exit Thailand.

    -some Immigration offices/border posts want to see a termination letter from your employer, so you may want to get one, if you plan to exit via Laos, or if your local Immigration office says you need one. You or your employer can probably check by phone in advance.

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