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Posts posted by allane

  1. I have one of these accounts, though I've only had it a few months, and have not withdrawn any deposit before the maturity date.

    With another Thai bank, I  once made an early withdrawal, and received no interest on the withdrawn portion. Yes, I think your initial understanding is correct.  If you do decide to make an early withdrawal, come back here and tell us what happened.

  2. Check out the JR Rail Pass. Unlimited travel for a specified period, at a very reasonable price. I haven't been there in years; information is probably available online now. I have been to Japan twice. When I went , the JR Pail Pass was only offered to foreigners, and had to be purchased before arriving in Japan. When I went, I bought it from a travel agent.

    The Japanese rail system is marvelous, trains are frequent, clean and punctual. 

  3. A couple of times I used Roongprasert Transport Bangkok to Mahasarakham. They stopped in Ban Phai.  I never used it going the other way.  Go to the Baw-Khaw-saw (bus terminal) and ask. These buses tend to run full, or close to it, so best to make an advance reservation in any case. They will call Sarakham, and tell them to leave an empty seat for you.

  4. In 21 years here, I have lived in five different provinces ,and  worked in a sixth. I can think of at least three instances when I had active accounts at two different branches of the same bank. Only once was I asked why I had  two accounts . This was when I went in to replace an expired debit card. I told the clerk I spent 80 % of the time in one province, and 20 % in the other. This satisfied her.

  5. Nationwide figures for Thai adults:  tobaccoatlas.org   2013  Men  37.4%  Women:  2.2%

                                                                     World Health Org.  2007  Men  41.7%  Women:  1.94%

    - take them for whatever they may be worth

    - I highly doubt if regional/local figures are surveyed or recorded

  6. Joe, 

    With regard to your Post#2 above. I recently "unretired" after 6 yrs. on a Retirement visa. I went back to work on a Non-immigrant "B" visa. At the time I did so, I topped up my retirement visa bank account to B 800,000 by bringing in funds from my home country. I did this to give myself maximum flexibility in terms of retiring again. It is already more than two months since I brought those funds in.  I have saved my Canadian bank statement which indicates a transfer out, though it does not indicate the destination country or currency.

    In your opinion, is this likely to be sufficient for me to return to a Retirement Visa in a year or two ? Or perhaps I will be facing an implicit demand that I either "recycle" the B 800,000 through my Cdn. bank, or bring in an additional B 800,000 at that time ?


  7. The real meaning of eco-tourism is to limit the number of visitors to environmentally sensitive natural areas. This is normally accomplished by increasing the price until the number of visitors has been reduced to the target level. The tourism operators can make almost as much money as previously, if it is done correctly. Think "quality tourist" !

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