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Posts posted by allane

  1. On one occasion, I did this, and all within a half a day or so. 

    I. turned in my old WP at the Labour Dept. I think I did that a day or two earlier. On the day in question, I met with the Personnel Officer from my old job in the Immigration office at 9:00 a.m.,, did the necessary paper work, sat there, and then met with the Personnel Officer of the new job in the Immigration Office at 10:;; a.m. Probably, all was completed by 11:00 a.m.

    Make sure that you stay on good terms with the key people at the place you are leaving. No need to leave the country. 

  2. The last time I flew Air Asia was approx. 2011. At a small airport, they would not let us board the plane for the return leg of our flight because we were not there 60 min. before departure. Our tickets said nothing about this, except that it was our responsibility to be there in plenty of time. We had been given no telephone number, e-mail address or website to do that. And the kid at the counter knew that it was his job to keep us off the plane, not to see if he could do anything to get us on. I will never fly Air Asia again.

  3. In 21 years here,I have had two occasions when an ATM debited my account but did not eject the money. If you want to contact someone, you need to contact the bank that issued the card, not the bank that owns the ATM. I say "if you want to", because I think that after three or four days, the money will be restored to your account even if you do nothing. Note to those using non-Thai ATM cards: it reportedly takes longer; maybe a week or two.

  4. I was a teacher for fourteen years at Thai schools. For a year or so I worked with a guy from Manchester. I could understand about half of what he said. One day, a group of my English Immersion Program students asked me "Can you understand Teacher X ?" When I told them that I could understand half of what he said, they told me that they couldn't understand him at all.

    I later worked with another guy from Manchester, and I could understand everything he said. That made me think that the first guy must have been from some small village in the hinterland of Manchester, and realized that no one in Thailand would have ever heard of the place.

    As for myself, I was told on several occasions that students and Thai colleagues liked my Canadian accent. I actually think that whatever accent the foreigner may have is not too important, if he speaks slowly, keeps his grammar and vocabulary at an appropriate level for the target audience, writes most of what he says on the whiteboard, and avoids the use of regional slang. 

  5. In general, there is no prohibition against someone on a retirement visa sending money out of the country. Like any other resident foreigner, you will be subject to an annual limit of US $25,000.

    Don't bring more money to Thailand than what you actually need. This is a semi-developed, third-world country. Who knows hat the situation here may be in 10 or 20 years ? Things could take a nasty, anti-foreigner, turn here on relatively short notice. Those of us who were here in the aftermath of the 1997 financial crisis remember.

  6. Use any northbound bus on Phahoyothin Road to get you north of Ayutthaya Road. (one stop north of the Airport Rail link). Then switch to bus # 77 northbound. It has a stop right outside the NCA terminal.  You can also board the northbound 77 on the south side of Ayutthaya Road at the first stop east of its intersection with Phahonyothin Road.

  7. Greetings from a fellow Canadian. Canada does it differently than most other countries discussed on this forum. When you get your new passport, they will return your old passport to you. On the "Observations" page (near the front of the PP) in the old  passport will be a rubber stamp saying "This passport has been replaced by Passport # xxxxxx; please transfer the stamps accordingly."

    Relax ! If they will do it for a Russian, they'll do it for you !

  8. Having been through this experience myself, permit me to offer a couple of points of clarification:


    4. I take Ubonjoe's statement as being true, but that did not stop Immigration from asking me where the funds came from, with the      unspoken insinuation that with B 800,000 in the bank,  I must have been engaged in some sort of illegal activity. I provided copies of five year's income tax returns, which was enough to satisfy them.

    - to the OP and anyone else who wants to establish a bank account that may be used to hold funds needed to satisfy an Immigration Dept. minimum:  Open an account as close as possible to the relevant Immigration office. It doesn't matter if that bank account is a long distance from your home or workplace. Having it close to Immigration saves a lot of headaches if one or the other starts giving you the royal runaround. This comment is most applicable in rural areas, where distances and travel times tend to be greater.

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  9. We have the True "Gold" package.Some foreign-originated channels are broadcast in Thai, but using our remote control they can be reset to English. However, it is necessary to re-do this every time we switch channels. Send me a Private Mail if you want a list of the channels I am referring to.

  10. Assuming that you can't read Thai, I too was going to recommend Union Language School in Bangkok.I don't have personal experience, but 2 or 3 people have spoken highly of it to me. Website:  www.unionthailanguage.com  Payap, like Union, has ties to the Church of Christ in Thailand. If you are lucky, they might offer something there in Chiang Mai.

    Otherwise, I think that, outside of Bangkok, there would never be enough people in your category at any one time for anyone to offer a course.

    If you can already read Thai, you might try the Non-formal Education office wherever you are going to be living. If you don't know where it is, ask at the nearest public high school.

  11. I lived in Jomtien from 2010 - 2013. Some farang was driving around in a little teal blue pick-up feeding packs of dogs. He thinks he is doing the world a favour, and even has signs on the truck soliciting donations. I often wanted to tell him to take the dogs to his place and feed them there.

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